Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 38 - Unwelcome Surprises


What... the...?!

So, you’re telling me that because of a slip-up on your part, my personality might change?


It’s not just a chance anymore—it’s already happening! How can it only be a “slight” chance?

Either I’m incredibly unlucky, or the old universe was less than honest with me.

If it lied about the chances of a personality change, the excuse would probably be something like, “As I said, I’m not all-knowing.” That old cosmic bag of nothingness would likely use that as its best excuse.

But even though I’m fuming about this screw-up, it’s not exactly surprising.

Everyone makes mistakes, even the most powerful beings. Some get more chances to fix their errors than others. Me? I have plenty of chances to correct a mistake—I can just wipe the slate clean and start over.

No one is perfect. Perfection is just boring.

Why? Because if you’re perfect, nothing new happens. No surprises, no changes. You’ve got everything already, so what’s left to experience or achieve?

Alright, enough of that tangent!

Back to my personality change.

Is there a temporary fix for this? Something to slow down or stop the personality shift before it gets worse?

Let’s check the book.

*Flipping through pages*

Ah, here we go.

**Page 119: Temporary Solutions for Personality Changes**

There are no temporary solutions.

Deal with it at your own risk.

Sometimes, I really think this is just one big cosmic joke.

How can a universe be this lazy and careless? Even with a slip-up, you couldn’t be bothered to find a temporary fix? You didn’t even try to help me, except to suggest getting stronger?

It’s like you want my personality to change!

You might not see why I’m so mad. If my personality is indeed deteriorating and I keep gaining power, I could end up as some kind of psycho who revels in the destruction of billions, or even trillions, of lives!

I really don’t want to become that. That would basically doom the universe (and me) to a state of constant war, bloodshed, and death. No life forms would be able to live in peace—though, to be fair, the four galaxies probably wouldn’t have much peace anyway.

But I don’t want to force the entire universe into a state of perpetual conflict just because of my twisted desires.

It’s pretty sad when you think about it.

If possible, I’d rather not become that monster. So, I need to either suppress my growing urge to watch wars unfold or find a temporary solution to halt this personality shift until I’m powerful enough to fix the issue for good.


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