Reincarnated as the Universe

Chapter 14: First Demons

Approx. 2min reading time

Demons are like Devils. They bring evil. They bring murder. They bring fear. They are the embodiment of everything bad. Devils and Demons are both deeply evil.

The Devils I created have the advantage of devouring to grow in power. But what could Demons get?

Gods are born extremely strong, but what are Demons born with? A ton of energy? It could work. They don’t need a buff, but it wouldn’t be fair without one. Then again, nothing in this world is fair.

I could make them as strong as Gods from the start. Easy, but boring. What else could I give them? It's hard being the Universe. I'll go with them having a massive amount of energy inside their bodies. That should balance the Gods' strength.

"Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male Demon Vessel."

"Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a female Demon Vessel."

Two humanoid figures appeared in front of me. They had a crown of horns on their heads and dragon-like wings on their backs. They also had the characteristic horns of demons—two giant twisting horns protruding from their foreheads.

Unlike the Gods, these two didn’t have muscular bodies. The male Demon was fat beyond belief, while the female Demon was slim with perfect curves. Quite the stark contrast and quite the odd couple, as they were going to be the Demon King and Demon Queen.

The biggest difference was the amount of energy in their bodies compared to the Gods. It was like comparing an ant to a mountain. That’s how much energy was stored inside the Demons. These bodies were only vessels for now, mere puppets without souls.

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The Demon bodies were physically weaker than the Gods, but their massive energy made up for that. Mishaps and unpredictable evolution could still happen, so a Demon might appear with an insane physique while a God might have an insane amount of energy. Nothing goes as expected.

"Use Major Skill: Creation, to create a male and a female Demon Soul."

"Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow male Demon Soul to possess the male Demon Vessel."

"Use Minor Skill: Possess, to allow female Demon Soul to possess the female Demon Vessel."

The Demon Souls entered the bodies smoothly. Now it's time to name them. The male will be Demon King Baal. The female will be Demon Queen Gremory.

That wasn’t too hard! Now it’s time to place them in their regions and clone them. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

I make a crack in space leading to the territory of the Gods. This place is full of plant life, vigor, fresh air, beaches, and oceans. I take the two Gods with me and walk through the crack, arriving on the biggest planet in the Gods' territory.

"Use Minor Skill: Clone to make 100 clones of God King Rymes and God Queen Kola each. Each clone with 1/10 of their original power."

Out of thin air, 200 other gods appeared, creating an overwhelming presence. The problem was, all the 200 Gods looked exactly like the God King and God Queen.

"Use Minor Skill: Modify, to alter the appearance of each clone of the God King and God Queen."

Instantly, the identical features of each clone began to change. Some got sharper features, while others got more distinct features. All of them still resembled God King Rymes and God Queen Kola, but they were no longer identical.

I’m not giving them clothes, housing, or necessities. They can figure that out themselves. They won’t die from old age; they’re immortal in that sense. Now it's time to insert that instinct, that deep hatred for demons.

"Use Minor Skill: Modify, to modify the Gods' instinct, instilling them with a deep hatred for the Demons."

Since I'm done, I walk into the crack in space I made before and arrive in front of the two Demons. This time, I don’t close the crack behind me, and the Gods are still not moving.

I open another crack and walk through with the two Demons. This time I come to their territory's biggest planet. A place you could call a living hell.

The air was extremely hot, the land barren without a single plant. Lava and hot steam spewed out of the ground, and cracks were everywhere. Volcanos could be seen almost everywhere.

Now, it’s time to do the same thing with these two Demons.




A few minutes later, I'm done cloning Baal and Gremory. I walk out of this hellhole through the crack in space.

As I stand in front of the two cracks in space, I see both Gods and Demons standing immobile in their respective regions. I snap my fingers and quickly close the crack in space. I wouldn’t want them to see me...yet.

However, I didn't react fast enough...


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