Chaos Online VR

Chapter 61: Encroaching Darkness (2)

Approx. 6min reading time

Christina went still at the mention of the High Priestess. The woman had been a part of an event that blinded her for almost five years, only to have Thadius come and undo her work in the name of the very Goddess she’d punished Christina for praying to.

’What could she have she have said?’ Christina’s brow furrowed as she gave it thought. Nigel was quick to satisfy her curiosity.

“The letter...contained a heartfelt apology, and a recommendation for an initiate she says is ‘The most sincere and tenacious young woman I’ve ever seen.’” Nigel said. Christina’s eyes went wide.

“I could scarcely believe it myself, that such a strict women could speak so kindly of another person.” he continued. “Then I read a story about a young girl who was stricken blind for doing her duty. This girl, who had clearly been wronged, accepted her fate and was determined to dedicate the rest of her life to regaining the favor of the very Goddess that took her sight. She toiled for years, selling flowers with the hope that one day she would be forgiven. I was moved...”

Christina clutched at her heart as sobs racked her body and tears streamed down her face. Onlookers, hearing Christina’s story for the first time, looked at her as if they were meeting her for the first time.

“So you can imagine,” Nigel continued, “that when the nomination for the young girl - now a young woman- crossed my desk, why I didn’t hesitate to approve it…”

Christina was beside herself as she listened to the High Priest. She had always wondered if the High Priestesses had regret what she’d done, or whether she had done what she did because she’d always resented her in some way. Yet the same woman who had stopped her from reaching this moment, was now the very reason she standing here.

“So I say to you, Christina Tristen. Drink, for you have truly earned it…” Nigel said softly as he held out the goblet. Christina quickly wiped her eyes and reached out for the cup, taking a sip and handing it back as others did before her.

When she turned for the statue of Thena, a quiet fell on the room. Whether out of respect, or in awe of the story they’d just heard, no one made a sound as they watched her kneel.

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’Tegaia, it was you who gave Thadius the power to return my sight. If it is your will, I offer a life of service as gratitude.’ she prayed. Despite being in a Church dedicated to Thena, she never intended to pledge the Goddess of Beauty, not when she owed so much to the Goddess of Love.

Moments passed as Christina kneeled at the statue, but nothing happened. Her heart kicked into high gear, thinking that something had gone wrong or that there was something she forgot to do. Then when the shocked murmurs of the spectators reached her ears, she feared the worse.

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and she looked up with trembling hands, knowing that she had failed. Yet when she looked up, the person standing beside her was the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, wearing what could only be the Godsteel she’d heard about in legends.

“You’re…” Christina’s voice caught in her throat as she gaze upon perfection.

“I am.” Tegaia smiled. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

Christina chewed on her lip while she looked back at the waiting initiates. This was surely a vision, and no one would believe her even if she told them. Yet, the looks on everyone’s faces as they gawked at the deity set her heart racing anew.

“Did you just think me a figment of your imagination? After I came all this way just to see you?” Tegaia laughed. The sound echoed softly in the room.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Christina bowed her head immediately. A Goddess had come to see her personally.

“Now, now. Raise your head child. I won’t have you groveling at my feet. It’s your day after all, isn’t it? I wanted to be here, especially since I missed the initiation of my first priestess.” Tegaia moved to stand in front of her. “Now, love is a powerful force, Christina. It can drive one to do both great and terrible things. But you must keep your heart open to it, for a heart that cannot love is truly lost. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” she nodded.

“Love must also be protected, for there are evils in this world that strive to take what we hold dearest. Do you swear to protect those you care for? Will you fight when evil threatens those closest to you?” Tegaia asked. Her every syllable heavy with magic and expectations as she forged the pact.

“I swear it.” Christina replied. She would do so without hesitation.

“What if it costs you your life to protect your loved ones? Would you value your life more than theirs? If you are to serve me, you must understand that all life is equal. Your life is just as precious as mine. Even though I am immortal, my life is still subject to forces I cannot control. If you can learn to see life as I do, love and war will take on completely different meanings. Will you try?” Tegaia asked.

“I will.” Christina nodded again in earnest.

“Good.” Tegaia smiled and stretched out her hand. “I give you Barrier, to protect you and all those under your care. If your will is strong, it will never fail you. Now, rise Priestess.”

Christina stood, and when she met Tegaia’s warm smile, she beamed. She turned to walk towards to the pews, but the Goddess stopped her.

“Not so fast, we still have much to discuss.” She called to her, then she looked to Nigel. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to have the room with her.” she said.

One of the priests stepped forward. “But this is Thena’s church! You can’t just-”

“Show some respect! You are in the presence of a God you fool!” Nigel roared. All the attendants were taken aback by his passionate outburst. “Forgive me milady, we don’t choose our priests or priestesses for their etiquette.” Nigel bowed deeply.

“Don’t be too hard on them. Thena and I aren’t exactly on the best of terms.” Tegaia smiled.

“You’re too kind.” Nigel bowed again, then he turned to the crowd. “We will continue the ceremony momentarily. For now, we’ll wait in the hall.”

“Thank you, Nigel.” Tegaia nodded in gratitude.

“Milady...” Nigel bowed once more. Before he turned to head for the doors, the slightest shade of red could be seen on his cheeks.

“It truly is a waste that men like him follow Thena. He could be out there in the world, fighting for what's right and good. Instead, he's buried under paperwork and being bullied into approving half-trained initiates for combat." Tegaia shook her head as she watched the high priest leave, then she turned to Christina. "Fortunately, some initiates are more prepared than others." She smiled as she walked over to a pew to sit down.

"Come, sit with me." She patted the spot next to her. "Now that my duty as a Goddess is done, we can talk as women."

"Talk as women?" Christina frowned as she came to sit beside Tegaia. She couldn't possibly imagine the Goddess as a normal woman. The way her hair cascaded down her armor in waves of gold and brunette, and the brilliant glow of her silver eyes clearly marked her as divine.

"Oh, before we begin-Yuna hand me that goblet would you please?" Tegaia asked, staring knowingly into the space next to the altar.

Yuna revealed herself with a dissatisfied huff and obliged. Handing the goblet to the smiling Goddess. "You've gotten a lot better at hide-and-seek haven't you? I hardly perceived you at all."

"You still found me..." Yuna said as she moved to sit on the altar, holding her head in her hand as she sulked.

"Now..." Tegaia tossed the contents of the goblet onto the floor. Christina's eyes nearly popped out their sockets. "Oh, it'll dry quickly. Don't worry." The Goddess assured her before conjuring a wine skin from thin air. "Besides, I'm sure the initiates will be quite pleased with what I've swapped with their Holy Water. Here."

Tegaia poured the mysterious beverage into the goblet and handed it to Christina, who peered into it curiously. "But...don't we need the Holy Water for the ceremony?"

"I don't know whose idea it was to drink consecrated water for ceremonies, but I can tell you that it means absolutely nothing to us." Tegaia said, then she took a sip from the wineskin.

Christina took a sip from the goblet, and a familiar taste enveloped her tongue. It reminded her of the tea he father would brew when it was too cold to go outside. "How did you know I liked this tea?" Christina asked.

"I didn't know, but the drink does. We call it Nostalgiam because the taste reminds us of good times when we drink it. Some mortals that stumble upon it have called it the Nectar of the Gods. Which is absurd, since the nectar isn't something we'd just drink for no reason." Tegaia took another long draft from her wine skin. "Here Yuna, have some."

The young Goddess hopped off the shelf and quickly took the skin from Tegaia's hands. Her curiosity had completely won over her earlier disappointment.

"What do you taste?" Tegaia asked.

"Thadius's Razzy Mango Lemonade." Yuna said with a content smile on her face before taking another sip.

"I’ll be sure to ask him to brew some for me. And while we're on the subject..." Tegaia put her arm around Christina and pulled her closer.

Christina hesitated to look the Goddess in the eye. Such familiarity with a figure she often prayed to was still a bit much for her. But she met Tegaia's gaze, she was met with a stern expression.

"W-what's wrong?" Christina stuttered.

"How are things with you and Thadius?" Tegaia asked solemnly.

"W-what!? I don't-" Christina looked over to Yuna for some sort of clue as to what the Tegaia was asking her, but Yuna rolled her eyes as she made her second attempt to drain the wine skin of its contents.

"Are you two together? Do tell, Christina. Despite popular belief, Gods don't know everything."

Christina's face was now scarlet as she thought back to the few moments she shared with Thadius. "I-I think with a little more time...we could be together."

Tegaia sighed as she looked down at the young priestess. "You don't have the luxury of time, Christina. Your rivals will make their appearances soon."


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