Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 15 - God King Rymes


I don't remember much, but there's one memory etched into my mind.

That woman.

A mature woman with black hair, sparkling like the stars.

Even from behind, without seeing her face, I was stunned by her beauty.

But what stood out most was her aura.

Whoever she was, she was extremely powerful.

Even a quick glance at her, and I felt her power overwhelm me.

I unconsciously wanted to kneel in front of her, but my body couldn't move.

I could only watch as she walked through a crack that closed behind her.

What was that crack? Who was she?

Thinking back, I can't help but wonder. If she's this powerful, then what am I?

Yes, we're called Gods, and we're supposedly powerful.

Yes, I'm stronger than the other men and women, except my wife, Kola.

But so what?

I can't help but look down on myself and my strength.

The difference in strength between us is like heaven and earth.

It's not something you can compare.

If I challenged her to a duel, she could probably kill me without even trying.

That's how powerful she felt.

I've searched far and wide for years, but found nothing.

Where could she be?

Perhaps there's something bigger out there.

Something bigger than we, Gods, can imagine.

We've searched hundreds of planets and stars, but found nothing.

She's so mysterious and unfathomable.

I could never compare to her, even if I lived for millions of years!

She's someone I probably will never see again.

In the hundreds of years I've lived, I've done nothing much.

Yes, we Gods have established ourselves here.

Yes, we Gods have grown in numbers and strength.

But what's our goal?

What's our purpose?

We've explored far and wide, but every planet looks the same.

There's nothing different.

Then, 20 years ago, we found something unbelievable.

A planet.

Half of it was a massive crater, stretching millions of miles.

In the middle was a sword, emitting an immense power.

It would've been unbelievable if I hadn't seen that woman.

Her aura showed she was millions of times more powerful than this weapon.

But how?

How could someone so powerful come here?

Why didn't she want us to see her?

Why can't I find her?

How big is this place we're in?

I have no idea.

We've explored for hundreds of years and found nothing.

It's always the same lush plant life, beaches, and clear oceans.

The only difference is the stars.

Stars made of a glowing hot substance.

But what good are they, except for providing light?

So many questions remain unanswered.

Who is that woman?

Why was she here?

Where is this place?

And what's the meaning of our existence?


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