Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 12: first teacher

Approx. 2min reading time

When Hayato went outside he didn't expect, that a little brat he has never seen before, wanted to meet him.

He observed the boy: he was only around 5 or 6 years old, had black hair and he had a grumpy expression and looked like he was a bit dumb. He wore brown shorts with sandals and had a white t-shirt which was a bit too big so it hung down. But what was most visible was that his right hand was covered in a huge amount of bandages.

Overall he gives the impression of someone who always gets himself into fights - Hayate thought.

That couldn't be further from the truth though, since Eiji stays most of the time at home and he has only one friend...

"Koff, so why did you want to meet me?"

When the kid heard the cough it looked like he recognized something.

"Uhmm, I heard you are a kenjutsu-user and I wanted to ask you to teach me..."

"Huh? Why should I? Who are you anyway?"

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"Come one, Konoha doesn't have many kenjutsu-user...shouldn't we as followers of the way of the sword stick together?"


What a cheeky brat - Hayate thought.

"Koff, with your age you are probably not even in the academy, so you don't even know the basics - so no, that would be just too much work."

"But I can already use some chakra...come one I'm a genius...wouldn't having a genius as your student be immensely prestigious?"

"Koff, you know there is a limit to how conceited you can be..."

While Hayate still spoke, Eiji already gathered chakra into his feet and then suddenly charged at him and threw a kick.

Hayate was slightly surprised but instantly saw through his move and decided to block it...but then Eiji used the arm, with which Hayate blocked the kick, as a springboard and shot back like a canon.

Even though it shot Eiji back, the force of that "jump" almost blow Hayate also away if he didn't concentrate his chakra into his feet.

That's a pretty good chakra-control for such an age - he thought.

"That was pretty rude to suddenly jump at me..."

"Well I wanted to show you how much of a genius I am"

This kid is kinda annoying...

But his skills are develop such chakra-control you need to have a good concentration; most children his age have problems to even sit still for some time without fidgeting or something because they would be bored...that's why the academy takes most of the time only older children.

"Koff, what's your name kid?"

"Eiji Nakamura..."

"Eiji, you know if I wanted students I just could get a Genin-team..."

"- Come one just teach me a bit and I will figure the rest out myself!"

"...alright. I don't mind showing you some sword-basics, but I don't have the time to teach you beyond that, are you okay with that?"


"So do you have a sword?"



"Didn't you call yourself a follower of the way of the sword?"

"I have a sword in my heart"

He is really cheeky and shameless for his age....this will be a pain... - Hayate thought.

Why did I choose the sword?

Because I can gather my chakra into the scabbard and then release it when I draw the sword!

Like that, I won't have to worry about blowing myself up!

Why do I ask someone to teach me with a normal sword-style when I want to focus on sword-drawing?

Because I honestly don't have any idea about swords!

I don't even know how to hold one properly, so knowing the basics is a must no matter which style I want to use!

About this Hayate though...I now remember him...wasn't he one of the proctors during the Chunin-exams?

I somehow feel a spiritual connection with him since he ends up as cannon fodder - a fate I try my best to escape...

Anyway, I now have to get a sword from somewhere...

"Jo mum can you buy me a sword?"

"Hell no."



Fast Navigation




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