Chaos Online VR

Chapter 69: No one steals from me, Thadius!

Approx. 11min reading time

She returned to her spot on the couch, only to finally discover her snack on the floor. “If this is only a fourth of the footage, I’ll need something stronger than popcorn anyway!” Thus Rose resumed her marathon with a large spoon and a tub of butter pecan ice cream.

She witnessed the potential ridiculousness that was the Sword Scholar unique class, the final duel against Corban under moonlight, and the return of Christina, whom she finally recognized as a hinderance after her second ‘talk’ with Thadius.

’I won’t even have to deal with her when the time comes. A history like ours isn’t so easily overcome.’

As the video progressed into its later stages, Rose finally relaxed. After all, there had been no more surprises after Christina. Not to mention the fact that Thadius was a monogamous man. Unfortunately, her lax attitude only lasted until he stepped into the Coliseum. The appearance of the gladiator known as Serene was a bolt out of the blue.

The way Thadius talked and looked at her was different to how he looked at Christina. It was subtle to any stranger, but to Rose, there was a very big difference. On top of that, she also happened to be the Silver Champion and prompted Thadius to even cook for her personally.

Suddenly every alarm in Rose’s mind blared. She’d been too complacent. Her opponents were just NPCs, and she had prior history with Thadius, so she felt that she would always have the advantage. But the fact of the matter remained that Thadius wasn’t expecting her any time soon. And knowing him, he would eventually settle down in this world he made for himself. For him, happily-ever-after isn’t a phrase, it’s was a way of life.

True, he had only flirted with the woman a bit. But how long would he wait before beginning to actively pursued a woman? She thought Brandon was already very attractive, but to an NPC in Chaos Online, how could they possibly resist the full power of his devilish grin?

Without further delay, she logged back into the game.

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“Well if you’re still around after the expansion hits, play with us okay?” EagleTwo said as she gave Rosemary a hug.

“Aren’t we going out for drinks later?” EagleOne with a somewhat confused face.

“This and that are two different things…read the atmosphere!” EagleTwo retorted.

While the twins bantered playfully, Rosemary equipped her signature sleeveless robe, now tailored to perfection, from her inventory and walked into the temple. The white cloth immediately began to glow vibrantly just before dimming as she walked indoors. Not even half a minute passed before she was singled out.


A young man approached her with dark brown hair like a lion’s mane falling to his shoulders. He wore the simple cuirass embroidered with scarlet, signifying his higher rank.

“Your holiness? What brings you here? Had you sent word, we would have prepared an escort.” His expression was both respectful and concerned

“No need, Brog. I’m quite capable of defending myself. Where is the commander? I must speak with him.”

The young man frowned. “I’m not entirely sure myself. I haven’t seen him all morning. All duties fall to me in his absence, so I can only send others to look for him in my stead.”

”Gone?” Rosemary’s eyebrow raised in surprise.

“Yes ma’am.” Brog nodded.

Rosemary had come to see the commander quite a few times in the past few months in-game, and it was known that they had been very friendly lately, much to the surprise of the High Priest. For the commander to be absent at their most frequent meeting time was peculiar. Especially since this was the most busy period of the Paladin Temple.

Rosemary contemplated for a moment before flashing a bewitching smile. “Then I’ll wait. I suspect he’ll turn up before long.”

“I-It is as you say.” Brog said as he diverted his gaze with a flushed face before quickly going back to his work.

Rosemary wandered the halls while she waited. As a High Priestess candidate, she at least had to keep tabs on the goings on in the paladin temple. Even if she didn’t plan on being around for much longer. While making her rounds, she ran into a familiar face talking to one of the servant girls that maintained the temple.

“It’s alright, Brother CrushingFist. There’s plenty more where this came from. I...just thought you might be hungry after your training. You work so hard after all.” The young woman smiled.

“Well, I won’t say no to a warm meal. Thank you, Chelsea.” CrushingFist smiled warmly in return, taking the cloth covered bowl she offered him. Chelsea gave him a longing look before she hurried off down the hall.

CrushingFist sighed as he looked down at the pitiful offering. He hadn’t remained idle after he started playing Chaos Online with Rose. In fact, having full functionality of his injured shoulder made him extremely happy even if it wasn’t real. And after she showed him how he could depend on his boxing prowess in-game, he quickly began training to regain the feeling he had in his glory days. It didn’t take long. In only a week after he started playing, he was able to unlock the Monk hybrid class of a Fighter and Priest. The same opportunity had been offered to Rosemary, but she held off in hopes of unlocking a super hybrid class after becoming High Priestess.

Just as she was about to walk away, a ray of sunshine caught her robe and flashed its radiance all around. CrushingFist looked up with a smile and strode down the hall to greet her. His shirtless body was drenched in sweat and his dark hair was tossed about. With such a display of muscle after his morning exercise, many of the servant girls had gone out of their way to catch him before he could go to his room. Unlike them, Rosemary had long since been desensitized to such sights.

“I thought the paladin temple served breakfast earlier.” She said pointedly.

CrushingFist’s smile cramped. “Well, yeah. But someone usually saves me a bit since I always come back late.”

“I see…”

“I mean, it’s not like I have anything going on with-“

“I didn’t ask, and it’s not my business even if you did.” Rosemary said, cutting CrushingFist of from his frantic explanation. She knew the look a man had when he found a woman attractive. If CrushingFist’s little meeting in the hall bothered her in any way, it was that it increased her anxiety about meeting Brandon.

“I do have a question though.” She said with thoughtful look.

Thankful and somewhat disappointed that she didn't care about him talking to other women, CrushingFist nodded.“Shoot.”

“You do know she’s an NPC right? She’s a fictional character. How can you be sure she really likes you if her behavior towards you can be affected by stats, by code?” she asked, looking him deep in his eyes.

CrushingFist blew out a breath and ruffled his hair nervously. He didn’t like when she scrutinized his every move like that, especially after she gained the Perception skill. But what bothered him the most was that she didn’t even look phased by his half naked appearance. It was a subtle hit to his confidence since he hadn’t truly given up his pursuit of her.

“Well…the only thing I can compare it to is music-I guess.” He smiled wrily.


“I mean, you see all these people as machines, right? Or maybe just the nuts and bolts to a larger well-oiled machine. Music can be said to just be notes and words on a page too.” CrushingFist shook his head. “I’m not big on the specifics but I’m pretty sure when they finally brought all this to life, it became something entirely different. This place-and the people in it, are like one big song. After the first note was played, it became a place with heart and soul. I mean, shit, had you told me that a bunch of geeks behind a keyboard made all I this I’d be hard pressed to believe you.”

When CrushingFist finished he looked at Rose only to find that her expression had gone sour.

“What?” he asked.

“You do know that I went to school to become one of those ‘geeks behind a keyboard’ right?” She questioned menacingly.

“Now you know that’s not what I-“

While the two of them were talking, a paladin ran into the temple shouting in fear. His voice echoed all down the hall.

“Brog! Where’s Brog! Find him quickly!” the man shouted.

Rosemary and CrushingFist exchanged a look before darting to the entry hall. When they entered, a paladin was on his knees drenched in sweat and breathing heavily.

Not long after, Brog came running with an urgent look. “Samson? What happened? Speak quickly.”

“I found him! I found the commander!” Samson said, finally raising to his feet.

“Then why didn’t he come with you?” Rosemary stepped forward. When she did, the man’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

“T-the Red Hand!?” he shouted in surprise.

“Speak man! What about the commander!?” Brog roared.

But the man hesitated, casting nervous glances at Rosemary.

’So it’s finally happened…’ Rosemary nodded.

“Take us to his body.” She said assertedly.

“Body!?” Brog looked at her eyes-wide.

“The commander is dead, isn’t he Samson?” Rosemary asked as her eyes darted across his body as if reading something.

“It is as you say.” Samson replied,shrinking away from her gaze.

Brog stepped up to him, positively seething with fury. “Where!?”

“Two streets past the smithy, in the alley.”

“I want two units to come with me! We need to find out exactly what happened!” Brog commanded. But before anyone could move, Rosemary spoke.

“That won’t be necessary. The killer is right here.” She said confidently. At her word, all eyes turned to Samson, who instantly paled five shades.

“I-She’s lying!” he bellowed.

“When you washed off his blood, you missed a spot, just there.” She pointed to his neck. Samson’s hand flew to his neck. When he removed his hand he smiled.

“There’s no blood!” he smiled, but his joy was short lived.

“Of course there isn’t, I was lying. The real proof is the bloody dagger hidden in the hilt of your sword.” Rosemary said.

Samson’s face was white as a sheet as he was surrounded by the paladins. Then Brog forcefully drew the suspected sword and twisted the hilt, which revealed a blade dyed scarlet with fresh blood.

“See? Guilty. Take him away. A fool that can't even properly wash a murder weapon doesn't deserve freedom.” With a wave of Rosemary’s hand, Samson was seized. Then she turned to Brog. “Commander, you should quickly collect the remains of your predecessor. You wouldn’t want the whole city gossiping about who did it would you?”

Brog stood in a daze while looking at the stained blade in his hands, but he shook himself out of his stupor at the sound of Rosemary’s voice. “I understand. It will be done, your holiness.”

Rosemary gently pat the new commander’s shoulder. “Do not grieve for long, Brog. You’ll be needed now more than ever. The filth that plagues the city is making even more mistakes. They undoubtedly felt Tegaia’s blade at their necks. Have faith.”

Brog straightened his back while a fierce light manifested within his eyes, then saluted. “Without the Red Hand, we would still be fumbling in the dark.”

“Without Tegaia, we would all be fumbling in the dark.”

[+2 Faith]

’It was always this easy?’ Rosemary sighed inwardly as she looked at her faith gain. She had learned much about being devout from watching Thadius' footage. Her faith was high, but not nearly as high as his.

“Come on, CrushingFist. We have work to do.” She called over her shoulder as she headed towards the door. The sunlight immediately set her robe ablaze as the corner of her mouth rose. “Time to weed out the troublemakers.”


Grand Coliseum, Todos, Todos Kingdom

A lioness stormed through the gate of the coliseum with a deafening roar of applause resounding behind her. Blood that was not her own decorated her mythril armor, showcasing another victory in her current seven-day winning streak. Hazel eyes with a prominent green hue,glared through her helmet, and a pair of jet-black rabbit-like ears twitched irritably through the custom grooves.

Sarene had been immediately reinstated as the Silver Champion in the absence of Thadius. She waited patiently for his return so that their agreed upon rematch could take place, but as the days passed, so did her patience begin to run out. She’d had enough waiting, now was the time for answers, and she knew exactly where to go to get them. Though the very thought of asking that man for anything set her teeth on edge.

She snatched off her helmet and cast it aside as she walked deeper into the coliseum. She knew her way around the gladiatorial compound, and swiftly made her way through the maze of caged men that whooped and hollered at her passing. In moments she was standing in front a door made of pure gold. A site rarely seen throughout the kingdom, let alone a colosseum.

The inmates announced her arrival long before she reached out her hand to knock, they were nearly foaming at the mouth as they desperately reached their arms through the bars in hopes of touching her.

“Only one person could get them to make such a ruckus. Come in, Sarene.” a voice called from beyond the door. Sarene balled her fists when the voice reached her ears, and her lips formed into an uncontrollable snarl as she walked through the door.

It was a room very similar to her own, just as sparsely decorated and dimly lit, only and little bigger and drowning in the smell of sweat of multiple individuals. Yet, she knew it just as well as her own. A fact that she’d wished she could forget.

A blindfolded man sat with his legs folded on the bed. He showed no shame as he sat naked, as if he was proud to display the vast array of scars that cover his body from head to toe. He was a little slim for his size, which gave the impression of a fast and agile warrior. The facade was revealed whenever he moved, putting his obsessively toned muscles on display. The hidden strength of the Gold Champion was often the last surprise his opponents received.

“Ah, what a rare treat, to have the Silver Champion grace us with her presence.” he smiled with his arms spread wide. “I was concerned when I heard you were defeated. But it seems all is well. Can I offer you a drink?” he asked.

“I’m not here for pleasantries. I need information. I know you have connections outside the coliseum.” Sarene glowered from the door. She dared not move, lest her murderous urge put her life in jeopardy.

The man sighed. “Straight to business I see. Well, I can’t say I blame you. What do you want to know?”

“I’m looking for a man named Thadius. He was the one who defeated me. I need to know whether he’s dead or alive.”

“Ah...found another one have you? I’d tread carefully if I were you. Remember what happened last ti-”

“You are in no position to question my motives or speak on what I do in my personal life! Don’t think for a single second that I’ve forgotten what you’ve done!” she screamed, coming to threateningly stand over the Gold Champion.

The man put up his hands. “No need for hostilities...I’m merely concerned. If I hear anything I’ll let you know. But -if I may- why are you looking for him?” he asked.

It was a moment before Sarene could calm herself enough to speak. “He owes me a rematch…” she replied stoically, still glaring down at the man.

“And when will I get my rematch? It’s been awhile since you’ve challenged me.” he pouted.

Sarene had to clench her jaw to keep herself from snapping. “That depends. Will you fight me without the blindfold?” she asked through her teeth.

“It wouldn’t be any fun if I did.” he smiled wryly.

“Because you know that the moment I beat you at your full strength is the moment I leave this place!” she spat. The smile disappeared of the Gold Champion's face, and he fell silent. For a few moments there was only silence, then Sarene turned for the door, glad that she had struck a nerve.

“Why don’t you stay awhile? It’ll be just like old times.” he called after her.

At the door, Sarene closed her eyes and took a deep breath, refusing to give him the satisfaction from his obvious taunt. “I no longer need your protection…” she said.

“Oh, well. Maybe next time.” he smiled.

Sarene tightened her grip on the doorframe as he smiled. She couldn’t leave now, not with him having the final word. So with narrowed eyes, she turned to him and said, “You’re right. I have found another one. You’re not stupid Vaughn, you felt his pressure that day just like the rest of us…” Sarene narrowed her eyes as Vaughn’s cheek twitched, but he held his expression. “And If I beat him,” she continued. “then I’ll leave anyway. Because unlike you, he actually finished the Iron Dragon’s training…”

Vaughn jumped up from the bed with every muscle tense in frustration, but Sarene was already out the room and waltzing down the hall before he could utter a word.

The Gold Champion sat back down, fuming over having his own suspicions being confirmed by another.

’It won’t happen twice!’ he thought as he looked to the ceiling.

“Find out everything you can about this 'Thadius'.” he said. Above him there was a shuffling sound, so he knew his orders were being carried out.

With the word given, he returned to his meditation. Or at least he tried to. Sarene had been extremely successful in getting under his skin.

’No one steals from me, Thadius! No one!


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