Chaos Online VR

Chapter 43: Iron Dragon (7)

Approx. 7min reading time

Thadius used his Pressure to target her directly, punishing her speed with an absurd amount of stamina reduction. Sarene jumped out as soon as she felt the heavy pressure. It wasn’t enough to send her to the ground, but enough that he could seal her speed until he found out what was affecting him.

“No wonder they call you a monster. That kind of pressure should only be found in dungeons!” Sarene said, smiling menacingly.

“I’d prefer not to hinder you like this, but you seem to be slowing me down somehow. It seemed only fair that I return the favor.”

“Hmph.” she charged again, swinging her sword like she did earlier. Thadius could barely make out the tracing of the move before he was forced to dodge. Whatever the move was, it was exactly what he needed against the mage in the semi-finals. If he could learn it here…

“Focus or die Thadius!” Sarene screamed as she came in from below with a lunge.

Thadius hid his presence and spun in a circle. He used his Aura to create two feints aimed at her legs. She moved out of range of both attacks and he closed in behind her. She stopped mid-step and rolled forward just a Thadius was about to use Shield Bash.

’Does she have spacial awareness? Or is it because of her animal senses?

Thadius revealed himself and approached her with caution. If hiding his presence wasn’t going to be that effective, then it would be best if he didn’t use it often. It would come down to swordsmanship, and he was quite confident in that.

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“Neat trick. Disappearing like that…”

“I don’t think it’ll be as effective on you, and I think you’d respect a more direct approach.”

“Smart man.”

They clashed together in a dazzling display. Sarene wielded her sword with an unyielding ferocity. Using her speed to find and attack the gaps in his defense. Thadius countered for every attack, using her speed against her. Wherever her sword went his shield followed.

The sound of their ringing blades filled the air as they dueled under the light of the 12 suns. The crowd was glued to their every swing, and when one looked to be on the verge of defeat, they stood and roared for the potential victor.

It was a battle that Thadius would have dragged out comfortably, but as the fight went on. He could clearly see his disadvantages. The iron sword in his hand was chipped and jagged from repeated clashes with the mythril blade. His shield was littered with cuts and some of the steel had been clearly shaved off in several places.

If that wasn’t enough, he could feel himself slowing down. Every time his eyes met with hers, he could feel his swings slowing. He could feel himself dragging his feet, and it was as if his entire body was reluctant to attack her.

[You’ve been charmed.

-25% Dexterity

-25% Strength]

Thadius shook his head as he defected another blow. He could hear her heavy breathing in his ear, and it aroused him.


He’d figured it was something like that when he couldn’t concentrate. If this continued, he would eventually make a fatal mistake, and the first clean blow would be the last. He’d experienced this type of condition in games before, and there was a sure fire way to get rid of it, but it wouldn’t put him in an advantageous position.

She lunged for his shoulder again, aiming to disable his shield arm with another skill. Usually, Thadius would stop it with all his might, but this time, he let his shield drop slightly. The mythril sword cut a chunk out the edge of his shield and slid through his chainmail to stab his shoulder.



It was like a light bulb had been lit in his brain, and everything became clear. He jumped back to gain some much needed space.

“You took it on purpose?” she asked with narrowed eyes. The smile had disappeared from her face long ago.

“It was the only way to break free of your charm. I’ll admit, it’s a pretty effective.”

“I’ll use any weapon at my disposal, even those I can’t control!” she yelled as she unleashed another invisible slash.

Thadius had his eyes glued to her every movement, watching until the attack unleashed at him. He raised his shield again to block it, but pain surged through his arm. He dived to the side to avoid the attack instead, but it gave Sarene more than enough time to rush.

The crowd went wild, sensing the end of the epic battle before them. Sarene swung down, and Thadius moved to parry it with his blade. Under the ferocious attack the blade shattered into the sand.

Her blade came down once more, and Thadius struggled to raise his shield in time.

’Fight the pain! he thought as he brought his shield up to to meet the blade.

The sword sunk deep into the shield, becoming stuck between the folds of steel. Sarene tried to dislodge the blade for another swing, but a crushing pressure brought her to the ground. Thadius tossed their weapons to the side and rolled in the sand to his feet, taking the stance of the Dragon’s Grip.

Sarene stood up slowly, gasping for breath as Thadius lessened the pressure so she could stand.

“You’ve been...toying….with me…..all this time.” she glared at him.

“No I haven’t. I’m gaining experience by learning as much as I can from you. However, this fight is going to have to end soon. I did tell you I’d be taking your belt. Didn’t I?”

“Rah!” she screamed as she threw a fist. Unfortunately, she wasn’t as skilled with her hands as she was with a sword.

Thadius broke her down with a blow to the side of her knee. Then as she kneeled in pain, he dealt a swift blow to her temple.

A new silver champion was crowned to the sound of beating drums.


30 minutes later...

Sarene woke up with a start. She was back in her bed behind the kitchen with a throbbing headache that couldn’t possibly be real.

“Ugh…” she groaned as she rolled over. The last thing she remembered was eating a knuckle sandwich from the Iron Dragon Thadius.

He had been far stronger than she anticipated. To think that he had been hiding such monstrous pressure for the entire fight. Sarene just shook her head in exasperation, and groaned again at the pain it caused.

“Thirsty?” a voice said from the corner. Thadius was propped up in a chair repairing his robe with a shiny silver belt hanging over his shoulder.

The startled Sarene couldn’t find her voice in time.

“I know you think I’m handsome, but it’s never made you speechless.” he said as he flashed a devilish smile.

“You don’t think the fact that you’re in my room uninvited could be the cause?” she raised an eyebrow.

“You’ll have to pardon me. I’ve suddenly become somewhat of a spectacle in the coliseum. I was looking for a place to hide, and the granny sent me back here.”

“I... don’t mind. I was just making sure you had some common sense.”

“Oh? When did you begin to doubt?”

“Hmm, let’s see. Could it be the fact that you prolonged a battle that could have ended in two seconds?” she asked sarcastically.

“I’m sensing some anger there…” Thadius said, mockingly. He crossed his hands over his legs in a classic therapist pose.

“Anger my ass…” Sarene said as she rolled over in her bed. She’d been humilitated enough for one day.

“Oh, and I apologize for your sword.”

“What happened to my sword!?” she shouted as she sat up with a start. Only to lay back down. “Ugh.”

“Well… my shield ate it. Or some of it.”

Sarene just had a confused look on her face as an old woman came out from the kitchen.

“Thadius, the food is ready. Oh, Sarene. It’s about time you woke up. Thadius has been worried sick about you.”

Now it was Thadius’ turn to be speechless.

“Do you often worry about the people you knock out? Or is it just women?” Sarene said as she glared at the man.

“I don’t know what she’s talking about. I came back here to hide.” Thadius looked at the old woman. Pleading with his eyes for her to keep their conversation on the down low.

“But Thadius, you said you’d cook for her as an apology. You see Sarene, Thadius is a proper gentleman. He doesn’t like to hit women.” the granny said as she blushed. Thadius’ charm was beginning to work against him. He never thought it would out do his Fighting Spirit.

“Yet, I distinctly remember him punching me in the face.” Sarene said with narrowed eyes. The granny rushed back into the kitchen to get the food.

Thadius rubbed his forehead in embarrassment. A kind gesture had suddenly turned into this.

The granny returned with a plate of chicken alfredo and a glass of red and yellow liquid. The color in the glass started out red and faded to yellow near the bottom of the glass.

Sarene eyeballed Thadius as the granny set the dish beside her. Without releasing him from her glare, she took a bite. She chewed slowly, fully enjoying the taste.

“Well?” Thadius asked as he looked at her expectantly.

Sarene enjoyed watching him sweat. “It’s not bad.” she said as the corner of her lips turned up slightly.

“Then accept it as my apology. I hope it doesn’t come to fists next time.” he said as he got up to leave.

“Next time?” Sarene said in surprise.

“You don’t want a rematch?” Thadius looked at her quizzically.

“Of course.” she responded immediately.

“Then until we meet again…” Thadius smiled as he left for the waiting area. He needed to find and inn for the night so he could visit Yuna and Christina first thing in the morning.

Sarene waited until she could hear Thadius’ footsteps disappear into the waiting area before she tore into the chicken alfredo. The taste was absolutely divine, and she simply couldn’t eat it fast enough. After wolfing down the meal, she took a sip of the lemonade and nearly fell out of the bed. She had to look at the glass to make sure she wasn’t just imagining the taste.

“This is pretty damn good Thadius.” she muttered to herself as she quickly emptied the contents of glass.


Military Compound, Todos, Todos Kingdom

An old man with large bushy eyebrows was playing chess by himself at the counter of the enlistment office. At night, no one really came in, so he had plenty of time to enjoy a game. Who else could he play? He’d run out of competition long ago.

“Ho ho, I win again!” he declared as he checkmated himself.

Just then the door to the office open, and a man with dirtly blond hair and a clean shaven face stormed into the room. He was dressed like a member of the nobility with a slick navy blue suit and gold trimmings.

“Old man! I need you to help me!” the man raised his voice in fury.

A door in the back opened and another man stepped to the counter. He was middle aged man with dark brown hair and mutton chops. The tightening of his belt suggested a ‘healthy’ diet, but large strong arms hinted at the strength in his limbs. “What’s all this ruckus!?”

“I want to join the army. Is this where I sign up or not?”

“Why would you want to join now youngin’? Most of the army is gone now.” the old man asked as he reset his chess set.

“My business is my own…”

“When Commander Antony asks you a question, you answer it!!” the older man shouted. The young man glared at him with tears in his eyes.

“I want to learn how to kill Travelers. Is this the place or not?”

It was the man with the mutton chops that spoke up first. “Yeah, this is the place.”

“Then sign me up.”


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