Cover of Legend of Naemon by Tepiota

Legend of Naemon

Author: Tepiota







What would you do if you lost your noble title overnight and became a commoner?

This is the harsh reality for Naemon, who was expelled by the head of his family for being too ordinary. Not a genius, not a skilled fighter—just a simple boy with loving parents. Cast out into a world where his name means nothing, Naemon must navigate his new life and discover his true worth beyond titles and nobility. Join him on his journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the search for a place where he truly belongs.


This project is in it's infancy, so I can't reveal too much about it.

However, I'm tired of hero stories or stories where the MC is being controlled by a higher power. This story is about the life of Naemon. It could be a little slice of life.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Expelled Chapter 2 Training With Gunther Chapter 3 Education with Anne Chapter 4 Hand-To-Hand Combat Chapter 5 Plague in Horizon Chapter 6 Naemon's Spear Chapter 7 Escape Part 1
Total 14 Chapters All Chapters

Legend of Naemon is a popular web novel covering the genres Action, Adventure, Romance.
The novel was written by the author Tepiota.
There are currently 14 chapters avaible and the release of other chapters are in progress.



Chapter 1 - Expelled

A simple dirt road wound its way through the vast steppe. There were no signs of civilization anywhere, except for a modest wooden carriage accompanied by three riders, traveling along this road. The road was rudimentary, not made by hand but by long use. That's why the carriage bounced back and forth like an angry bull.

At the front of the carriage sat an elderly man dressed like a butler, who was the driver. His thoughts, however, were elsewhere. His face was full of worry—worry about the boy sitting inside the carriage.

"Why don't you talk to us, Naemon?" A gentle, feminine voice came from inside the carriage, laced with love and anxiety.

The voice belonged to a middle-aged blonde woman, the mother of the youth in front of her. She and her husband, Gunther, tried to cheer up their son but failed. All they got were half-hearted answers. They couldn't blame him, though; they were also devastated by recent events.

What was supposed to be a normal trip to a family gathering turned into a harsh blow of fate for the little family.

They were a branch of the Drei Family, which had a long tradition. Every year, all young people who came of age had to travel to the main family to present themselves and understand their place in the family hierarchy. A strong family needed a strong hierarchy.

Unfortunately, this year's meeting turned out differently than anyone could have expected. For the first time in the family's history, the head decided to reduce family ties, cutting off what he considered ballast.

"Son, look at me," Gunther spoke to his son. He had a massive stature with a bald head to match. A large scar ran from his nose to the back of his head. Although his life had been quiet and calm for some time, he still had his warrior's edge.

Naemon pulled his gaze away from the carriage window and looked at his father with empty eyes.

"I don't care what they think or say about you. You are my son, and only you decide who you are. You decide whether you are as average and unworthy as they think, or whether you are more! More than them and more than me." Gunther's intense voice penetrated Naemon's innermost being. Naemon's hazy eyes started to clear.

"Do you really think so?" Naemon hesitated.

"Of course, son! So what if they don't let you learn the family legacy? So what if they take your name?" Gunther clenched his fist. Despite his anger against the world and the main family, he couldn't let it out. He had to stay strong for his wife and his son and not do anything rash.

"Darling, as long as we are here, we will support you with everything we have," Anne spoke softly to Naemon.

"Listen to your mother, Naemon!" Gunther hit the wooden carriage wall.

Anne looked at her intense husband and shook her head.

"S-Sorry, honey. I got rallied up by my own words." He laughed nervously.

Just because Naemon was an average boy with parents who didn't have much influence, the head of the family decided to cast him out of the Drei Family. He was no longer Naemon Drei. Now, he was just Naemon.

His parents were still part of the family and could still manage the family property, but Naemon and any future siblings could no longer bear the name Drei.

He looked down at his fists, lost in thought. 'Yes, father is right. If they don't need me, then I don't need them either!'

He looked at his loving parents and smiled wholeheartedly.

"Mhm. I will not give up."

The elderly man in the butler's outfit led the horses and listened intently to his young master. He didn't even have to think about it. He would serve his young master with or without any pesky titles.


The journey was neither short nor easy. It took them three whole days to get back to their small village.

Naemon saw the shabby village entrance in the distance and felt a previously unnoticed tension leave him. He was back home.

The carriage arrived at the village entrance.

Naemon watched his father, who was outside talking to the three hunters who had accompanied them on their journey. He gave each of them a small gray bag. The hunters bowed and then rode back to their homes.

Gunther entered the carriage and said, "Manfred, let's keep going," to the elderly man in the driver's seat. Manfred pulled on the reins, and the carriage moved forward.

Their home was at the back of the village, so they had to drive through the whole village. As they passed the other villagers, Naemon saw them bowing to their carriage as usual. His family was the only noble family in the whole village. However, the bows were not because of their nobility but because the villagers felt respect and gratitude for the family, especially for Gunther, who protected the village from monsters.

Finally, they arrived at their family home. It wasn't quite a mansion, but it was still larger and more magnificent than the other houses in the village.

"Finally home," Anne said, leaving the carriage while humming a happy tune. Naemon and Gunther followed right behind.

Manfred came back from the stables and opened the house doors for Gunther and his family. "Master, please enter."

"Thank you, Manfred," Gunther replied, satisfied.

Naemon followed his parents into the living room. He watched them wearily as they talked to the servants who were hired to clean and cook for the family.

"Father, mother, can I go to my room?" he asked with half-closed eyes.

"Oh, just look at you. You're half sleepwalking!" Anne looked at her son. "But you're right. Hush, go and get some sleep, darling."

Naemon nodded groggily and dragged his body towards the stairs. His bedroom was upstairs, like his parents'.

He closed the door behind him with his foot and went straight to his warm bed. When he reached it, all his strength left him, and he fell onto the bed. Naemon couldn't keep his eyes open and fell asleep instantly.

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