Chapter 66: I'll call you Victoria
Coast of Whispers, Naleng Empire, Western Continent
On the western edge of the West Continent lies the Coast of Whispers. It was named by the first king of Naleng when his armies, having just conquered the continent, stumbled upon an entire field of flowers with colorless, translucent petals stretching for miles along the coast. As the king walked through the field under the cool light of dawn, the flowers seemed to call out to them as they swayed in the ocean breeze. So beautiful was the sight, that the king forbid settlement of the land, saying that the flowers reminded him of his wife. From that point on, the flower was known as Lover’s Whisper with the coast overlooking the sea being named after it.
A structure has long since invaded the virgin field. A gigantic cylinder of pure, snow-white stone looms on the coast. With no windows or doors of any kind, the tower remains a mystery to the multitude of seafarers that sail past. Yet the people of Naleng shudder at the sight of it and mention its name only in the darkest corners of their home.
Eden, the guild house of Paradise.
Within, a cloaked figure slowly climbed the central stairwell. Glowing crimson eyes were the only visible feature under the black hood because of his pitch-black skin, and not even the dying light of holy fire dared to touch him. Torches lit with the bright white flames flickered and died in his wake, drowning the stairwell in chilling darkness.
As he ascended to the top floor, he traced his fingertips along the walls, leaving streaks of taint on the stone as the voices of his guild members reached his ears.
"Enough Hungloe!" a voice cried out. "We've had enough of your excuses! We need to figure out how to deal with this wanna-be butler that's cock-blocking us! But whenever we come to see the Guildmaster, all we get is you!? Where is he!?"
The sounds of hooves shifting uncomfortably, echoed down the stairwell. "I've notified Lord Magnum of your problems, and as soon as I get a reply I'll relay it to you. But until then, we can try to come up with a solution ourselves."
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"No need, Hungloe, I'm already here." Magnum said. His double layered voice carried out into the room as he emerged from the stairwell.
The top floor of Eden was a central meeting place for the guild. It was were all events and meetings of importance took place. The circular room had an engraved mural wrapped around the room, depicting scenes of lust, greed, and violence. The long-table in the center of the room was made of ghostwood, resembling glass as the sunlight shined through it from the enchanted roof.
Several guild members seated at the table were stunned into silence. The centaur, Hungloe, was the only one with a relieved expression. He bowed low, with his black horns and burgundy pelt, glistening in the light. "Lord Magnum! I thank you for coming all the way here! I-"
"Shut the fuck up." Magnum said with a glare, silencing Hungloe as well. Then he began to walk around the room, casting shadows of his footsteps that slowly burned away in the sunlight. He admired the mural for a moment, cupping his hand around the breast of woman writhing in ecstasy, before he turned to the table.
"When I created this guild, it was so that people who were unable to find outlets for their...tastes could come together with like-minded individuals and enjoy the game. So they could play in this glorious sandbox that Sonsoft has provided us, without fear of being persecuted or ostracized." He said quietly, yet the subtle baritone carried his voice across the room.
"The only rule I established -the only rule- was that you stick to the bots. Because no matter what you do, if you stick to the bots, no one cares. Yet here I am, surrounded by rapists..." Magnum sighed heavily.
"But you-" one of the men started. He looked to be the youngest in the room, with barely any hair on his chin.
"What about me!?" Magnum roared, walking through the table to stand next to the young man who went quiet at his approach. "Finish your sentence! I recognize your voice from stairwell, so I know you don't have trouble speaking your mind!"
"H-how can you talk when you're even worse than we are." the young man stuttered as he eyed his comrades. "I mean, all of us are Chaotic players, but you're the only Diabolical player I've seen. You do whatever you want like we do, so why-"
The young man's sentence was cut short as his head was smashed into the table with demonic strength. The sound of his skull cracking against the transparent table was a rude awakening for those that witnessed it.
"Now, where was I?" Magnum asked as he shoved the corpse aside and used the chair to step onto the table. "Ah, yes. I was talking about rapists." he said as he began to pace the length of the table. "Unlike you stupid fucks, I am a law abiding citizen. Meaning anything and everything I do in-game stays in the game. Any bot I fix my eye on is fair game because a crime cannot be committed against code...anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. "
The room darkened as Magnum spoke. Shadows grew darker on the mural, and one could hear whispers coming from every dark corner.
"I used to have a nice house on the summer lands of the Sigurd Kingdom, filled with bots that waited on me hand, knee, and foot. Unfortunately, once the alignment system came into place, I was no longer able to touch them for long without killing them. And I find it a pity to waste a good bot." Magnum continued. The sunlight in the room returned to its former strength as he calmed. "So I thought I'd try my hand at being a drug lord instead. Nothing wrong with having a little money right?" He stopped in front of a bald man and commanded, “Ask me what happened to the house."
"W-what happened to the house?" the man stuttered quickly.
"What happened!? Oh, man! You won't believe this shit! I'm logged out watching a Centurions game, bawling -again- over the absence of the man who could only have been Jesus in shoulder pads, and a breaking news report interrupts it." Magnum glared down at the man. "Then I see your face on the screen, along with a few of your buddies, getting ready to have a go at a Traveler on live television with the 'P' on your neck in plain view.
"Shortly after, Paradise became the Guild of criminals, and a witch hunt was started in-game while Sonsoft got caught in a shit storm I-R-L." The room darkened again as Magnum’s face contorted in rage. "And while I was away, Marius, the Arch-Paladin himself, at the head of the entirety of Justice, set upon my little home-away-from-home and burned it to the ground. The bots that were loyal to me were killed while the others were set free..."
The man, suddenly fearing for his life, attempted to flee for the stairwell. But as he stood, a hand as black as the darkest night grabbed him by the face and lifted him clear off the floor. As the taint spread across his skin, his screams reverberated around the room.
"You ruined my fun!" Magnum snarled while he dangled the man by the head. The screams continued for only a few more seconds before the man lost consciousness. "Tch. Saved by the system." he muttered, dropping the man instantly. Then he turned to the remaining men who were seated. "I hope you can imagine what mood I'm in after having lost my bots and having my drug lord fantasy interrupted by your bitching!"
The men recoiled from his furious gaze. Even Hungloe, who was used to such outbursts, cringed.
"Make no mistake, I didn't come all the way here to solve your problems. I came here to rant about mine, and I hope you don't think any of you bitches, save for Hungloe, are going to leave here alive!" Magnum roared. The shadows on the wall swirled and snarled in unison.
"My Lord Magnum! I ask your mercy for a moment more. I have a gift that I think will find suitable!" Hungloe called out.
Magnum raised an eyebrow. "What is it? I'm not in the mood for bullshit today." he threatened.
"I found someone I believed to be a Sonsoft developer, and I found an extraordinary girl in his hide-away. I think she's one of the custom NPCs we talked about." Hungloe said.
The sunlight returned in full force and the rage the Guildmaster displayed could no longer be found. "You found a dream-bot?" he whispered in astonishment.
"I believe so, sir." Hungloe nodded in earnest.
"Well? Did you grab it or not?" Magnum asked as he quickly jumped down from the table.
With a smug smile, Hungloe pressed a camouflaged button on the wall and a cage rose up from the floor beside him. Inside, was a naked young woman, with short raven hair and snow-white skin. Her every curve was voluptuous, with wide hips giving way to a generous but supple bust. She had a small chin, accentuated by soft-pink lips, but if anything about her was to be called unreal, it would be her eyes. They were colorless, but sparked like diamonds in the morning sun.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me..." Magnum breathed as he crouched beside the cage.
The young woman looked around the room, glanced at Hungloe, then turned to face Magnum curiously. "Hello..." she said softly. The pure sound was a drastic change to the booming voice that shook the walls only moments ago, and there wasn’t an ounce of fear to be found
Magnum head snapped to Hungloe. "Doesn't it know where it is!?"
"She knows..." Hungloe smirked knowingly.
"Well don't leave me in fucking suspense, bro! What's so special about it?" Magnum took another long look at woman. "Besides the obvious..." he finished.
"Well when I had a talk with the developer, he told me that she's a masochist, as well as a nymphomaniac."
"No way..." Magnum whispered at he started at the miracle in the cage. Then he gave Hungloe a questioning look. "Did you..."
"No one's touched her since she came into my possession. She's done all the touching herself." Hungloe chuckled.
"Well, I can-" Magnum paused as he caught movement at the table. A few of the men had moved to get a better look. "Sit your asses down!" he commanded. The men immediately moved back to their seats. They could not escape unnoticed, and logging out would leave their bodies to all sorts of hazards.
"Are you, perhaps, Magnum-sama?" the woman asked, her breasts squeezing against the bars as she grasped hold of them. Magnum's jaw nearly fell to the floor. "Mr. Loe told me to always say Magnum-sama, does it sound strange?" she asked with her head tilted to the side.
"Not at all." Magnum answered before turning to his second in command. "Bravo, Hungloe. Brav-fucking-o.” he clapped. “Now open it, I’ll take your word on it being a nympho, but that won't mean a damn thing if it can't take the pain."
Hungloe nodded, pressed the button again to open the doors cage. As soon as it was, Magnum snatch the woman by the throat. The spread of the taint was immediate., feeding on fears, pain, and injuries of the victim.
The woman cried out in surprise and pleasure as tendrils stretched to claim every inch of her skin. But in moments, the corruption slowed to a crawl, and the woman eyes were rolled back ecstasy.
"What!?" Magnum frowned in confusion, reaching a hand between her thighs. The woman shivered from the touch. "Well I'll be damned!" he laughed as he dropped her to the ground and shook the moisture from his hand. Then he walked over to the nearest man and wiped his hand on the man's shoulder. "I'll take it, Hungloe. Does it have a name?"
The woman stood shakily, and bowed. "You can call me whatever you like, Magnum-sama." she said sweetly. Her entire body was flushed pink.
"Then...I'll call you Victoria. It's classy." Magnum said happily, then he turned his attention back to the members sitting at the table. "In light of the gift I've received today, I'll cancel your death sentences. And in my generous mood I'm also willing to leave you all with a tip since...what was the butlers name again?" he asked Hungloe.
"Jeeves." Hungloe replied.
"Since Jeeves has officially cancelled your pussy on-demand subscriptions, I recommend you raise your charm stat and get yourself a botfriend like Hungloe. He's got some nudist-beastiality-dating-SIM thing going on." he suggested, motioning toward the centaur. Or, if that's still too much work, you can start up a sex club like our boys down in Hammerrun. But I wouldn't actually go to Hammerrun since last I heard, there was some crazy bitch putting boots-to-asses trying to expose it. So it probably won't be too long before it's gone. Good advice right?" Magnum finished.
The men nodded in unison. By now they were just happy that they wouldn't be killed.
"Good, now get the fuck out." He commanded. The men nearly knocked each other over trying to get to the stairwell. They'd seen enough of their Guildmaster for one day.
When the last member descended down the stairwell, the room grew darker than it ever had before.
"Look, I know you're upset-" Hungloe started, but Magnum wouldn't hear it.
"Balthazar..." he called out.
At his summoning, two colossal hands rose from the ground and pinned the centaur against the wall, causing severe bruising from the mural. Victoria jumped in surprise.
"I was upset, Hungloe, but now I'm just extremely disappointed." Magnum shook his head and sighed and turned to face the centaur. "One of those bots was pregnant...did you know that was even possible? Well, I guess you wouldn't, unless you went after your own kind."
As Magnum paced, taint from the demonic hands gradually spread, turning the centaur's pelt ashy gray. "I'm sorry, Magnum! I swear I am."
"It's fine. I didn't care about the bot, but I was robbed of an interesting opportunity. By who? The baldy. Which is why I killed him, and will continue to kill him on sight from today onwards. Not only did his actions lead to the destruction of my summer home, It's the principle of the fact that his actions also lead to the death of the mother of my child." Magnum shrugged, then his crimson eyes hardened. "You, on the other hand, had the responsibility of maintaining order in my absence. An order at which you failed!" he bellowed.
"I know! I know it! Argh!! And I have no excuse!" Hungloe cried out as the corruption spread.
Meanwhile, Victoria crouched down and crawled over to Magnum, steadily trying to touch his hand.
At the touch of cool fingers tracing the back of his hand, Magnum looked down at the naughty girl that was using him to pleasure herself.
"Stop that! Read the mood!" He chuckled as he playfully swatted her hand away. Then he sighed as looked at the subordinate that presented him with his new toy. "Put him down." he commanded the hands.
The demon withdrew at once, leaving the weakened Hungloe to smack into the ground on the verge of death. He looked up groggily as Magnum stood over him.
"I'm going back to Todos They'll have run out of supply by now. Who's nearby that can provide me with the muscle for redistribution?" he asked.
"LongFingers...Cannibal" Hungloe said as he struggled to get his legs beneath him.
"The match made in hell? No thanks. I don't want LongFingers anywhere near me. Who else?" Magnum questioned.
"I think...Dr.Cutty?" Hungloe shook his head to clear the remnants of the pain.
"We had a doctor?" Magnum frown.
"He's the serial killer..." Hungloe groaned as he stood.
"Oh, yeah! I remember him now! Yeah, tell him to meet me there. I can't have a drug empire without good muscle."
"I notify him at once." Hungloe bowed.
"Good.” Magnum said as he looked back. "Time to go Victoria." He said as he held out his hand. When she reached for it, he pulled her and shipped her up into his arms. His hands grasped her tight as he put his lips to hers.
Victoria was panting before Magnum let her catch her breath. "God, I love this game!" he said, then he descended into the shadows of the stairwell.
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