
Chapter 27: Happy Birthday Azrael

Approx. 6min reading time


My dear precious son,

I was so glad to receive your letter the other day. Mom was worried that you had grown up and forgotten about her, you know? Since you haven’t written back for over four months, your father and I were concerned you might have been injured. You should have seen your father—he even talked about going to the academy to make sure nothing had happened to you.

Speaking of your father, he has been appointed as the sword instructor for Count Lemmenier! A few weeks ago, the Count visited Baron Sinclair and saw your father training the soldiers. The Count was so impressed that he approached your father right there and asked if he would become the sword instructor for his troops.

When your father mentioned he was still employed by the Baron, the Count waved it off and told him not to worry about such trivial matters. A few hours later, the Count returned with a smile and told your father to pack his belongings because he was coming to the central area with him.

Your father will be earning three times as much as he did with the Baron. The house we now live in, thanks to the Count, is very nice. It’s three times as large as our old home, and we have a spacious front yard where Aurora and Azer can play.

The best news, though, is that we’re now only three days away from Leah! It won’t be long before you’re back home. If you don’t return for the holiday, I’ll personally go to Sinara Academy and drag you home, okay?

Azer and Aurora have been growing up very well. They’re both taller than you were at their age. As always, they are focused on their training, which worries me a bit. When you come home, could you try to get them to ease up on their training?

Oh, and you won’t believe what happened just the other week! After dinner one night, the two of them dragged Dad and me to their rooms. We thought they had made something and wanted to show us, so we went along.

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To our surprise, we were greeted by a large bull and an elegant crane. With an extra hop in their steps, Azer went to the bull, and Aurora went to the crane. With great pride, Azer introduced us to Wangso, and Aurora introduced us to Dooroomi.

Wangso is a large bull who reaches your father’s shoulder. He wears body armor with overlapping bronze metal plates from his back to his head. He also has a helmet with small eye slits and an opening at the bottom for the mouth. Horns extend outwards at a ninety-degree angle before rising slightly towards the center of his head.

Despite his fearsome appearance, he is quite adorable. He was excited to see new things and behaved very playfully. He told us he is considered an infant among elementals, which reminded me of how you used to ask about everything with such excitement.

Dooroomi, on the other hand, is a crane standing around five feet five inches tall. She looks slender and delicate, like a porcelain vase. Her glistening white feathers are mostly pristine, except for a pearly gray area covering her cheek, throat, neck, and the tips of her wings. Most striking is a patch of red skin that gives the impression of a crown.

She is a beautiful bird. I couldn’t help but admire her. Even her voice sounds sweet and elegant. It’s unfortunate that she can’t be permanently materialized yet. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

Seeing Wangso and Dooroomi materialize was a huge shock for your dad and me. The twins just turned nine a few weeks ago, and they’re already training in magic. Seeing them in ethereal form reminded me of when you brought Samjoko, Chunyong, and Bonghwang out in ethereal form. They’re doing well, right? Tell them I said hi.

It’s hard for me to believe that I was able to give birth to such exceptional children as you three, given my own lack of talent. Even though your father is very strong, I was afraid my shortcomings would drag you all down. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Enough about us; let’s talk about you. First off, congratulations on winning the school tournament! Your father and I were so proud when we read about it in your letter. You should have seen him bragging to everyone he met. I felt so embarrassed to be out with him as he told everyone on the streets.

Your father wants me to remind you that, although you won one competition, you still have a long journey ahead to become strong. Don’t slack off—train even harder! But please be careful, honey. Mommy wouldn’t handle it well if you were seriously hurt. Remember, your well-being is more important than anything else!

Anyway, I believe I’ve written too much already. Let me finish this letter with a few reminders. As always, my precious son, make sure to wash every morning and eat all your meals. Even though I know you enjoy training, make sure to rest occasionally. Over-training isn’t healthy.

Keep up with your studies, too. If your grades aren’t good, Mommy won’t be happy, okay? And don’t skip any meals, especially the vegetables! I know you dislike them, but this is a crucial time for your body’s growth. It needs all the nutrients it can get.

Also, remember: no females are allowed until they pass Mommy’s inspection! Even if she’s the princess of one of the five kingdoms, I won’t accept her until I’ve personally met her.

I can’t wait to see you in a month and a half. Although you’ve been away for only a year, it feels like too long. You must have grown so much. Good luck in the Rising Star Tournament. Don’t get hurt, and we’ll see you afterward, okay? We all send our love to you, dear.

- Azela Celeste


**“How’s your family doing, Az?”** Han Byul asked.

“They’re doing well. My dad became the sword instructor for Count Lemmenier, and my siblings’ elementals finally appeared in ethereal form.”

“Ah! Congratulations!”

Under the shade of a large tree at the academy, Azrael lay on the ground while Han Byul gently patted his hair. After reading the letter, Azrael carefully folded it and tucked it into his pocket before laying his head on Han Byul’s lap and closing his eyes with a satisfied expression.

Han Byul couldn’t help but smile as she gazed down at Azrael’s peaceful face. Who would have thought that the boy resting on her lap, looking so serene, was the strongest student at Sinara Academy? As she shook her head in amusement, she recalled the events of that night four months ago.

When Azrael first stepped onto the stage for the talent contest, Han Byul had been worried. She feared he might make a mistake and be jeered by the crowd. However, her worry faded as the bard began to play his string instrument and Azrael looked at her with a smile before starting his performance.

Without ever looking away from her, Azrael began to sing. His brown eyes were so captivating that even from the back of the crowd, Han Byul could feel their intensity. In contrast, his voice was soft and sweet, reaching her ears with a gentle tone. Watching his passionate performance, her heartbeat quickened, and emotions overwhelmed her. She was so absorbed in the moment that she didn’t notice Zer and Winston exchanging knowing glances and leaving, feeling that Azrael and Han Byul needed some privacy.

After the performance ended, she stood still, trying to control her emotions. When Azrael appeared, her body seemed to move on its own, and she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. Though unsure why, she felt compelled to reciprocate his feelings with her own.

“U…um… Han Byul?”

Slowly, she drew back a few inches and looked at Azrael. With his face flushed red, he finally managed to stammer out the words stuck in his throat. Seeing him at a loss for the first time, Han Byul couldn’t help but laugh. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. Not knowing what else to do, Azrael embraced her and gently patted her back. From that night onward, their relationship blossomed.

The next four months were blissful for the two of them. Though Azrael, Zer, Winston, and Han Byul were always together, the atmosphere around Azrael and Han Byul had noticeably changed. They were often seen arm in arm or lost in their own little world.

News of their relationship spread through the academy like wildfire. People’s perceptions of Azrael shifted; girls began to notice him more, showing interest in him as a man, while boys glared at him with envy. Azrael wondered if he had somehow become the enemy of all single men at the academy.

“Zer, look at those two lovebirds over there.”

“...All men with girlfriends are the enemy of single men!”

Han Byul turned her head toward the source of the voices and laughed at the sight. Zer and Winston were peeking from behind the tree.

“Hehe, stop being so silly, you two. Come over here.”

“Yo, Zer, Winst. Is it time already?”

At the sight of his two best friends, Azrael raised his head from Han Byul’s lap and greeted them. As she watched the three chat, she marveled at how much they had grown over the past four months.

Zer now stood at five feet six inches, his body having gained muscle mass and an indomitable presence. His sharp, stormy gaze made others unintentionally defer to him.

Winston had grown to six feet one inch. The

childish look on his face had faded, replaced by prominent chin and cheekbones. The fat on his body had turned into bulging muscles from constant swordsmanship training.

Azrael now stood at five feet seven inches, with a lean physique due to daily sprints. He had also cut his hair to chin length and trimmed his bangs to better highlight his brown eyes.

“I hate to break up the lovey-dovey atmosphere, but we need to head toward the restaurant.”

“So why are we going to a restaurant for dinner today, anyway, Winst?”

“Az, I told you someone said this place makes amazing steak!”

Once Azrael and Han Byul rose, they headed off. At the school entrance, a carriage drawn by two black stallions awaited them. After they got in, the driver urged the stallions on, heading toward Leah.

The trip was uneventful. As they chatted casually, the scenery outside the window changed. After forty minutes, they reached their destination.

Azrael helped Han Byul out of the carriage and opened the restaurant door for her. As the door swung open, a burst of voices greeted them.


Startled by the sudden noise and hearing his name, he looked inside just as two figures rushed toward him.

“Eh?! Azer, Aurora?!”


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