Chapter 14: Akari 2
「Well, hypothetically that is if I did entice the spider.」 (Kurando)
Akari is stunned and she is unable to say anything further.
「First off, Yukishiro and I are equal comrades…… well, it is more like I’m relying on Yukishiro to bring me food.」 (Kurando)
To put it nicely, everything started from the time your companions hunted the parent magical beast Iruniiku; about one year ago.
「And that was what had happened to me since being summoned here.」 (Kurando)
From a downward stare at her empty bowl, Akari raises her head.
「It was rather unfortunate. Although, I do have regrets, it’s unrelated…」 (Kurando)
Kurando continues to play with the sleepy Yukishiro’s tail.
「Well, and that was how Yukishiro and I became bound together. 」 (Kurando)
Kurando notices Akari’s puzzled expression, but he continues to tease the prideful and sleepy Yukishiro because it is fun. (T/N: note the following dialogues are gibberish.)
「This may be from the perspective of someone from Japan, but. Ah, sorry the conversation had dragged on. Well, listen. Perhaps, it is better to run away than be entangled in other people’s affairs. Although, to lead others is quite difficult, isn’t it?」 (Kurando)
「For an incapable person, they would already have failed.」 (Kurando)
Without stopping Kurando continues to talk. Perhaps after one and a half year had passed he was thirsting for a chance to speak to someone.
「When one takes the lead they have responsibilities, and people won’t come to help.」 (Kurando)
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「One has no choice but to use violence in retaliation. If several people are killed and there is moderate damage the authorities should be notified. Don’t you agree it’s a difficult choice? Would one say it’s revenge?」 (Kurando)
「Do you understand what it means for a leader to take responsibility for a failure?」 (Kurando)
「If by some chance someone died, would it be excessive self-defense?」 (Kurando)
「Well, for me it would be 『checkmate』.」 (Kurando)
「For me then, I would have no choice but to kill. It can’t be helped if someone passes away. Revenge would only be a pretense. Anyways, it can’t be helped if someone dies.」 (Kurando)
「It’s unreasonable, ――phew.」 (Kurando)
Kurando gave Yukishiro’s tail one final poked before leaving it alone. Yukishiro lays on its chest and closes its eyes. Kurando wryly smiles as there is nothing more to distract him.
「Therefore, isn’t alright to entice the spider, well, to kill, the hunter that have returned?」 (Kurando)
For some reason Akari became agitated.
She did not misinterpret the things Kurando had said. Because Akari had become used to the suggestive manner in which Makushiimu (マクシーム) spoke. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!
As the saying goes, the predator must prepare to be the prey. And, don’t forget it.
Although the meaning can be reverse, it still means the same thing.
However, the matter, this time, was different. The predator, the spider, was incited to kill people.
「Ahaha, excuse me. I’ll get to the point. In other words, I didn’t want to die.」 (Kurando)
「Why would you die…… couldn’t you have just run away?」 (Akari)
「Well, fighting and hunting are two different things. Thus, it is a bad idea for Yukishiro to fight a battle. And more so, Yukishiro dislikes running away.」 (Kurando)
「What sort of relationship――」 (Akari)
「――let’s say, a person who is a thief invades your home. Would you hand over your possessions?」 (Kurando)
Akari talks back in anger.
「Umm, around here there is only Yukishiro and I. I should have told you so from the start. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding. Pardon me for sounding suspicious, it has been a while since I last talked with another human being.」 (Kurando)
The statement sounded reasonable enough.
After the statement, there was a feeling of uneasiness between Akari and Kurando.
When Kurando talked, he seemed indifferent towards the life and death of other people――
――Akari became puzzled by how Kurando was acting; it irritated her, and then she realized it.
Because, although it was indirectly Kurando had mentioned killing people. And that had disgusted her.
Akari had heard only a very few reports of a summoned person killing someone. An imperial guard had told her that this world is not similar to the European Middle Ages. Although it is somewhat different this world can be described as in between the industrial revolution and World War II. But, in place of machines, there is magic.
In other words, even within the remote frontier a person’s life and death aren’t taken lightly.
There are laws, and the state is democratic.
「Why must you kill people for the sake of a magical beast?」 (Akari)
There is a fine line between a human and a magical beast; it is also the same in Japan.
「Because there was only Yukishiro around?」 (Kurando)
Kurando said something careless.
「I’m nothing more than an ordinary man from Japan. Do you have any complaints about that? After I was summoned, some brat stole my special power. And then, I was dropped off in the middle of a snowy mountain; I was by myself, alone. Not to mention, I didn’t have a say in the matter. Although, I don’t regret it I had to bear with the isolation.」 (Kurando)
「Would not it have been better to descend to civilization?」 (Akari)
「It is not like I’m afraid of strangers. Well, I was trying to express gratitude toward Iruniiku’s offspring, Yukishiro, who has been looking after me. Without Yukishiro I might have faced a crisis. Quite pathetic, right? Therefore, do you understand why I had to kill them?」 (Kurando)
Kurando pats the back of Yukishiro who is sleeping.
「But, if someone finds out……」 (Akari)
「I might be killed. That is why it can’t be leaked.」 (Kurando)
Akari averts her gaze by looking down.
「……then, what’s going to happen to me? To keep it a secret, will you have me killed?」 (Akari)
Kurando sends fire spirits over to the downcasted Akari to observe her more clearly.
Akari is seventeen years old. For a child, she is quite impertinent.
Although Kurando understands that, he can’t help but find it absurd.
Would it have been better if he never met this person; even though, she is but a child?
He never considered the possibility.
Kurando no longer thought of this person as merely a child.
In this world they are on equal footing, or perhaps their position is reverse.
In other words, Kurando was careless.
He let his guard down because the company is a fellow summoned person. And, Kurando had thought of the person as a child.
Originally, he was supposed to conceal Yukishiro’s existence and demand that Akari keep their existence a secret to repaying the favor. And lastly, he wanted to learn any information as to whether they can return to their home world or not.
No, it would have been a better idea to save her from the spider and then leave her at the foot of the mountain. That would have been the most appropriate course of action.
It might have been better for Akari to not learn the details of the massacre. And then, Kurando should have vigilantly and cautiously try to stay undetected.
In this world, he should have blended in and live a quiet life.
Kurando was lured by temptation and was baited. He is disgusted by his former Japanese self.
Even though, he was not supposed to be.
To kill or not。。。
It would be unfavorable for Kurando if Akari informs the central government. And, Dorugan can’t be reasoned with.
In addition, it is unknown as to whether or not Akari will sell-out Janitor-san.
It is shocking that he is the mastermind behind the spider’s attack. However, Kurando isn’t supposed to exist and none among those who were summoned have the right to judge him.
No one had helped him and nor does Kurando want their help.
It would be ungrateful of Akari if she doesn’t repay the favor from when Yukishiro had saved her from the spider.
And thus, even if Kurando was behind the incident, she was still saved by the mastermind.
Sooner or later, Kurando and Yukishiro might have had to kill someone.
If one thinks about its such things are bound to happen. And thus, it would be truly frightening if one committed such acts without even realizing it.
Well, maybe killing is this world can’t be helped?
As from the fluffy white beast, it wouldn’t be able to win the war. (T/N: the battles against the government)
Kurando who thinks about such things can only chuckle.
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