Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 22 - Crafting the Afterlife


Alright, so first things first: I need to build a space that’s about 1/50th the size of the universe. Why 1/50th? Honestly, I don’t have a solid reason—it just feels right. Anything bigger would be overkill since souls reincarnate into different galaxies pretty quickly.

Now, not every soul will want to reincarnate. You could call them the "odd ones out." It’s a bit of a hassle because if every soul were eager to move on, the Realm of Reincarnation wouldn’t need to be as big. But hey, some souls like to take their time.

Sure, I could force them to reincarnate, but come on—this is the afterlife. They’ve done their time, maybe fought battles, and I’ve already enjoyed watching their journeys. They deserve a break. Besides, I’m not completely heartless… well, at least not all the time. *cough*

It’s a bit strange how I’ve become like this. If this were modern Earth, people might call me a psychopath or something. Not that I blame them. I’ve created species for war, death, and entertainment. Technically, I’m playing with lives. But honestly, I don’t feel much about it. Is this what the old universe meant by having a lack of emotions?

Anyway, back to the task at hand. I need to create a realm that’s completely separate from the physical universe. Only the souls of the dead will enter this place. Sure, ‘bugs’ might pop up—those annoying glitches that always seem to appear when you least expect them. You fix one, and another one shows up. It’s like an endless cycle, kind of like reincarnation.

Alright, I’m getting off track again. Let’s get on with creating the Realm of Reincarnation.

I use my Major Skill: Creation to form this new space, making it 1/50th the size of the universe. Instantly, it feels like a part of me has been used up. It’s like something is there, but not quite.

Since I’ve just created the space, I should check it out. I flick my wrist and a crack appears in the fabric of space. I’m getting pretty good at this. The process has become easier with practice.

I step through the crack to explore. I’m expecting it to be empty since it’s a new creation. Yep, there’s nothing here. It’s just like the abyss.

As I look around, it makes sense that the space is empty right now. But part of me wonders why. If you place a house on the ground and then create a new space where the house was, shouldn’t the house be inside that new space? So, shouldn’t there be some planets or something here since I created this space within the universe?

Maybe I don’t fully grasp what it means to create a separate space. Or maybe I’ve messed with the creation process without realizing it.

Either way, it’s time to move on. I need to create a system for reincarnation, set up an entity and its followers to manage it, and maybe even establish some rules. We’ll figure out what needs to be done as we go along. And if things don’t work out perfectly, I can always start over. That’s the beauty of creation, right?


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