A soul is transported to a strange new world by mysterious forces, where countless laws and realities overlap. Armed with a special system that lets him create avatars, he can explore and navigate through endless worlds.
As he travels, he will master the laws of each realm, bending reality to his will and crushing anyone who stands in his way. Watch as he evolves from a wanderer to a supreme ruler, expanding his power and reshaping the very fabric of existence.
Table of Contents
World Master System is a popular web novel covering the genres Action, Adventure.
The novel was written by the author Purple_Feathers.
There are currently 20 chapters avaible and the release of other chapters are in progress.
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Chapter 1 - The Transfer, the System, and Officer Jenny.
I opened my eyes a period of time after I felt should have already been hit by that truck. (All Hail Truck-kun) I found myself laying in the middle of a forest with my head still pounding. Suddenly, a screen appears before my eyes.
You have been selected as a suitable candidate of your world to ascend to a higher dimension.
Sensors had detected your soul possessed a useful innate ability:
'Infinite Relay'
- Mental and Soul Energy when fused contain natural law resonance. Can allow bodies made of fusion energy to ignore distance and low energy dimensional barriers. Traversing the world's unbounded by laws is possible.
Your personality and ability assessment shows potential for growth into a strong warrior under the established parameters and thus you are worthy of investment, a System suitable to your idealize growth has been supplied.
The System assigned to you is the "World Master" System.
- This system will allow you to utilize your innate ability to it's maximum potential and guide you onto an optimum growth route.
- To stimulate growth, your newly made body has reverted to an earlier age, condensing your natural energy and senses. Slight alterations have been made so as to help you adapt and grow to a form more appropriate for a warrior. Costs for this service have been recorded.
Please note that your current body is still from a lesser dimension. Your current Realm was picked as an Optimal Hub to move between realms and consolidate knowledge. However, your current state is very weak for this Realm's standards. Do your best to strengthen quickly.
Your system utilizes your Mental Energy as the basis and by utilizing spiritual energy you gain access to worlds or alternate dimensions by resonance with information stored in your memories. The system can tap into information from worldly energy of your previous world and the universe to fill in gaps of data as needed. The uses of the System will increase together with your Bodily, spiritual and mental energies.
Your system is an accessory system and can only assist in a limited capacity, the system is partially automated and will help you communicate with humanoids in any language or dialect to ease world navigations. To access world transfer assistance, focus on the point between your brows. Visualize an isolated space in that location, visualize a small spiritual version of yourself and enter the space to access the system.
A drip of cold sweat rolls down my face, I really could die any moment again here, and very easily at that. Looking around I find some dense foliage with seemingly no animals crawling about in it. I crawl in it and begin to scoop up a lot of the dirt and seemingly benign foliage and pack it over my body for further concealment.
I began to realize my body seemed to have shrank by a good bit. I cant see my own reflection, but just from my bodily movements and the fact my whole body is almost hairless... it really would seem I'm no longer in a body that would belong to an adult of their early 20's, though the 'system' had already said that. This is not the time to dwell on this though, getting resources for survival is vital right now.
I pause my thoughts and try my best to enter a meditative state. Visualizing myself entering the space between my brows.
The next instant I was in a vast and empty space. I was no longer sitting in a meditative pose as I was before but was now standing. It would seem I cannot feel my actual body when I am within this space.
I begin to walk inside the space, looking for whatever I need for interacting with this system. Soon after I thought this a blue wall, stretching seemingly infinitely in all directions, appeared in front of me. I approached the blue wall and on it I read:
Please select a world to begin your development. Your mental-spiritual energy body can currently solidify spatial coordinates on a single world for dimensional travel. All worlds chosen have a time progression rate equivalent to the current world. Current suitable worlds related to memories are displayed:
- Note: These are real worlds whose realities closely match existing realities models in your mind. Worlds with suitable threat levels for current capabilities selected. The system will set your spatial coordinates to a location suitable for your current growth stage on that world.
1) (Fable)
- World Resources: Atmospheric Mental Energy Stimulants, Basic Mental Energy Techniques, Low-Grade Mental Energy Formations
- Unique Natural Laws: Sorcerer Physique Refinement Laws, Sorcerer Mental Technique Enlightenment, Fate Laws, Alternate Reality Binding
2) (Pokemon)
- World Resources: Basic and (Incomplete) Low grade Mental Cultivation Techniques, Basic and Low-Grade Mental Energy Beasts, Natural Mental Energy Formations, Basic Mental Energy formations and Technology, Basic Natural Technology
- Unique Natural Laws: Mental Energy Consolidation, Mental Energy Technique Enlightenment, Mental Cultivation Enlightenment
3) (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- World Resources: Basic Spiritual Meditation Techniques, Innate Spiritual Element Stimulants
- Unique Natural Laws: Spiritual Technique Enlightenment, Spiritual-Physical Dimension Binding
4) (Dragon Ball Universe)
- World Resources: Basic Qi Cultivation Techniques, Basic to High Grade Qi Genetics, Basic to Mid Grade Martial Arts Techniques, Basic to Low Grade Natural Technology Development
5) (Crash Bandicoot)
- World Resources: Basic to Low-Grade Mystic Tribal Arts, Basic Natural Genetic Modifications, Basic Tribal Energy Type Genetic Modifications, Basic and Low grade Tribal Energy Technology
- Unique Natural Laws: Tribal Art Enlightenment, Space-Time Tribal Energy Laws
6) (Sonic The Hedgehog)
- World Resources: Basic Chaos Energy Body Techniques, Basic Chaos Energy Type Genetic Modifications, Basic Natural Technology, Basic and Semi-Low-Grade Chaos Energy Technology
- Unique Natural Laws: Chaos Energy Condensation
Looking at all of my options I feel like I am going crazy. All of these worlds are game or story worlds I was deeply into at one point or time. Additionally, from the benefits each world has stated, I can tell these worlds might have more to offer than the story worlds they are similar to.
However, on the down side, it seems I will have to leave my body behind to travel to these worlds. Currently being in a dangerous-looking forest with likely-supernatural beasts prowling, it seems just A BIT dangerous. However, I have no idea where I am currently.
Without strength, I may end up starving to death or being eaten in this place. Wasting my energy searching for a settlement (which may not even exist in this world) could easily spell death. Why should I do so when I have such a good option, given to me so blatantly.
Out of these worlds, there is only one option which would kindly allow a weak person to get strength easily. Although it is tempting to go to a World with higher Grade resources, they are not places I would be able to easily strengthen myself at.
My System Ability seems to be based off of Mental Energy first, and spiritual energy second. At least, that is what it says. I need to strengthen mental energy, which is the foundation of my ability, first and foremost.
I calmly think in my mind to choose the Pokemon World.
The blue wall begins to ripple like water from the raindrop, a black orb begins to emerge from the origin of the rippling waves. I feel a connection from the orb, it is linked to a distant place. I step forward swiftly, and go into it.
Entering through the black orb, I find myself in the middle of a forest again. Fortunately though, this time I can also see buildings in a clearing not far away. I begin to make my way towards the clearing.
Coming out of the forest I hear a strangely familiar voice yelling at me lightly.
"Hey, you over there! What are you doing there? Don't you know these are the grounds of the police acadamy? Why aren't you in Uniform?"
Somewhat startled I look over and smile.
"Apologies Officer Jenny, to be honest I've always wanted to join the force but I wasn't certain of the proper methods to do so. I ended up lost for a long time searching for the way to the academy to try and get in."
A suspicious look appeared in her eye,
"That's Instructor Jenny to you! And how on earth could you have been lost in the woods for 2 days, more like you skipped and finally decided to come in. I'm not sure how you know me but I'll let that slide, we'd best get you registered for classes."
Officer Jenny led me inside the main building and into an office. I spent about an hour doing paperwork.
"You are lucky that someone else forfeited their place here at the last minute, or we wouldn't have any spot for you at all. What were you thinking Grey, trudging your way through the woods with no Pokemon or no escort to keep you company! You could have died!
All you had to do was let an officer know at your hometown that you wanted to be a volunteer and they would have brought you here. Isn't that common sense? What sort of an airhead are you?"
"Well mam, to be honest there are a lot of weird things about myself that I can't explain properly, haha."
She narrows her eyes at me.
"Well, there are no requirements of any kind on becoming a volunteer policeman as you won't be a real officer. However we will need to issue you a new Identification Card since you don't have one. If I ever find out you've been using Pokemon for misdeeds I will track you down myself."
I immediately responded,
"I would never mam!"
Her eyes became a bit gentler,
"Well, I know you wouldn't but it's always best to warn against it just in case"
She hands me a miniaturized pokeball.
"Do you know how to use it?"
I instantly shook my head.
"Sigh, of course not. Look, it's easy. Focus your mind on the pokeball, this ball is ownerless so it will naturally guide your mental and essence energy into it, making a mental connection."
Following her instructions, I focus on the Pokeball. A small amount of the mental energy making up my body seeps into the ball and my body shrinks slightly. Realizing I just shrank at least an inch in full view of another person, I look up to see officer Jenny's expression.
The smile on her face is frozen, and the doubt of her own sanity is tangible on her face. I break out a conversation to make it seem like nothing happened.
"So, Officer Jenny is this the pokeball I'm going to use to get my first pokemon?"
She snaps out of her trance.
"Yes, of course. We have a small exclusive Pokemon Safari here on the Police Academy grounds. The Pokemon you could catch in the safari include: Growlithe, Riolu, Machop, Meditite, HootHoot, Mienfoo, and Lillipup.
There are also a few low level bug Pokemon and stray flying Pokemon as well, just like you would find anywhere. Those I listed are the best Pokemon for policing and all on the Police force will have some Pokemon from a police safari grounds."
She guides me to the gate of the fence surrounding the safari and let's me go in myself. I decide to aim for Growlithe as my first Pokemon. It is the only Pokemon here with elemental special attacks like ember or flamethrower. To be prepared for anything, it's the best choice.
Entering through the security gate I was checked for any excess gear that are restricted within the safari zone. After getting clearance the guard who searched me clapped my back hard.
"I saw you haven't brought any Pokemon food either for a lure. You'd have to be really lucky to catch a Pokemon in a safari like that. I know you students try to cut costs wherever you can, but this is one investment you might want to make. If your going to try anyways, good luck!"
I thanked him for his 'concern', and he opened the gate and I passed through. The instant I entered the safari I was surrounded by the tall grass. Luckily there is no need to fear poisonous creatures in the tall grass as they regularly patrol this place to keep them out, and regular bugs and animals in this world are much smaller in population and lack variety due to the suppressive nature Pokemon have on the ecosystem.
I wandered through tall grass for maybe a half hour before getting to a more forested area. A few minutes into the forested area I finally saw my first Pokemon, a Hoothoot. Gosh, it is somewhat embarrassing thinking of the naming for these creatures as an adult. Though, maybe that is just because I associate the names with it being an anime instead of an actual world.
So anyways, after I got out of the long grass I saw the Pokemon that looks like an owl. Now, I certainly plan to catch one of these guys eventually as it seems to be some sort of arranged destiny for me to do policing in this world. Not now though.
From what Officer Jenny said, I'm only capable of holding a single Pokemon right now. It took a decent amount of mental energy to just bind the one pokeball, and I have a feeling the energy consumption will be far worse when it comes to sealing an actual pokemon inside it.
I really need to hurry, every moment I am here my real body is just sitting defenseless in a forest.
As I walk through the forest I hear a rustle in the brushes. A humanoid Pokemon, a meditite, casually walks out of the underbrush. If this were the video game I would have gotten some intense background music and a 'Wild Meditite Appears!' Notice would have come up.
Then, since this is a safari, I would have the option to throw pokeblocks, approach, try to catch it, or run away. In this case, I would prefer to run away because I don't particularly want a Meditite. The instant I try to briskly walk away though, the damn thing threw a kick at me!
What the hell! There isn't supposed to be a 'fight' option in the safari! Furthermore, Pokemon should be good and not attack Pokemon trainers! Though I may not actually be one yet, the rule should still apply, though I suppose it never did in the anime either.
This particular Meditite, however, did not care to abide by that rule. If this were the game, I had chosen the option 'RUN!' and either god or this meditite would reply with a mwahahah evil laugh (in my imagination) and a notification of 'You Cannot Escape!'.
I had stupidly allowed my guard to be slightly down as I was moving away so the kick managed to strike the back of my ribs. The instant I felt the impact I shifted my weight to go with the blow and rolled to soften the impact. The pain from it coursed through me but I stood up as soon as I finished the roll and faced the Meditite.
As I steadied my stance and faced it the pain in my body died down quickly. However, oddly along with the pain dying down my body shrank slightly again as well. I was originally rather tall at about 2 meters but now I had shrank to about 180 centimeters.
I had a fair amount of experience in martial arts originally. I had never been able to stick in a single school though. A little bit of Tai-quan-do and Boxing as a kid, some Shotokan Karate, Jiu-jitsu and Muay Chaiya as a teen, and then Army Combatatives techniques and the more complicated Kung Fu styles I had just started to try and pick up when I had gone into college.
However, in every one of the schools I somewhat stuck around in I was told I had no talent for the martial arts. The reason was simple, I just couldn't bring myself to hurt others, even if I knew the other person was probably stronger I couldn't bear to bring out all my strength on a person I felt no threat from.
There were few occasions where I actually felt threatened by others in my life. The first time was actually when I was still a kid. I was not very social of a person and somehow I offended a few little punks by defending someone they were teasing, so they decided to act as bullies to me instead, in retaliation.
The four kids tried to jump me in the bathroom at the grade school. I don't remember what exactly they were trying to do pushing me around but I beat them up and made them kneel in apology for acting as bullies. I had to go to the principals office every day for the rest of that year as punishment but every one of those fellows grew up to be outstanding citizens after that, I think I did the right thing.
The time after that was when a man came into my home with a knife, I was unarmed but I managed to out-maneuver him and obtain my own knife, threatening the guy sufficiently and convinced him robbing me would end badly. Overall it just came down to intimidation so it was no actual fight, but it was still a notable serious encounter.
Another time was when I was ambushed by teen punk who disliked me in school, he punched from a blind spot in the middle of the hall. The hit landed and by instinct I flowed with the move and my fist hit his face. I managed to stop my fist after it lightly hit his nose so he wasn't badly injured, but it was close~
I almost got in trouble and would have probably been kicked out because it was High School. But because neither of us got badly hurt and it was glossed over with a stern warning to not cause a ruckus. I didn't exactly make up with the guy after that but we didn't have any problems after either.
Then the last and most recent time before traveling this world was when I was in my Basic Military Training. The people of a particular platoon had been breaking into rooms and filming the group of people beating others up for fun. Gotta say some people in the military have an odd sense of humor.
So, a group of people barged into our room one night. I, having heard the rumors of said fellows, was a little excited. At least I couldn't keep the smile off my face.
Even though I couldn't bear to hurt another person practicing in a gym. Those sort of jackasses who I was perfectly justified to kick the shit out of were perfectly fair game. Unfortunately it ended a bit too fast.
A few guys came up to me and came at me trying to pin me. I knocked those guys into the crowd of others and then I saw a guy out of the corner of my eye coming at me from behind. I turned quickly and the fool was flying at me in the air, so I elbowed him out of the air into a wall.
Everyone stared at me for a second and I got somewhat confused and asked if we were going to continue because I was getting kinda pumped. They said it was a misunderstanding though and even my roommates were looking at me with weird eyes.
So I just made sure to remind them to invite me if they felt like having fun fighting again. I kept reminding them after that too so they wouldn't forget, unfortunately there weren't any more occurrences of fighting again after that. I was sincerely disappointed.
Ah, I got sidetracked from the main story! Anyways, this little meditite could make me feel that it was actually a threat. I watched the humanoid critter intensely, awaiting it's next move.
Unfortunately, the little guy was inhumanly fast and strong! In addition, it was just too small, so I couldn't properly use many moves of my moves on it. In the end, I was only able trade blows with it and couldn't use my technique to gain any advantage at all.
However, the blows were insanely heavy! Although it wasn't to the extent of blowing a person away, I'm at least somewhat decent at fighting and almost four times it's size, and every blow of this creature was enough to cause some of the bones in my arms and fists to break.
There the occasional attempts at low kicks and the like as well but both of us had decent footwork and could easily evade a kick from the other side. After a short while I began to shrink rapidly as the different parts of my body made up of energy broke and reformed themselves.
It wasn't as though Imy blows had no affect on my opponent though, I could clearly see the slowing of it's movements and the sweat on it's brow.
This body made of energy would erode as I exhausted stamina but my abilities would remain relatively the same and the feeling of exhaustion was more mental than physical. However, this type of exhaustion was a lot easier to endure and gave me a big edge. Although I thought this body would be weaker because it was made of energy, it is strangely much more suitable for fighting.
The fight dragged on for what felt like a long time. Eventually my height had dropped to being only 80cm, just slightly taller than the meditite. At this point I actually began to gain momentum, because I could bring into play the techniques I would normally use on a person.
The meditite was already visibly extremely tired but it continued a formidable exchange blows with me. At a moment I felt a slight opening from the meditite. It had just thrown a right hook but it's center of balance was thrown off significantly.
I dove into the opening instantly. Sweeping and twisting my arm against the arm it shot out I knock it's fist away, shifting it further off balance while moving into it's space. Using the same arm I jab upwards into it's jaw, dazing it.
Finally, I shuffle my feet and use my right foot to knock it's left foot out from under it. Then shift my right arm from guard to attack it's chest and then grab and knock it to the ground with a throw. I follow up quickly and cautiously with a pin before I notice the complete lack of resistance.
Testing to make sure, I do a sternal rub, but sure enough it's knocked out cold. Keeping it in a pin, I look around again and realize it is almost dark. Having spent this long here, if I don't get back to my actual body soon I might have starved or died of thirst without realizing it.
I glance down again at the Meditite pinned under my knee. From what I could tell, this thing is actually pretty strong. Furthermore, if I recall correctly it should be both Fighting and Psychic type so it should also have the ability to fight the paranormal.
I sigh and take out the shrunken pokeball I have stored in the pouch Jenny lent to me. Putting a miniscule amount of energy into it, the pokeball swells in size. Then, I press the button on it down on Meditites forehead.
The moment it touched the pokemon's forehead it jolted awake. Simultaneously, an enormous amount of mental energy began to be sucked into the pokeball. The Pokemon tried to push me off but I held it down.
I began to shrink very quickly as my mental energy was absorbed by the pokeball, transforming into a type of red energy which engulfed Meditite. Meditite was absorbed into the pokeball and so ensued the stereotypical inside-the-pokeball struggle.
I could feel the inner chassis in the structure of the pokeball through a strange sort of mental connection. Meditite, still combined together with the red energy, used all it's remaining power to try and shift or collapse a part of the inner chassis of the pokeball so it could escape. The Inner chassis of the pokeball acted alike the legendary immortal array formations, trying to bind it with the red mental energy, but the array itself was actually somewhat delicate.
Whenever Meditite surged it's energy to a particular part of the chassis, I applied energy there to reinforce it and keep it from collapse. Effectively, after a short minute, the pokeball let out it's signature sound signifying that I had successfully caught the Meditite, as the formation stabilized.
Seriously, I would do a victory pose and go, 'Yeah! I caught Meditite!'. Except A: I'm a grown ass man (On the inside) and it would be creepy as hell. And B: I'm now the same size as the pokeball itself so a victory pose right now would at best be me leaning on the pokeball with a peace sign posing for a picture.
Since I caught a Pokemon, it was best for me to return to my real body. However, it would be kind of pointless to do so without bringing back my purpose in coming here. So, I approached the Pokeball and placed my hand on it.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Focusing my mind my sixth sense turned into a new kind of vision. However, there were only two things I could see using my new vision.
The first was the pokeball before me and it's contents. The pokeball shape itself was spectral, and within the pokeball chassis was an extremely complex arrangement of energy grid lines forming a sphere. Within the sphere was the red energy which ebbed and flowed very naturally here and there within it.
A spectral Meditite floated within the red energy looking completely at peace. The Meditite curled up in the red energy which looked like fluid made it seem as if it were just a baby in a womb. As though it being there was the most natural thing in the world.
The second thing I saw was a star, extremely far in the distance. It's light was very faint but familiar. I could tell that the star should be the location of my original body.
I willed myself to go there, together with the pokeball which was connected to my consciousness. At that instant my body vanished together with the pokeball, not a trace was left in the wake of it. As though I had never been there at all.