Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 32 - Visiting Selina


POV: Autumn

Well, compared to my meeting with Diablo, the encounter with Rymes was a bit of a letdown. At least I didn’t come close to having a panic attack this time. I guess you could say it was a win. Always look on the bright side, right?

Now, about my next visit—Demon King Baal and his wife. Ugh, do I really want to deal with them? The last time I saw Baal, he was, well, overweight and smelled like a stinky cheese. Not exactly the most pleasant experience. Honestly, I'd rather skip that visit.

So, let’s move on to the next stop: Selina. I’m curious to see how she’s holding up. After all, she’s the first female “protagonist” I’ve encountered. Not that I judge people by gender, but visiting a woman after a muscle-bound guy and a sultry devil is a nice change of pace. I’m wondering if her great-grandpa—the old Santa lookalike—has passed away by now. It’s been 400,000 years, after all.

I hope it hasn’t taken too much of a toll on her. As a cultivator, emotional burdens can seriously affect her progress. She needs all her mental and spiritual energy to continue her cultivation and absorb spiritual energy effectively.

Let me see what’s going on with her at the moment.

a few tries later

Ah, this is a bit heart-wrenching. I’m witnessing her father’s funeral. Wait a second… Selina has transformed significantly. She’s now an old lady with a face full of wrinkles. It’s been 400,000 years, so it makes sense, but it’s still a shock. She kind of reminds me of my own grandmother when I was human.

She doesn’t have long left, unfortunately. Maybe I can lend a hand to help her advance in her cultivation?

With a snap of my fingers, my outfit changes to traditional funeral attire (the funeral garb of the Delta Galaxy—won’t dive into details because, well, lazy). I make my way towards Selina.

POV: Selina

“In the name of the Founders, as well as The True Immortal, let Solmon enter the path of reincarnation and be reborn into this world anew.”

The priest finishes his recitation and lights the pyre. My father’s body turns to ash, carried away by the wind, paving the way for his reincarnation. In the Immortal Sect, we believe that keeping the ashes of the deceased obstructs their path to rebirth. It might sound odd, but it’s our tradition.

Most people would feel sorrow over losing a loved one, but I find joy in it. I’m glad for my father, at least.

Still, there’s a sadness. He was so close to reaching the Earth Immortal realm—something no one has achieved yet. If he had made it, his lifespan would have doubled, allowing him to live up to around 800,000 years. But fate had other plans.

At his death, he was the strongest Senior Immortal, surpassing even my great-grandfather at his peak. Now, I hold that title, but I’m struggling with my own limits. My body is too old to handle all the spiritual energy I’ve accumulated over the years.

I let out a heavy sigh and walk to a bench by the foggy pond, seeking solace in its serene waters.

“I’m sorry for interrupting, but may I sit by your side?”

A smooth, warm voice breaks into my thoughts. It’s so soothing I almost forget to react. How did she get so close without me sensing her? Even if I was lost in thought, I should have felt some shift in the spiritual energy.

Is she an incredibly skilled assassin?

I instinctively jump back and adopt a defensive stance, ready to fight for my life.

“Oh my! You don’t need to be on high alert,” she says, her tone calm and reassuring. “I’m just here to see how you’re doing after all these years.”

My heart races as I try to calm myself. “Who are you?” I ask, my voice still tense.

The woman gives a gentle, knowing smile. “I’m someone who’s been keeping an eye on you, and I’ve come to offer a little help. But let’s take it slow. I’m not here to cause trouble.”

I lower my guard slightly, still wary but intrigued. There’s something oddly familiar about her presence. She might just be the answer to my current dilemma.

“Alright,” I say cautiously. “If you’re here to help, then I’d like to hear what you have in mind.”

With a nod, she sits beside me on the bench, and we begin to talk. The serene environment of the pond contrasts sharply with the turmoil inside me, but maybe this conversation will bring some clarity.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the pond, I can’t help but feel a flicker of hope. Perhaps this unexpected encounter is just what I need to push through the challenges ahead.


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