
At first it was a good idea to entice the spider.

One of their options was to abandon their territory and make a complete escape from the snowy mountain. Or, they could try to make the opponent withdraw.

For Akari’s sake, Kurando chooses the second option.

Yukishiro dislikes the idea. Although, Kurando is worried about her.

He doesn’t yet know the true nature of magic. Perhaps by seizing the unique magic it might hasten his understanding of magic.

Kurando had previously acknowledged the power of spirit magic. Ordinary spirits that are used in spirit magic far outclasses the capabilities of simple firepower. This world is presently in favor autonomous magic.

Spirit magic uses the power of spirits to 『intervene』 in this world. In comparison, autonomous magic uses one’s own power to 『trick』 the world.

Anyways, magic is the complex use of maryoku.

In spirit magic, only maryoku is used to convey the effect/intent through an incantation. With autonomous magic, the incantation, the wand, and all the equipment are required.

Spirit magic uses maryoku the most efficiently while autonomous magic requires 100 more maryoku. And, to use autonomous magic one needs a lot of maryoku and must be highly skilled. The difference in requirement between the two is great.

It is easy to learn the basics of spirit magic. Everyone has the aptitude to learn it. On the other hand, autonomous magic is expensive to learn. To be able to use it one must pay for the equipment and other services. Not everyone has the time and patients to acquire it. Therefore, it is not available for most people.

Spirit magic summons water itself while with autonomous magic something like 『water arrow』 is brought forth but then disappears after use.

In every category, spirit magic is superior to autonomous magic. Although, for the last 200 years autonomous magic has overshadowed spirit magic. For that reason, even in this era, the practice continues and just won’t go away. In recent years autonomous magic has begun to permanent among the public.

Autonomous magic is able to 『deceive』 this world.

Because Kurando is not from this world he was able to tell the difference between spirit magic and autonomous magic. Autonomous magic is able to temporarily ignores the natural laws of this world.

As an example in Kurando’s world, the famous 『magic arrow』 is something that can’t be done with spirit magic.

Because maryoku can’t consume spirits. It is something that can’t be done.

This supernatural like power was discovered long ago by the aristocrats and royals. Spirit magic was then established.

However, in the present day, these former nobles are in hiding. They only passing on their knowledge to selected magician among their descendants.

To say that spirit magic is an unknown existent isn’t an over exaggeration. (T/N: random explanation about magic)

Kurando reads this information in the magic textbook to stop himself from worrying about the outcome of the battle.

The second option was a failure.

In silence, he returns to the cave.

He couldn’t think of any other clever schemes.

Kurando stops thinking about it.

There is nothing he can do now; anyway, there wasn’t anything for Kurando to do.

He can’t control the outcome.

To act recklessly will only result in death……

Genuine hunters…… are caught in the trap. Not too long ago Yukishiro’s existence was exposed.

It doesn’t matter. The plan’s success is more important.

But, was it worth comprising Yukishiro’s existence?

No, but maybe……

Kurando is lost in thought; his mind wanders around in circles. And, suddenly he stops.

Everything had already come together.

He controls his thoughts and stops thinking about killing.

That is something Kurando must not do.

He stops himself from thinking that way.

Kurando’s second option fell apart. Why wasn’t he able to realize something so simple?

He didn’t take another person’s life into consideration.

With an Earthling nearby, Kurando chooses to defend his morals and ethics.

Despite having run away from it all, despite not associating with this world’s society, and despite him looking away from morals/ ethics before.

In the first place, the hunter came here to hunt. Kurando had resolved himself to attack them. But, he won’t use excessive self-defense.

Kurando didn’t feel indebted to the parent magical beast and Yukishiro, but he is grateful to them.

He wanted to survive on the snowy mountain on his own.

If that were to have happened, he would have been lonely and the time he had spent together with them would have never happened.

Unexpectedly, Kurando didn’t think things turned out so bad.

Although his companion isn’t human by being together Kurando had found the thing he was missing. It became something he didn’t want to let go.

Kurando doesn’t hate people. He is more human than most.

Although, Humans and magical beast can’t be compared to one another.

Kurando hasn’t sided with the magical beast either.

He just doesn’t want to leave 『Yukishiro’s』 side.

「Instigate the spider.」 (Kurando)

Yukishiro gradually became hungry and began to pout.

It is likely that the spider is Yukijiro’s (Iruniiku) hunting rival.

They are fellow predators of from the same hierarchy on the food pyramid. Well, perhaps so.

Yukishiro swings its tail against Kurando as it pleads from food.

The following day Yukishiro easily abducts Akari.

In the end, it brought back Akari. Despite its reluctance, before its departure, Yukishiro did as Kurando had insisted.

「She survived.」 (Kurando)

Kurando takes Akari on his shoulder. He briskly pets Yukishiro’s head. Yukishiro swiftly slips away.

With its tail raised Yukishiro bashfully makes its way into the cave.

Akari awakens and raises her body.

The sun had already set. There are numerous fire spirits fluttering around.

Kurando sends fire spirits over to Akari’s direction. As usual, Kurando is brushing Yukishiro.

「…… am I still alive?」 (Akari)

「Huh? Ah, you seem alive.」 (Kurando)

Upon hearing an unexpected voice Akari turns her head to Kurando’s direction.

「……huh? Why am I here, what about the giant thorny spider (Atorabashiku)… is that Iruniiku…… who are you?」 (Akari)

She is confused.

When Yukishiro heard Akari’s voice it hissed and glared at her. The section of fur Kurando was brushing stood up on end. Yukishiro doesn’t have any sympathy for Akari in the slightest.

「Ahh……J, janitor-san?」 (Akari)

Surprisingly, Akari had remembered who Kurando was.

Kurando has been bathing, and he does shave using a knife. He kept his hair trim with a knife. It has been quite a long time since they had left Japan, and it has been equally as long since he thought about his life in Japan.

Kurando of course remembers. They didn’t know one another’s name as they were merely acquaintances that greeted one another in the morning.

However, that is all he remembers.

Akari was not killed by the giant thorny spider (Atorabashiku). She had failed her hunter acquaintances, and for that reason, Kurando did not want to ignore her.

And thus, Kurando first meeting with another summon person was while he is brushing Yukishiro. Yukishiro loudly yawns.


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