Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 19 - Wizards and Witches


With Devils, Gods, Demons, and Cultivators already created, there’s only one galaxy left to fill with life: the Magia Galaxy.

Here, we'll bring Wizards and Witches into existence.

I used to hear people say, “You’re a wizard, Harry!” It sounded intriguing, though I never knew the context. Wizards are often seen as cool because of their magic. Witches, on the other hand, don’t get the same praise. Why are witches associated with evil while wizards are celebrated?

I know the historical reasons behind this. Back in the 1500s and 1600s, ignorant men labeled medical care by women as witchcraft. Though not everyone views witches as evil, they rarely get the same admiration as wizards. Witches can perform magic just like wizards. So, what’s the real difference?

Alright, enough ranting.

Let’s start creating our first Wizard and Witch. And yes, there will be both male and female, of course.

“Use Major Skill: Creation to create one Wizard Vessel and Wizard Soul.”

“Use Major Skill: Creation to create one Witch Vessel and Witch Soul.”

“Use Minor Skill: Possess to let the Wizard Soul and Witch Soul inhabit their respective vessels.”

It’s fascinating, or perhaps amusing. Souls appear as shapeless blobs of energy. They seem solid but have no mass. They’re quite intriguing.

But where do souls go after death? Even I, as the Universe, don’t know. It might be because I’m currently in this physical form, which limits my knowledge. But honestly, I’m too lazy to investigate right now. After creating Wizards and Witches, I’ll find a large galaxy to turn into a realm of death. There, souls can reincarnate into their own galaxies or others, depending on their fate.

So, Wizards are humans. An ideal Wizard might look like an old man with a long white beard, but the one before me is just a regular middle-aged man in a cone-shaped hat and robes.

The Witch, however, is a different story. She looks nothing like the typical Earth portrayal. She has a slim, curvaceous figure, with the right amount of elegance and allure. She looks extraordinary.

Wizards and Witches, like Cultivators, have their potential shaped by effort, talent, and luck. If you’re lucky but have poor talent, you won’t reach great heights. Conversely, if you’re unlucky at birth but later find good fortune, you might still succeed. Most people fit this system, though there are exceptions.

Talent often comes from luck. If you’re born with good luck, you’ll have better talent. But being lucky at birth doesn’t guarantee lifelong success, and being unlucky doesn’t mean failure forever. It all depends on how nature favors you. Nature controls luck, and I influence it... though it’s mostly unconscious.

Talent, once set, usually can’t be changed. But I’ll allow for exceptions and loopholes.

Now, let’s name our creations.

For the male Wizard, “Harry Potter” wouldn’t fit. Instead, let’s name him William Merlin.

For the female Witch, I don’t have many Witch names, so I’ll name her after me for her first name. Let’s go with Autumn Blackwood. Blackwood sounds magical and fitting for a Witch, and it works as a last name for Wizards too.

“Use Minor Skill: Clone to make 1,000 clones each of William Merlin and Autumn Blackwood.”

“Use Minor Skill: Modify to alter the appearance of each clone.”

In an instant, hundreds of different faces emerged among the 2,002 Wizards and Witches.

I only made one Artifact for the Magia Galaxy, but there’s something I didn’t mention. This Artifact can only be used when a male and female truly trust and love each other. It’s a strict requirement, but it will be interesting to see the results!

Now, let’s send these Wizards and Witches to their new galaxy. I open a crack in space and walk through it with them.

You might not have seen my true appearance before. Except for my clone in the Abyss, no one has seen what I really look like. So, I’ll let all these Wizards and Witches see me and see how they react.

I snap my fingers, and all 2,002 individuals open their eyes, drawn to me as if I were a magnet. Seeing their attention, I turn and walk through the crack in space, leaving them with many questions.

It’s fun to be mysterious. It adds excitement to see how people will perceive me.

But enough about creating life. It’s time to move on to the next step: creating a place for souls to reincarnate!


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