Chaos Online VR

Chapter 45: Morning Errands (2)

Approx. 8min reading time

The clerk laughed. “Then allow me to reeducate you. You’ll use this needle to draw some blood and then all your information will be burned into the card.”

“When you say ‘all’ information, you mean my stats right?”

“Not only your stats, your skills and current commissions will also be displayed. Simply hold your card, say ‘reveal’, and that additional information will be displayed.”

“What happens if someone steals my card? Would they be able to look-”

“Not at all. The card will only react to the command of it’s owner.”

’No wonder I couldn’t see Corban’s skills.’

Thadius had been puzzled about it for some time, and now he knew why. Unless Corban rose from the dead to reveal the skills hidden on the card, he’d never know what skills his master had learned.

“That’s comforting. So I prick myself with this?” Thadius picked up the needle and stabbed his thumb to squeeze a drop of blood on the blank card.

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Within moments, magical text appeared on the card. The clerk made a curious expression as she looked at the information.

“Is there a problem?” Thadius asked in concern. Was there a way to indicate him as a Traveler?

“Not really. It’s just that your title count is rather low. Most people have at least seven or eight by time they reach adulthood.”

’My title count is a dead give away...’

Thadius made a grief stricken face and asked the clerk, “Do you suppose it could be due to my memory loss?”

The clerk put a hand to her mouth. “Oh! I so sorry Thadius, I didn’t mean-”

Thadius raised a hand. “It’s fine, you’re not the first to look at my status card like that since my incident…” Thadius looked away as if in pain.

The clerk quickly put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “I’m sure anyone will understand if you tell them what happened to you. I’ve never heard of the card erasing information, but it changes often, so it’s possible. Besides, if you get a few more titles, no one will look to closely at it.” she spoke softly. Her voice was filled with concern.

“Thank you. I’m glad to have met such a kind beauty so early in the morning. You’ve been a great help.”

[+3 Charm]

“I-I’m glad I could help you.” the woman blushed.

Thadius picked up the card and carried it in his hand. He didn’t want to pull out his master’s chain within eyesight of the clerk, so he turned to walk out.

“Wait, Thadius!” The clerk had stepped out from behind the counter and walked up to him with flushed cheeks. “My shift ends around noon. If you were to stop by around that time, perhaps we could stop by a tavern?”

’Say WHAT!?’

“I’m afraid I’ll be busy all day. Though I don’t think you’ve seen the last of me. Who do I ask for? Should I return and find you gone?” he smirked.


“Farewell Katherine.”

Thadius turned and walked out. His grin widened with every step he took. The conversation had reminded him of his school days before he reunited with Rose. Back then, he had been a danger to fathers everywhere.

’Damn...Rose set me straight didn’t she?’ Thadius sighed as he reminisced. Then he ducked into an alley to prepare for his next stop.

He was going to visit the tailor next, but he didn’t plan on going as himself. Corban and Marshal had warned him about people nagging him to make clothing, so he’d previously devised a disguise to serve as the face of his clothing brand. Now that he had the Pretender skill, he’d have to make it more than just a disguise. He needed it to be his alter ego.

He pulled out Marshal’s last gift to him from his inventory. It was an extravagant wolf cloak with the head of the beast used as the hood. Thadius had told Marshal about his plan, and was given the cloak as a parting gift. The hood was a bit large, and covered his eyes. But he didn’t need sight, so it wouldn’t be a problem for him to walk around with it up.

Next, Thadius pulled out the cloak he’d used as Christina’s ‘grandpa’ and wore it under the wolf cloak to hide his divine white robe.To complete the costume, he removed his shoes and put on a pair of handmade jika-tabi, or 'ninja socks' as he liked to call them.

Once the appearance was set, he practiced the voice he wanted to make as he walked up and down the alley, swaying to and fro as he walked. When he was confident in his new identity, he walked out the alley to go back to the Adventurer’s Guild.

[Pretender is active. Experience will be awarded upon shedding the current identity. No experience will be awarded should your act be seen through.]

It was the first time he’d seen such a message. It didn’t happen when he’d posed as Christina’s grandpa. Meaning that no one could know who he truly was in order for the skill to raise, and that failure would reset his progress. Pretender would prove to be a troublesome skill in the future.

’What better way to test it than on someone I jus- Thadius just met minutes ago?’ Victor thought as he walked into the building.

Katherine was leaning on the counter with a sulking expression. No doubt disappointed that Thadius had gently refused her invitation.

“How can I help y-”

“I was told I could come here for directions.” Victor interrupted with his gruff voice.

“Do I know you? I feel like I’ve seen you before.”

“If I knew you, it would mean you’ve seen me here before or somewhere in the city, and if that were the case I wouldn’t be in front of you asking for directions now would I? My name is Victor. Victor Wolfe-Jagger.”

“Pardon me Mr.Wolfe-Jagger, you just reminded me of a man I’d met earlier. Forgive me. Where exactly were you trying to go?”

“I need to find the tailor and the blacksmith. There’s also a mage I need to find by the name of Beth.”

“Well, I could offer you a map of the-”

“I have good memory. I only need directions.” Victor interrupted again.

“Very well. You’ll find the tailor seven streets south of here and two streets east. Then the blacksmith will be two streets east of that. Unfortunately, the mage you're looking for left the city on a trip, and no one knows when she'll return. She runs the local apothecary, so you could check there some other time. Should you need any more help…” Katherine’s voice trailed off as she watched Victor walk out into the streets to make for the tailor’s shop.

The sheen of the wolf’s pelt intensified in the sunlight as he walked, and he could tell that he was drawing attention. Traveler’s and Npcs alike stared at the large man in the wolf cloak.

He reached the tailor in a timely manner. A wooden sign above the door labeled it as ‘Thimble Ted’s’. Victor walked in with confidence.

There were people all over the shop browsing clothing and leather armors. A few people turned to look at him curiously as he walked in, but they quickly went back to their shopping. A frail old man with glasses eyed him from behind the counter. Thankfully, there didn’t seem to be a line since it was still early.

Victor strode up to the counter. “Good morning. Are you the owner of this establishment?”

“Who’s asking?”

“Victor Wolfe-Jagger.”

“Never heard of him.”

“You will soon enough.” Victor retorted.

“Hmph. What can I do for you?”

“I’ve come with a business proposition. I have an interesting product that could sell very well; however, I’ve yet to test the market for it. I was hoping you’d sell my product for a share of the profits.”

“Is that so? What exactly is it you’re selling?”

“Undergarments.” Victor said flatly.

The old man chuckled. “I have no need for undergarments in my shop. They wouldn’t sell anyway.”

“These will.” Victor said confidently, throwing a piece of clothing on the table.


Wolf Gear Briefs

Type: Undergarment Durability: 500/500

Quality: High Defense: 10

This piece was made with supreme care by Victor Wolfe-Jagger. The fine threads were created through long hours at spinning wheel and then woven into a superior cloth on the loom. The battle for this level of quality can be clearly felt, for every single fiber has been infused with Fighting Spirit. How such a thing was achieved is Victor’s secret, but the fruit of his loom is for all to share.

+300 Strength

+100 Dexterity


The old man looked at Victor with a dumbfounded expression. All humor was gone from his face. “I see. I am certainly willing to sell this in my shop for a share. How does 20% sound?”

“I give you 40%. However, I have some conditions.”

“I’m listening.”

“I want my products to hang on this wall.” Victor pointed to an empty space on the wall beside the counter.

The old man was once again dumbfounded. Not only was this man going to give him nearly half of the profits, he was doing it for practically nothing. Such fortuitous circumstances sounded too good to be true. “I can’t see how you profit more from this deal than me.”

“This is a short-term deal. Should my brand sell well enough, then I’ll have a store built nearby and sell there.”

“Why build a store when you can sell it here?”

“This isn’t all there is to my brand. I have other garments of higher levels of quality that come in a variety of colors for both men and women. Not to mention the fact that I could change the design to be more stylish, anything from a day at the beach to a night of adult activity. The downside for you sir, is that you’re getting the bare minimum of the goods at my disposal.”

As Victor talked patrons from all over the shop were making their way to the counter with curious expressions.

Ted fell silent. He was just told that the garment in front of him was the cheapest in the Wolf Gear collection, and that was a very enticing thought. He needed to do whatever he could to jump on this in it’s infancy. In all of his years in the tailoring trade, he’d never come across a product like this.

“I could help you with money for the shop, or you could just keep selling your product here-”

“This deal is temporary, and my enterprise is already funded. All I need from you is to sell my product and give me my share. I don’t need you to advertise either, my work will speak for itself. Now, do we have a deal?”

There was no way in for the old man. All he could do was enjoy the boost in revenue for as long as it would last. “You have a deal.”

With the agreement made, Victor and Ted discussed prices. Once that was done, Victor took out the metal stakes he had ordered in Yune, and hammered them into the wall beside the counter. In less than an hour, there was a full display of Wolf Gear undergarments for men and women in white, black, and grey. Victor couldn’t even walk out of the door before the first item of his brand was bought. With any luck, the word of the undergarments with stats would spread like wildfire.

The next stop after Thimble Ted’s was the blacksmith a few streets down. Just like the tailor’s shop, there was a sign out front that read ‘Arm & Hammer’.

’Really Sonsoft...’ Victor shook his head. Before he walked inside, he slid on the hood of the brown cloak and slid the wolf head back enough so that he could see.

“Oi Virgil! Take a look at this bloke! More wolf than man he ‘is!”

The weapon and armor store was open and spacious. Most of the room was taken up by weapons and armors on display on shelves and mannequins while the counter was set all the way in the back. The forge seemed to be in a building behind the shop.

Sitting at the counter was a bald, fat man who was laughing his head off at the sight of Victor. Then a younger man, drenched in sweat, appeared from the back room with a red bandana wrapped around his head. There was no question that he had been hard at work seconds before. Victor decided to address the young man instead of the man laughing his head off.

“Good morning. I’m here to purchase a weapon and some armor, but I don’t want to be in here all day looking.”

“No problem, I can help. Just ignore this ass. He’s been like this since I can remember.”

“But look at him, Tommy! I bet he can’t even see out the damned thing! Haha!”

Tommy just shook his head. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I want a short sword and armor that lets me pivot easily.”

“Flexible armor huh. Wait here.” Tommy said before he returned to the back.


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