Chaos Online VR

Chapter 46: Morning Errands (3)

Approx. 7min reading time

Victor took look around while he waited. There were beautiful swords all over the place, and they all looked expensive. He wanted an upgrade from his iron sword, but he didn’t want to spend too much before he bought his shop.

Silence filled the room as he walked back to the counter. The bald man had stopped laughing and was eyeing him with suspicion.

“What is it?” Victor asked.

“What did you say your name was?”


“Pretty strong aren’t ya?”

“So I’ve been told.”

“What do you think about that sword there.” The man pointed to a sword on the wall. It had a dark green blade that started straight then curved toward the end. Black leather was wrapped around an onyx hilt.

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“It’s quite beautiful.”

“Of course it is. It’s my masterpiece.” the smith retorted.

“It’s a shame for a sword like that to just be a decoration.”

“That’s what I said. But it’s been there for years.”

Victor eyed the blade again with renewed interest. “What’s wrong with it?”

“See for yourself.”

Victor walked up to the sword to take a closer look.


This sword has not been named

Type: Sword/Scimitar Durability: 3479/3479

Quality: Epic Attack: 4992

Masterpiece of the Master Blacksmith Womack after 30 hours of relentless smithing. The Orihalcum blade has trace amounts of Eternium, the hardest metal on earth, giving it a hidden strength that can only be rivaled by the world’s rarest materials.

+Always sharpened (Sharpened blades deal 1.2x damage)

+Sword skills level x4 Faster

+Hardened by Fighting Spirit

+All sword skills deal +30% additional wind damage in addition

+Automatically uses ‘Wind Cutter’ after being drawn


Level 207

Strength 3000

Sword Mastery Expert or higher

Fighting Spirit 900


“Compare.” Victor whispered. His heartbeat thundered in his ears.


Superior Iron Sword

Type: Short Sword Durability: 979/979

Quality: Normal Attack: 752

An iron sword forged by a Master Blacksmith. Though made of iron, the blade is strong and reliable.


Level 20

Strength 150


The unnamed blade was leaps and bounds above his iron sword. He had believed the sword that Thadius got from Carson would last him a while, but what Sarene had told him before he entered the tournament still rang true. His gear simply wasn’t good enough. If Thadius had this blade when he returned to the coliseum....

“Well, you know what’s wrong with it?” Womack questioned.

“It doesn’t have a name.” Victor said confidently.

“....Wrong. The weapon is too strong for its own good. Any bloke strong enough to actually use it already has a better weapon. It’s a damn good sword, but it’s simply too much for anyone that level.”

“Is level really that important? Can't someone just swing it?” Victor asked.

“Are you an idiot? Every mama's boy know’s what happens if you try to use somethin’ beyond your level! None of the stats will take effect and the damned thing would be as heavy as holdin’ my fat arse in the palm of your hand!” Womack spit furiously. His pain at forging an undesirable sword was flaring up again.

“I never knew.” Victor shrugged.

“What level are you?”


“Then try on that vambrace on that suit of armor behind you. You’ll see what I mean.”

Victor turned to obey. He immediately recognized the suit of armor the paladin had worn in the coliseum on the mannequin. He took the vambrace as instructed and put it on his wrist.

[Equipment is beyond your current level. Defense will not be registered.]

Just as the window popped up, the vambrace became extremely heavy. Victor could hold it just fine, but he could tell that Womack hadn’t been lying about the weight increase.

“See what I mean?” Womack said sarcastically as Victor replaced the vambrace.

"I do. What is this made of exactly?"

"Hard silver. Why?"

"Would iron be able to pierce this?"

"Are you nuts?" Womack asked in concern. He seemed to truly be questioning Victor's sanity.

“Who's nuts?” Tommy asked as he walked back in with a suit of armor.

“Nobody.” Womack said quickly. “Hurry up and get him sorted out. I’ll be in the back.”

Tommy waited until Womack was out of earshot. “He told you about the sword didn’t he?”

“He did.”

“The man can’t let it go. I swear, he’s gonna give up smithing if someone doesn’t take it soon. More work for me I guess.” the young man shook his head and sighed. “How's this? Does it look like what you had in mind?”

Victor took a look at the armor. Unlike regular platemail, the chest piece was segmented to allow bending and twisting at the waist. It was exactly what what he needed.

“I’m thinking of wearing this along with my cloak. Is there an armor set with torso like this that could easily integrate it?”

“The inside of our armors are lined with leather and cloth, so you could probably get a tailor to sew it in however you like it.”

“Good. Now all that’s left is an armor set with the right level.”

“Level 54 right? I heard. We have a full set of steel armor for that level. It should last you about 30 levels.”

’Then it won’t be long before I come back.’

“That’s fine.”

“Alright then. That’ll be 9G.” Tommy said as he held out his hand to collect the funds.

Victor reached into his robe for his inventory, but he stole a glance at the unnamed sword. “How much did it cost to build this place?”

“Arm & Hammer? Hmm….I’m not sure. Womack! Womack come ‘ere a second!”

“What is it!?” Womack came storming into the room. “Why haven’t you finished with ‘im yet!?”

“He asked how much did it cost to build the shop.”

Womack looked at the youth then at Victor. “Cost me 200,000G for the place. Why? You looking to build your own place?”

“Soon enough. Right now I’m looking to buy that sword.” Victor pointed to the orihalcum blade.

Silence filled the room for a moment before Womack exploded. “You must be joking! You're nowhere near level 200! I won’t let my greatest work go to some bloke who can’t even use it!!”

“Swords are different for me.” Victor said flatly.

“Are they now? Well that’s all well and good, but you won’t even be able to lift the damn thing of the wall at level 54!”

Victor walked over to the wall where the sword was and easily removed it. A warm breeze blew when he touched it and warmth spread out from the blade in a heat haze. “You were saying?”

Womack was stunned into silence. Even the youth had trouble summoning words.

“How much?” Victor asked.

“ it.” Womack whispered.


“Name it first. A good blade can’t go without a name.” he repeated after clearing his throat.

Victor looked down at the scimitar. Had it been red, he knew exactly what he would have called it. Blue would have been good too. Yet, the blade was green, and only one woman came to mind when he thought of that color; an amazon with the luminous hazel eyes.

“Serenity. The final breeze.”

Womack nodded, then closed his eyes as he quietly walked into the back. His shoulders racked with muffled sobs.

[The unnamed scimitar has been named ‘Serenity, The Final Breeze’]

Victor turned back to Tommy after Womack left. “Would I be able to get some throwing knives as well?”

“How many?” he whispered. His eyes had moistened over as well.


“15,010G total.”

Victor quickly handed over 151N. He needed to leave soon. The atmosphere was beginning to pierce through his hardened exterior.

The young man returned with the steel armor, Serenity’s scabbard, and Victor’s change. After Victor replaced the iron sword with endless breeze ruffled both his cloaks, as well as robe underneath.

“Your Fighting Spirit must be pretty high.” Tommy said.

“It was one of the swords requirements.” Victor replied.

“Yeah, but that’s the first time I’ve seen it react like that. The other guys could barely get a wind goin’, but with you it doesn't stop. Anyway, thank you for your purchase. I hope we see you again.”

“Of course.” Victor said as he turned for the door. The fact that he would have to return as Victor Wolfe-Jagger didn’t hit him until he was outside.

’They would recognize me immediately if I walked in as Thadius with Serenity on my hip!’

Victor shook his head at his own stupidity as he walked down the street.

Now that he had a rough estimate of how much it would cost to start his own shop, he didn’t have to be so frugal with his money. Unfortunately, the purchase of the property would take a chunk out of Yuna’s half of the money. When the time came, he would have to ask her permission, even if he knew she would say yes.

Victor walked the city to get a better feel of his surroundings. He passed several vendors selling fruits and vegetables. Other vendors were selling things like jewelry and accessories.

Travelers walked around discussing their lives back home or what they would do before they had to log out. Npcs did their morning shopping and conversed with their neighbors. It would have been a peaceful scene, except for the way the Npcs looked at the Travelers as they passed, and how they whispered with concerned expressions.

It was a beautiful morning, yet there was tension in the air. Why hadn’t he noticed it before? Was it because Thadius was attacked? Or was it because he was too busy looking for possible assailants?

Victor observed his surroundings as he wandered. There certainly was tension in the air, and it had something to do with the Travelers. The more he walked, the more he was convinced that posing as an Npc was a good idea. Some Travelers would no doubt recognize Thadius, but the Npcs wouldn’t. If the Npcs started asking questions, the status card and a good story would take care of it.

Victor decided to head back to the inn to change after almost an hour of aimless walking. He could see the coliseum, so he used it as a guide to find his way. He turned a corner to head into the direction of the inn, and received an unexpected surprise.

Sitting outside of a large building was a familiar old man playing chess by himself.

After taking a moment to compose himself, Victor walked up to the old man’s table. “You need an opponent old man?”

“Ho ho! It’s been a while since someone’s asked me that. Have a seat youngin’.”

Victor took his place across from the old man, and the game began immediately. Victor commanded his troops ruthlessly with his queen leading his forces. The resistance was laughable, and any attempt to control the battlefield was quickly thwarted. It was a one-sided battle from the very start.

“You seem to be struggling old man.” Victor taunted.

“The game is just gettin’ good!”

Knights were sent in to infiltrate Victor’s castle, but he saw the move a mile away, and promptly sent his queen to deal swift justice to the perpetrators. Unfortunately, his bishop was slain in the process, leaving his brother to pick up the slack.

In the final battle Victor's infantry were falling left and right, but their sacrifice would not be in vain. Victor sent in his queen to corner the opposing king.

“It was a good game old man. Better luck next time.”

“Thadius, dear boy. It’s gonna take a lot longer than four years for you to outsmart me. Ho ho!”


[Your act has been seen through. No experience will be awarded until the next identity is assumed.]


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