Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 42 - Building The Library of Knowledge


**Chapter: Crafting the Library of Knowledge**

Alright, time to focus on the next steps.

We've got the Library of Knowledge (LoK) taking shape, and now it’s time to tackle the infrastructure. That means walls, floors, ceilings—basically, all the basic building blocks.

Honestly, I’m not entirely sure about all the details, but thankfully, my trusty system has got me covered. I have to say, I’m pretty grateful to the old universe for this handy helper. It’s nice to have a guide when you’re clueless about something as fundamental as vision—or sometimes, just basic knowledge.

Sure, I could ditch my Blessed Body and figure this all out on my own, but right now, I’m enjoying discovering new things. It’s a bit like exploring a whole new world. So, if you want to call me silly for that, go ahead. I won’t be able to hear you anyway.

Alright, let’s get back on track.

The plan is to make the LoK accessible to people so they can gain knowledge. Of course, not all knowledge will be available right off the bat. They’ll have to work for it. So, here’s the genius part of my plan:

I’m setting up different levels of knowledge within the library. Each level will be its own section, and I’ll label them from A to Z based on their worth. Section A will hold the most valuable secrets, while Section Z will contain, well, less significant info—at least to me.

To access these sections, individuals will need to complete trials. To ensure they’re not cheating, they’ll need to bring back proof from the trial. Don’t worry, there’s a system in place to verify if they actually earned the item they bring back. The “staff” of the LoK will know if they didn’t complete the trial the right way.

I’m pretty proud of this system, if I do say so myself.

**“Use Major Skill: Creation to divide the Library of Knowledge into distinct zones according to my design.”**

And just like that, different rooms started popping up. Each room has its own size and restrictions, setting up the perfect environment for my system to work.

Honestly, I was a bit nervous about whether this would work, but it seems like it did. It’s kind of incredible that each of these rooms is larger than the sun. But considering how much knowledge needs to fit in here, maybe it’s not that big after all. Who knows?

Anyway, let’s not get sidetracked.

With the basic interior sorted, it’s time to think about the furniture. Yes, you heard that right—furniture. I know it sounds a bit odd, but it’s going to be luxurious. The higher you go in the library, the more extravagant the furniture will be. It’s a little reward for those who climb up the knowledge ladder.

**“Use Major Skill: Creation to furnish the Library of Knowledge. The furniture should become increasingly luxurious the higher the zone.”**

Just like that, furniture started appearing everywhere. Benches, tables, chairs, cushions, couches—everything you could think of. The library is now fully stocked with every piece of furniture you could imagine.

And as for how I’m keeping track of everything? I’m not really sure. Maybe I just have a knack for it—or maybe I’m keeping a secret. Either way, I’m not spilling the beans.

Alright, time to add the finishing touches and get ready to launch the trials.


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