Chapter 4: Psychic Powers
After I had returned, I noticed Meditite had brought me to a new location. Apparently some creatures had approached my body while I was away. So Meditite had Piggy backed / dragged me away.
I feel bad relying on this guy so much... I really need to catch more Pokemon soon so he can get a bit of help. Luckily, my Mental Space seems to act like a portable Pokemon Center.
I can simply expend my own Mental Energy to replenish the fatigue of Meditite, but that can only work for so long. It is mentally exhausting to have to be constantly vigilant, regardless of who or what you are. Somehow, Meditite seems to be perfectly fine regardless, but I don't want him to have to be.
I spent the night with Meditite, practicing different techniques from Modern Boxing, Shotokan Karate, Muay Chaiya, Xingyi Quan and Taiji Quan. Because of his Psychic Sensing Abilities, we had the confidence to do our practicing in a more open area.
Going over the motions for the body techniques of these arts would be second nature for me. However, for Meditite, these are all new to him. He is a fighting type as well, and it is easy to tell that he enjoys himself, learning all these techniques.
Meditite memorized the basic techniques quickly. If he were a human, his martial arts abilities would be at the level of genius. I was exhausted before long, yet Meditite was still perfectly fine.
As I practiced with Meditite I came to realize I'd grown rather accustomed to Mental Energy Sensing. As I've been tracking Meditite's body which could not be seen which cannot be seen with the normal eye casually, I suppose I should have noticed that sooner.
After we finished basic exercises in each of the arts we started resting, and as my consciousness began drifting a bit, I noticed the minute flows of the mental energy coming off of Meditite.
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The mental energy radiated off his body in minute flares, spreading out and forming large but low density arcing currents. Eventually those currents spreading out became too indistinct to accurately sense. However, I could sense the energy currents as they re-approached and re-entered his body.
Is this how his 'Psychic' senses work? It is really just a special form or method of Mental Energy sense. This may be why the Psychic trainers in Pokemon world are known to be so powerful. Their cultivation method raises both psychic powers and their powers as a trainer simultaneously. The psychic type uses their mental energy in the most natural way, while others probably waste energy in a conversion process.
I just watch Meditite operating the Psychic Sensing techniques for a long while. Meditite, who most certainly knows I am staring at it, sits in a meditative stance and intensifies it's technique further. The flow of Mental Energy becomes even clearer in my view.
From what I can tell, Mental Energy senses work best, by far, when you are trying to sense things using your own energy. For me, it is probably also far easier to perceive Meditite's Mental Energy than the Mental Energy of another, due to our connection. However, it would be impossible for me to sense my surroundings using his energy as a medium. That could only be done using my own energy.
Now may be a good time to try and learn some psychic techniques, since Meditite is implicitly encouraging it anyways. Although it may burn a bit of my mental energy, it would be best to not rely on my Pokemon for everything. I focus on my mental space again, in stories the 'Mental Palace' there would always be the source of Mental Energy.
I am assuming that my mental palace is concealed behind the wall within the space. Considering I could use abilities and keep Pokemon, it should still be possible to draw out Mental Energy from behind the wall. I enter the space, focusing on the wall.
Closely inspecting the wall, it becomes more apparent that there are minute traces of Mental Energy within. Touching the wall would give off a small 'spark' of Mental Energy, drawing it into my Energy body.
I back away from the wall again. The Orb, the Energy Body, the Meditite Seal, all of them are more concentrated in energy than the wall, even if the wall is the origin, these all seem to be constantly draining the origin, making it pointless to draw from it. It seems it might be more efficient to just directly use the Mental Energy of the Energy Body.
Thinking this, I decide it may be best to experiment with using the energy body inside this space. I move far away from the wall and begin with trying to stimulate an arc.
Most all forms of energy or matter follow principles akin to electromagnetism or thermodynamics, flowing from areas of high energy or high concentration to area of low energy or low concentration.
The part that makes their flow complicated is material properties which disrupt and distort that flow. If only a particular object in an area is capable of holding the energy, then the instant the energy is forced out it will arc and recombine into another area of the same material, but in an area of relatively lower concentration.
In this case, the materials that can attract mental energy are my body, the wall, the spatial orb, and the seal. In the outside world those are all within my body, but here to stop the energy from being drawn towards those, I had to move further away. And now that my energy body is isolated, I should be able to mimic the actions of Meditite which are based on recombination principles.
I began with a simple experiment, my thumb and middle finger as a circuit, pulling energy from the tip of my middle finger and forcing an excess out from my thumb. A strange thrumming noise rebounds in the air as erratic white air flows briefly between my two fingers.
Well, that was pointlessly cautious. I threw aside my worries and just repeated the action, turning it from an instantaneous to a continuous motion. I continued on doing so for a while and then stopped as it felt strange, certain parts of my Energy body's hand felt numb.
Trying to move the energy through it again, I found that the energy could not move as easily anymore through that area. However, moving it through other areas there was still no problem. It seems that the movement of excess Mental Energy will still result in fatigue even if it is not actually expended by the process.
I expected there to be a loss of Mental Energy as I used it, but instead, a body made of Energy is actually fatigued? The concept of a body of Energy being fatigued is in itself contradictory. If the energy is fatigued then does the energy have subordinate energies within it that it operates off of?
In cultivation novels, the characters both cultivated energy to permanently strengthen themselves as well as used the same energy to exert their strength. At least, that was my impression. Perhaps it was instead that the cultivation energy and it's exertion energy were different?
In other words, the Mental Energy I use for the Energy Body and It's regeneration should be cultivation energy. The Mental Energy is more like a cellular structure that can double as energy. The cultivation energy is so flexible it can completely re-make my entire body, whereas the energy used by it to exert it's power is simplistic but can be much more easily produced the more cultivation energy you possess.
Maybe it is insignificant now to just use cultivation energy because my cultivation is still virtually non-existent. After all this body was just created the other day, and this much energy was produced in such a short time. Down the road, such losses may become more significant as cultivation becomes harder the farther you go.
Thus, for fighting it is best to rely on techniques that only result in fatigue, rather than those that burn my cultivation. To catch a Pokemon you have to use up a part of your cultivation, and the amount it costs likely increases for stronger Pokemon as well.
However, if you use resonance cultivation, you can potentially gain that energy back and grow even faster. So in essence, catching a Pokemon is like making an investment. In that sense, catching all kinds of random Pokemon would just be wantonly burning your own potential growth, though if you have high cultivation and they have low cultivation the energy might become negiligable or it may become possible to use
I end up hoping that this body is similar to a normal one, and my 'Mental Energy Muscles' will grow strong as I use them more. Eventually I can get to the same stage as Meditite, and by alternating which areas I use, I should be able to execute the Psychic sensing technique.
I practiced the technique until the body felt numb all over, and then after checking on Meditite again, I went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up and went to check out Meditite, he was practicing his Martial Arts Techniques again. Is this little guy not a bit too hard-working? It turns out, he is at a level where he can Meditate as a replacement for sleep, and remain fully lucid and aware in his meditation. Meditite is too amazing!
I thanked Meditite for the hard work, and went back into the Pokemon world.
I re-appeared inside of my dorm room at the Volunteer Police Academy. Looking at the time, it seemed the class on traditional Pokeball Crafting would begin in about an hour. I collected up some of the school supplies that had been left behind in the room, put them in a bag, and headed over to the class a bit early.
When I arrived at the class the Instructor was already there. A brawny looking fellow, seeming to be in his later 20's, was sitting at the instructors desk. In his hands was a book, and on that book was his face. A slowpoke curled up near his feet was sleeping with a look of contentment eerily similar to his supposed master.
I did not quite question it before, but who is this guy? In the books, only Kurt and those of his lineage knew the secrets of how to craft apricot pokeball's. Only with the development of Pokeball Engineering did they fall from their once lofty heights.
Maybe this guy the missing father? The 'mysterious' link between Maize and her well-known grandfather, Kurt?
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