Approx. 7min reading time

Kurando arrives near the association.

Since it is mid-night he decided to make camp outside the village. Kurando plans to visit the hunter association early in the morning.

「What do you mean by the request is invalid?」 (Kurando)

Today, it is the usual staff member; that person is as arrogant as always.

「Kurando-san, you weren’t clarified about the request that you had previously accepted from the Dorugan (ドルガン) parliament. The unaccepted request did allow from a person of a lower rank to accept the request, but the date goes against the association’s rule and thus it is invalid. If you compare the request date you will see that it is different from the one written by the association. Kurando-sama, check the date on your copy of the request.」 (staff member)

The staff member casually say this with his know-it-all tone.

「Because, there was a miscommunication as a special exception for a newcomer’s mishap there will be no penalty. The request failure will not be held against you. Mistakes happen, so don’t worry――」 (staff member)

In his own way the staff member is trying to return the favor from before.

「――Ah, whatever. Enough already.」 (Kurando)

The staff member was shocked that Kurando had interrupted.

「Really? Then, will you be taking another Toramora (トラモラ草) herb request? I’ll confirm your re――」 (staff member)

「――no thanks. I just return and you’re already teasing me. Ludicrous.」 (Kurando)

「S-sorr, is there anything else?」 (staff member)

At last, Kurando sees the staff member stumble.

「May I verify the proof of hunt?」 (staff member)

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「The request was invalid and I won’t sell; therefore, there is no need for me to show you.」 (Kurando)

「R-really?」 (staff member)

「Besides, there is something I need to inform you about.」 (Kurando)

The staff member raised his eyebrows.

「Even if I refuse――」 (staff member)

「――you’re mistaken. Quit your nonsense. It involves notifying the country ……it is a discussion about monster(s).」 (Kurando)

Right away, the staff member makes a serious expression.

「Do you mind telling me the details?」 (staff member)

The staff member ask this of Kurando in a low voice. In a low voice, Kurando reports his encounter with an ice warrior type monster that happened a few days ago.

「……understood. I’ll contact the branch chief, please wait a while.」 (staff member) Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

The staff member hurries to the innermost room of the building.

「Hey, your that Ruterera (ルテレラ, 10th star) that had accepted the Gabodorattsue (ガボドラッツェ, 4th star) rank request that was left unaccepted. Know your place, and go take a Toramora herb request.」 (???)

From behind Kurando, the bald muscular daruma from before is being a bother.

That person found Kurando’s face to be familiar, and then they remembered.

「Hey, aren’t you that newcomer from the other day?」 (muscular daruma)

The bustling oafish voices of the other two hooligan hunters from before can be heard alongside the muscular daruma. (T/N: that guy doesn’t have a name, okay)

「Toramora herb yea? Hey, let me have a look. Ah, it’s truth, yea.」 (hooligan A)

「Reaally, show me.」 (hooligan B)

Kurando shows a displeased expression.

「Keep it to yourselves, and leave me out of this.」 (Kurando)

Having said so, the three that came to pick a fight laughed in Kurando’s face.

It was a vulgar laugh.

「Gahaha, make fun of you, what an idiot. Well, excuse me your lordship.」 (muscular daruma)

「Maybe if you pay us. How does 1000 Rodo sound? And, then afterward return back here with spices from the royal capital.」 (hooligan A)

「I-impossible, this country bumpkin doesn’t know what spices are now, would he? Gahaha.」 (hooligan B)

So spices can be found at the royal capital; Kurando is happy to learn this information. He lost interest in associating with these vulgar people.

「Hey, are you listening!」 (hooligan A)

The “hooligan hunter A” pushes Kurando’s shoulder.

「Kurando-san, please make your way to the back room.」 (staff member)

The voice belongs to the staff member. Kurando takes advantage of this opportunity and quickly tries to make his way to the back room.

「Wait up.」 (hooligan B)

The “hooligan hunter B” grabs hold of Kurando’s shoulder.

Kurando takes hold of the arm that had slowly gripped his shoulder.

「Ah, whatcha doing!」 (muscular daruma)

The bald muscular daruma and the “hooligan hunter A” take a fighting stance.

「A-ahhhhhhhhhhh, release me.」 (hooligan B)

Although Kurando doesn’t appear to be doing anything, “hooligan B” is shouting out loud.

「The staff member is calling for me; so, is it alright for me to leave?」 (Kurando)

In this unusual situation, their comrade seems to be in pain. The two companion don’t say anything. Nothing is said.

Kurando lets go of the arm. He walks to the back room.

He doesn’t fear the hooligans in the less.


「T-that bastard, he used some sort of claw on me.」 (hooligan B)

「But, magic wasn’t used.」 (hooligan A)

「You’re exaggerating, let me see you arm.」 (muscular daruma)

The bald muscular daruma takes hold of the rude hooligan’s arm.

「……hey, were you bitten by a wolf?」 (muscular daruma)

On the arm, the skin is broken and there are five finger marks.


Kurando’s fingers had undergone special training. After testing it out on a person, he is satisfied with the results.

He had learned the fundamentals of fighting from Yukishiro-sensei, and from a martial arts book in Japan.

Combat techniques cannot be practiced without a sparring partner. Although striking and self-defense techniques can be practiced alone using one’s imagination, it is better if there is a sparring partner to practice with. Kurando did found sports technique to be unpolished.

Kurando trained himself in the old style martial arts. He focused on one-hit-kill. It can’t be helped if his form is incorrect as he had no master to instruct him.

His concept was based on his reflexes, his physical strength, and his experience around grappling with Yukishiro. (T/N: crouching tiger, hidden Yukishiro, cough)

The technique that he used was based on that one time when Yukishiro had stopped his low kick by biting onto his leg. In a way, Kurando learned from his mistake.


The arrogant staff member knocks on the door.

Kurando and the staff member finds themselves before a big desk.

There is an elderly man outfitted with well-tailored clothes sitting at the desk; the person has their arms crossed.

「Hmm, it seems you’ve been involved in all sorts of trouble. And now, a monster has appeared. While you were recommended by the officer 『white spear』, don’t make light of being expelled.」 (chief)

Without an introducing, the branch chief looks Kurando over.

「I rather that you do not look down on me.」 (Kurando)

The person is looking at Kurando with an unpleasant gaze.

From the gaze that the person gave him, Kurando got the impression that this association isn’t as honest as he thought. It became something he didn’t want to concern himself with.

「Well, I’m the chief of this branch, Yakofu・Serugerii・Maizeeru (ヤコフ・セルゲリー・マイゼールだ)」 (Yakofu)

「Greeting, I’m Kurando.」 (Kurando)

「I’m aware that you have various complaints.」 (Yakofu)

And so begins Kurando’s tedious report and pointless chatter.

In short.

He talks about how the associations rules are restrictive.

He talks about how hunter rank is inaccurate.

He talks about the troubles that happened during his registration and the incident with Zauru (ザウル).

He talked about the threats he received upon taking the unaccepted request.

He talked about the lack of guidance that he received upon taking the request.

Kurando refers to the last request he took to be false advertising. Although the branch chief might not believe the words of a newcomer who only is known as someone that was recommended by Makushiimu (マクシーム).

To an outside party, Kurando is merely someone who was picked up by a famous person. Normally he would be labeled as a refugee, but Kurando doesn’t seem to be seen as such.

To the branch chief, who has influence in his home turf and connects with the parliament, Kurando’s words seem to be suspicious.

「Hmm, okay, I’ve more or less heard your report.」 (Yakofu)

Kurando had explained his circumstances. When he thought about it his past experiences seem far away.

「Hmm, you’re telling me, a Ruterera (10th) single-handedly defeated an ice spirit warrior. And, that shield is the proof?」 (Yakofu)

Kurando cannot afford to mention either Yukishiro or Akari, and he didn’t feel guilty about it.

There will be consequences if word got out about Yukishiro and Akari. From his standpoint, they can’t be mentioned.

The branch chief stares at the small shield with an exhausted expression.

「Your story sounds suspicious. If you are going to lie, at least make it believable. How about this; if you leave now I’ll raise your rank, and give you temporary preferential treatment.」 (Yakofu)

Kurando couldn’t deceive the chief, but the results are still in his favor.

「Now, be on your way. Good luck on raising your rank…… oh, you don’t have a leader assign to you yet. Well, that is the fault of the people who had abused the honor of the hero. As of late, the number of hunters has diminished. If there is no leader will you still accept requests?」 (Yakofu)

Kurando doesn’t want to concern himself with hunters as he thought this he makes his way out of the room.

――clunk, clunk

「What are you waiting for, be on you way.」 (Yakofu)

The door opens with a clank.

A giant woman passes through the doorway.

「4th star, Gabodorattsue, Iraida・Baagin (イライダ・バーギン), present.」 (Iraida)

Brown skin. A sexy muscular physique. Frizzy red hair that resembles a lion’s mane. Large breast and ripped abs. A solid and plump lower body. She is wearing a revealing black leather outfit that exposes her cleavage and buttocks.

She doesn’t appear old as her Greek like features make her age indistinguishable.

In other words, a female version of Makushiimu.

「Hey, I’m begging you, the number of hunters will decrease.」 (Iraida)

Iraida smiles. The branch chief raises his hand, and Kurando is driven out of the room.

「Ah, branch chief.」 (Iraida)

「W-what is it?」 (Yakofu)

「That newcomer, I will look after him.」 (Iraida)

She is claiming the leadership role for Kurando.

「Aren’t you close to becoming a Serurobi (セルロビ, 3rd star), you don’t have time to be fooling around. A hunter such as yourself with ability on par with a hero, your time is a valuable thing to waste.」 (Yakofu)

「You’ll entrust the newcomer to me right. Yep, yep, it is decided then.」 (Iraida)

She claps her hands together, and then leaves the room at her own convenience.

「Hey, let’s go.」 (Iraida)

After saying so, she follows after Kurando.

The branch chief has an annoyed expression.

“Serves him right”, Kurando thought.

Kurando leaves the chief’s room feeling refreshed.


Iraida takes a sit at the bar’s counter near the building entrance. She introduces herself.

「I am Iraida・Baagin, a Gabodorattsue (4th star). As you can see, I’m from the giant race. It is alright for you to simply call me “Iraida”.」 (Iraida)

「I’m Kurando, a temporary Ruterera (10th star). Call me whatever you want.」 (Kurando)

The bartender passes Iraida a wooden cup of alcohol; she gulps it down.

Because of Iraida’s stature, the cup looks unusually small.

She demands more alcohol; the bartender pours more into her cup.

The cup is quietly passed to Kurando.

Kurando appears distressed.

He touches the wooden cup. As he thought, it is a normal size cup.

Kurando glimpsed at Iraida, and then he also gulps it down.

He can feel the alcohol stinging his throat.

The alcohol is slightly similar to vodka.

「Please, don’t ever forcibly pass me alcohol again. I don’t drink alcohol.」 (Kurando)

Iraida smiles. Her smile is as ferocious as a wild animal.

「What does it matter, it’s good alcohol?」 (Iraida)

Kurando doesn’t understand the charm of the taste of alcohol.

The meaning behind Iraida’s smiles intensifies.

「Well, as long as it is in moderation.」 (Kurando)

As long as it isn’t strong alcohol.

It doesn’t matter if it is strong or weak.

It’s the same no matter if it is cheap or expensive alcohol.

Is it suppose to taste good or bad?


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