Because Janitor-san Is Not a Hero

Chapter 39: Ice Raid 1

Approx. 11min reading time

Before the warning bell had rung out in Sarewado (サレハド) village.

On Akari’s 『radar map (レーダーマップ)』, a large group of red marks appeared from within the Arerudouria (アレルドゥリア) mountain range.

The flustered Akari called out to Kurando and Diantia (ディアンティア). They went to the cave behind the cliff to search for the cause of the reaction.

And thus the three of them discovered it.

A large group of monsters, with a white sleek body, are marching through the lush green trees on the opposite side of the mountain.

「Impossible…… they are headed for the village.」 (Diantia)

As Diantia said this, she calculated the monsters marching speed.

「It seems so……」 (Kurando)

Akari and Diantia turned to look at Kurando.

The two girls gaze caused Kurando to sigh.

To prevent the monsters from descending down the mountain, they would need to intercept them and fight a defensive battle by holding themselves in the cave.

Although if it was only Kurando and Yukishiro, the two of them could probably get away.

And then afterward, they could simply return when the heat had died down.

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If Kurando did this, it would mean the number of people who know about him would decrease.

However, if things go wrong, even though he may survive, the people who happen to live through this would hate him.

If so, that could be troublesome later on.

Therefore, Kurando didn’t choose the option to abandon the women and run away on his own.

Kurando won’t admit that this was a calculated decision.

He won’t say, that above all, he felt that he should stay here and fight.

If one thinks about it rationally, the women shouldn’t be here on the mountain in the first place.

In other words, in the end, there are some things that shouldn’t be discarded.

Kurando himself wasn’t reluctant as this was something he didn’t disagree on. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

First off, where would he escape to?

Sorry but, he doesn’t feel like running away whenever a monster happens to appear.

「Well, it can’t be helped then. Let us ambush them here.」 (Kurando)

And thus it was decided that Kurando & Yukishiro, Akari, Diantia, Maanya (マーニャ), and the other 8 members that Oofuia (オーフィア) had left behind will engage the monsters in siege warfare.

Diantia and Akari sighed out in relief.

At once, the two ran off to gather up the women from 『Maruuna・Niyuumu (月の女神の付き人, マルゥナ・ニュゥム, moon goddess’s attendant)』.

Now that the nuisance was gone, Kurando decided to go observe the group of monsters.

However, from nearby, Yukishiro pressed its body weight against him.

「……oh, you remembered, huh?」 (Kurando)


Before Kurando stood the very displeased Yukishiro, its tail stands erect and showed no movement.

Yukishiro remembered the day its partner, Kurando, laid soaked in blood.

「I know, however――」 (Kurando)


Kurando, Akari and the members of 『Maruuna・Niyuumu』 gathered once more in the cave.

They carried all of their luggage into the cave and began to make preparations.

While looking at his surroundings, Kurando thought about something.

It is good fortune that they have the cave to fall back to; however, it is unfortunate that only Kurando & Yukishiro, Akari, Diantia, and some of the other women aside from Maanya will be the ones who have to hold off the monster that will be assaulting the cave’s entrance.

However, currently, Yukishiro isn’t around.

「This time, chances are, after we intercept the monsters outside, we will be forced to hold off against them by defending from the cave. Fortunately for us, we won’t have to worry about the monsters attacking us from above as we will be fighting a one-front battle with the field advantage in our favor. Everyone make defeating the enemies’ bow users your top priority. As the monsters are ice types, fire is effective against them. During this season, there is no need to worry about starting a wildfire, so please, don’t hold back as there is no need to worry about a fire spreading.」 (Diantia)

Diantia watched as everyone nodded.

「We must not lose the cave. An (アン), Metti (メッティ), Iiisu (イース), Ruushie (ルゥシエ), and Oruga (オルガ) finish the enemy off with spirit magic. If anyone from the vanguard is down, please retrieve them; however, for your own sake, don’t go too far out as we don’t have much personal on-hand.」 (Diantia)

After Diantia gave instructions to the meager fighting force, the five women nervously nodded.

「Akari and Maanya, I ask that the two of you provide support to the vanguard.」 (Diantia)

Akari and Maanya acknowledged it.

Kurando turned to look at Diantia.

He had equipped the dark gray leather armor and the 『giant’s glove』; the ice warrior’s small shield is fastened to his arm and around his waist is the kukuri katana & boomerang, on his legs is an assortment of throwing weapons.

「I’m sorry but, Kurando-san; you & I, Agata (アガタ), Rubuna (ルブナ), and Guadarupe (グアダルペ) together we will be fighting off the monsters that enter the cave. And if possible, I would like Iruniiku to join us.」 (Diantia)

Diantia, who is looking at Kurando, had expected to enlist Yukishiro but it isn’t around.

「Its name is Yukishiro, and it does its own thing, okay. As for me, sure I’ll help. Although don’t expect much, I’m simply a Ruterera (ルテレラ, 10th-star).」 (Kurando)

For awhile, Diantia stared at Kurando’s face before giving up. She shouldn’t rely too much on him as Kurando is already lending them his cave.

Although the chief seems to think Kurando is talented, he doesn’t seem to be at the moment. Anyways, Diantia chose not to put too much faith in an unknown factor.

She begins to think.

「Well, do what you can.」 (Diantia)

After she said this, Kurando placed his hand along the wall of the cave as he walked.

With a puzzled expression on her face, Diantia watched as the opening became narrow where Kurando had touched.

A short time later, the path that two people could fit through was shrunken down to where only a single person could pass.

Kurando exhaled.

Diantia calls out to him.

「How is your maryoku supply?」 (Diantia)

Seeing that Kurando didn’t appear fatigue, her evaluation of him rose.

Kurando fluttered his hand in the air as he moved to check outside the cave.

「No problem, I’m fairly efficient in maryoku usage.」 (Kurando)

As he said this, Kurando recalled the parent magical beast and thought he finally started to reach its footsteps.


The monsters are 10 minutes away.

Kurando and the others exited the cave; they ascend the mountain to find an area to observe the monsters from above.

The trees that the ice monster passed would become frozen and collapse.

The white wave ascends up the mountain.

Diantia gives a vigorous shout.

「Now then, let us show them the ability of 『Maruuna・Niyuumu』. Show them that the chief’s training was not for nothing!」 (Diantia)

Of all the women, Diantia was the only one who seemed the least startled.

Their training must have been unpleasant.

Diantia draws the short sword from her back and points it as the largest group.

And then, she recited something.

【Ég jörð, sprungaí jörðu】

【Earth Split】

【【【Ég jörð, sprungaí jörðu】】】

【【【Earth Split】】】

As Diantia chanted in a dignified voice, the other 9 members chanted together with her.

From the center of the largest group of monsters, the earth began to split.

All of a sudden, the scattered monsters that were there fell down.

「It was used simultaneously, huh? How more effective is it?」 (Kurando)

He is astonished as this was the first time Kurando saw spirit magic being used by multiple people all at once.

Although spirit magic doesn’t need an incantation to be used, when using it in a group, chanting together makes it easier to get the timing right. As it was done skillfully, the synergy from the union of earth spirits rose the power of the magic.

「It is considerably deep. They won’t be able to crawl out as they are trapped in there. In truth, I should have used fire spirit magic; however, earth is naturally my element. My affinity with earth spirits is high and I’m weak with fire spirits. You see, all of my comrades who are skillful with fire spirits have passed away.」 (Diantia)

Immediately, Diantia made a troubled expression.

「Nyahahaha, burn, nyaa.」 (Maanya)

Maanya was more eye-catching than the monsters as she set the forest ablaze.

「……a pyromaniac, huh?」 (Kurando)

Kurando was unaware of how right he was, Maanya indeed enjoys throwing fire around.

He looked away from Maanya and set his eyes onto the fissure. As he thought, the monsters were not trapped in the fissure and it continued to press forward.

Uncontained, they crawl out. As Kurando watched them emerge from the fissure, he muttered to himself.

「Then, shall I bury them altogether?」 (Kurando)

Saying this, Kurando used earth spirit magic.

He made used of the pre-existing earth, bringing forth a sea of dirt, a far cry from being simply maryoku efficient.

The surrounding earth is collected and the fissure is swiftly covered.

「With this, it should be awhile before they can reappear.」 (Kurando)

After saying this, Kurando turned to look at Maanya.

Diantia is completely dumbfounded. Kurando in the middle of combat, he thought to use ordinary 3rd-class magic to cover-up a crevice created by 10 people. Although he didn’t use 10 people worth of maryoku himself, he simply collected the surrounding dirt. Chances are, his maryoku quantity is probably about around what an average magic soldier would have.

Maanya fire magic melted the fierce monsters. The monsters who had lost their ability to walk, they crawled on the ground like a caterpillar.

Kurando picks up a hand full of stone and enchants them with spirit power.

His extremely efficient use of spirit magic was very beneficial in the battle.

And thus, before the monsters who had lost their footing could recover, Kurando defeated them using the stones enchanted with spirit power.

Flying like an arrow, the stones are embedded into the face of the monsters that have their limbs melted.

The stones that had been enchanted with spirit power are quickly used up.

In succession, Kurando throws the stones, then more stones, and even more stones.

Diantia who is watching Kurando, she begins to re-think her evaluation of him. She prepares her bow.

「Do not worry about the cost of resupplying arrows! Just focus on shooting!」 (Diantia)

While freezing the surface of the mountain as it walked, the monsters continued to advance as arrow after arrow pierced them.

Although they weren’t able to enchant all of the arrows with spirit power, the monsters still collapsed and dissipated.

「Keep shooting!」 (Diantia)

「Shoot over here also.」 (Diantia)

With every defeated monster, not even an hour would pass before yet another would appear to take its place.

Diantia fires the last arrow.

「There is no choice, withdraw!」 (Diantia)

As she lowered her bow, Diantia calls for a retreat.

Hearing her voice, Kurando also prepared to finish up.

Not too long ago, Kurando had created 3 balls of earth about his height.

These lumps of dirt, the size of a boulder, were set on the cliff. Kurando then applied spikes coated with earth spirit magic onto them.

One by one, spikes reinforced by earth spirit magic appeared on the balls made of soil. He then threw them off the cliff with force.

「Haa!」 (Kurando)

In total, 3 were thrown.

The condensed lumps of earth flattened the monsters as it came tumbling down, rolling over and scraping everything in its path.

「Phew, exhausting.」 (Kurando)

Completing this difficult task, he wiped the sweat from his brow and returned to the cave.


「How is your maryoku supply holding up?」 (Akari)

When Kurando had returned to the cave, he is greeted with Akari’s surprised expression. If it was her, her maryoku would have already run out.

「I think I’m about down to half, I can’t give you a numeral estimate, though.」 (Kurando)

Based on her knowledge, Akari guessed that Kurando has about five times more maryoku than a typical magic soldier. While it isn’t too strange, she couldn’t quite call it normal either.

Akari overlooked it as he did try to leave some maryoku in reserve.

「Because you’re small, maybe that is why you’re having difficulties increasing your maryoku pool.」 (Kurando)

「I, I’m not small. Hey, where do you think you’re looking, anyways.」 (Akari)

His line-of-sight is directed on Akari’s modest size chest. Of course, his eyes are glued to her white flat chest.

Kurando pats Akari’s shoulders before making his way into the interior of the cave.

「T-trying to comfort me, how uncool you blockhead.」 (Akari)

With steam rising from her head, Akari vigorously chased after Kurando.

Diantia gazed at the pleasant scene before closing the cave’s entrance with soil and adding more walls to reinforce the cave.

Although her actions may be a futile attempt to hide from monsters that are capable of detect maryoku. Perhaps by chance, she hoped that the monster might simply pass by them.

In case the entrance is breached, she placed walls in all directions; although not enough to completely bury themselves inside the cave.

「Well, for here onwards, we will have to endure until Oofuia-sama returns here.」 (Diantia)

Upon hearing Diantia’s words, Kurando showed a faint frown.

「……was anyone injured?」 (Akari)

Akari showed a concerned expression. Kurando responds by shaking his head no.

「……ah, as I thought, they came.」 (Diantia)

Without having a chance to think, Diantia noticed it.

The sound of something digging through the earth can be heard.

While thinking it was a pain, Kurando picked up a short spear.

「That spear, the tip doesn’t appear to be iron, nya.」 (Maanya)

Maanya’s eyes are sharp.

A white tipped spearhead had been placed on the shaved wooden shaft.

「Ah, it is a horn from a Rirobeechi (氷潜角白熊, リロベーチ, horned ice-polar bear).」 (Kurando)

It is a 30-centimeter horn similar to that of a narwhal’s horn. The pale screw-like horn is dense and hard with a sharp tip.

「……I never heard of that magical beast, nya.」 (Maanya)

「It buries itself beneath glaciers. Since ancient time, it has inhabited the north pole and because of the lack of food it feeds on dead flesh. I don’t know why you have that but I have no complaint if you are going to use that weapon on the ice monsters.」 (Diantia)

Diantia gave an explanation.

Kurando doesn’t tell them that the magical beast was left by the parent magical beast.

「Huh, Kurando-san, you can use the spear?」 (Akari)

Akari was eavesdropping.

「That reminds me, I have not been using one. You see, when I was at the village, Iraida had instructed me a little bit on how to use it.」 (Kurando)

「Iraida-san?」 (Akari)

「Are you talking about, Iraida・Baagin.」 (Diantia)

Kurando shrugs his shoulders.

「I only know the first name.」 (Kurando)

With spear in hand, he faced towards the entrance of the cave.

「Well then, let us go with taking shifts. We will switch after am tired out, alright.」 (Kurando)

「Ah, I will take the first shift.」 (Diantia)

「For now, let me judge it for myself. Perhaps, I may want to run away; thus, I need to see beforehand what can be done.」 (Kurando)

Having said so, Kurando briskly walked to the entrance and waited.

Akari followed behind him.

「I’ll provide some support.」 (Akari)

For behind, Diantia watched them.

「Hey, I forgot to enchant it with spirit power.」 (Akari)

After saying so, Akari enchanted Kurando’s spear with spirit power.

「Ah, sorry for the trouble.」 (Kurando)

As this is Kurando’s second confrontation, he is nervous.

The first time, Kurando broke his jaw and both his arms.

This time, no such thing will happen.

With his numb feet standing firmly on the ground, he grits his teeth.

Having finally broken through the dirt wall, a white monster appeared.

In that moment, Kurando moved the short spear to the white figure.

At times, before he pulled back the short spear, the monsters that had its face hollowed out had already collapsed.

Iraida has taught Kurando how to thrust with the spear.

Afterward, it was a matter of repeating that process. Now, all he needed to do was imagine where the enemy would move.

Without taking a breather, Kurando faced the monsters that appeared one after the other from the broken dirt wall.

The first time, he felt fear but there was not a moment to hesitate.

He continued to thrust the spear.

From time to time, a shield would deflect the spear; however, a 2nd thrust, a 3rd thrust, and more thrusts are given until the monster fell.

How many have been defeat? Kurando questions this as he felt the weariness in his arm.

「Switch.」 (Akari)

As she says this, Akari walked to the entrance and headed towards the monsters.

While Kurando saw Akari pass by him, he switched with Diantia.

「Good work. There is no problem, so, you can entrust it to me.」 (Diantia)

「Wait, use this spear. It cuts like butter.」 (Kurando)

Diantia looked at Kurando’s spear.

「……then I will borrow it.」 (Diantia)

Having said so, Diantia received the spear and moved in front of Akari.

「Anyone can use it if they want to. Oh, you may break the shaft; however, make sure to return the spearhead before you die, alright?」 (Kurando)

As he turned to look at the remaining women, Kurando showed a smile to indicate that he was joking.

「I-I will borrow it.」 (woman A)

「Atai (アタイ), doesn’t need it; she is better with an ax.」 (woman B)

The women begin to quarrel with each other.

They don’t seem to be backed into a corner as of yet.

「Do as you please. As I am tired, I’m going to sleep. Wake me up after the first complete shift rotation.」 (Kurando)

Having said this, Kurando goes to rest.

By the time Kurando got up, there had been; 2, 3, no 4 complete shift rotations.

From what he could see, 10 or so women were obviously exhausted.

While the rear guard prepares meals, of those who are weary and nervous, they lay sleepy as they crouch on the floor.

Between the short breaks after combat, the amount of rest they were allotted wasn’t enough.

Currently, Kurando is making his way to the front encampment to once again do the repetitive work of stabbing monsters to death.

However, no matter how repetitive and tiring it may be, one mistake will lead to death; therefore, one must not let their guard down.

Kurando looked back and gave a fleeting glance to the interior of the cave.

Except for Diantia, everyone else is considerably tired. A few people are injured, but no one has been badly wounded; although, it is only a matter of time before it happens.

「As expected, there aren’t enough people.」 (Kurando)

A monster returns the favor.

Mimicking him, a monster thrust a spear at Kurando.

「Kuh」 (Kurando)

He was somehow able to block it with the small shield on his arm, but the force pushed him back.

It moved to followed up with an attack.

However, the monster’s face is torn apart.

As an opening appeared, Kurando promptly thrust his spear.

Something swiftly exterminated the monster as their bodies are thrown against the wall. And then, it leaned against Kurando’s body.

A white coat with black specks spread across Kurando’s line-of-sight.

And thus, for the first time, the monsters vigorous advance into the cave began to decline.


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