Chapter 26: Full Moon
“Hurry up or we’re going to be late for the festival, Az!”
“I got it, I got it, Winst!”
Azrael laughed and shook his head in amusement as he rushed after Winston and Zer. As they approached the school entrance, they saw a figure already waiting for them. Han Byul stood up and waved her hands.
“Geez! Hurry up, you two.”
Seeing Han Byul’s pout, Azrael couldn’t help but smile at her cute expression. Unlike Azrael, Winston, and Zer, who wore their school uniforms, Han Byul had chosen a pure white sleeveless dress. In Azrael’s eyes, she looked absolutely lovely. Once they had gathered, the four set off for the capital.
“Haa… I can’t believe I couldn’t get a carriage for this occasion…”
“Winston, it’s only a thirty-minute walk anyway. It’s such a nice day today; let’s enjoy it. Right, Az? Zer?”
Zer and Azrael nodded as Han Byul tried to console Winston. As she’d said, it was a beautiful day, with the sun’s rays gently warming everything and a light breeze bringing a refreshing breath of air. Han Byul stretched her arms out and began talking about the upcoming tournament.
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“Haa, it feels so nice out today~ Zer, Az, what do you both think about the other representatives for the Rising Star Challenge?”
“The actual representatives are fine, I think. With you, Az, and me, we already make a solid foundation. Wright is a strength-based earth elementalist, which will be perfect against some of the contestants with high defensive capabilities. Cynthia’s speed can be used to exploit those weaker in defense. Beth, with her light element, is ideal against the slow and brawny types.
Of course, our teammates aren’t without their weaknesses. There are several issues, but as long as we match our members against the right opponents, we’ll be fine. Since the tournament is a singles elimination format, we can help mask their weaknesses by arranging favorable matchups.
The biggest problem is the team’s depth. The four reserves are, to say the least, lacking. The most competent among them is Aren Dufont, but she leaves much to be desired. She’s too easy to provoke and lead. As for the other three… let’s just hope none of the participants get injured severely enough to be unable to fight.”
As Zer spoke, Azrael nodded. If they had to rely on their reserves, the team could face significant trouble. Even with Aren’s many faults, she still had skills to justify her spot on the team. If they had to use any of the other three, their chances of winning would drop severely.
“*Sigh*… I feel so left out… I’m sorry that I was born as a useless guy, you three…”
Seeing Winston’s dejected face and slumped shoulders, the others began to laugh. After consoling him back into his usual mood, the conversation shifted to the festival in Leah.
“It really is nice that the Academy gives a day off for Leah’s Summer Festival on the last day before the semester ends. I heard the food is especially to die for~”
“…Didn’t you say you were getting fat and needed to—GAAAHHHH!!”
“Ho ho ho, Winston~ you should know there are things you can and can’t say to a girl~”
A right uppercut landed perfectly on Winston’s stomach, dropping him to his knees. Azrael and Zer could swear they saw a scary girl with long hair and a mask holding a knife above Han Byul. Slowly, they backed away as Han Byul’s face twitched into a smile at Winston.
‘…..Master… I’ve never felt such fear for a human…’
‘…Me neither, Chunyong. Me neither…’
Azrael shivered at the intimidating figure of Han Byul and silently thanked Winston for being the sacrificial lamb. He promised himself never to bring up the ‘taboo’ topic in front of her and prayed for Winston’s safe recovery.
After Azrael and Zer helped Winston up, the four continued toward Leah. After another fifteen minutes of walking and chatting, they arrived in Leah and saw the festive atmosphere of the city.
“It really is quite hectic…”
“It’s your first time in a large city for the Summer Festival, right, Az? This is nothing. Anyway, what do you all say to going to the entertainment district to watch some plays and listen to some performances?”
Seeing everyone nod, Winston guided the group into the city. Azrael’s gaze flitted between the many intriguing sights. One stall showcased rare exotic birds, another sold peculiar headgear that looked like it was made from fabric wrapping itself. Enticing aromas of spices Azrael had never smelled before wafted through the streets. Han Byul, noticing Azrael’s wide-eyed wonder, giggled.
“Hehehe. Az, you look like a child who just saw a parade.”
“Eh? Oh, sorry about that. It’s just that this is my first time seeing all this…”
“No need to apologize, hehe. Oh, we’re almost at the entertainment district! Let’s go, Az!”
As Han Byul spotted the entertainment district, she grabbed Azrael’s hand and rushed forward. Surprised by the sudden contact, Azrael followed her with a bewildered expression. Zer and Winston exchanged knowing grins before rushing after them.
The four spent the rest of the morning watching actors perform historical reenactments, a comedic play about a lover who couldn’t find his soulmate despite her being right in front of him, and listening to bards. They laughed at the actors and the bards’ comedic tunes before heading back to the stalls for lunch.
With Winston and Han Byul leading, the group explored many stalls. At one stall, they grabbed bird meat on a stick glazed with a tangy sauce. The sweet sauce and tender meat created a heavenly combination that Azrael thoroughly enjoyed.
Azrael, Han Byul, and Zer couldn’t stop laughing when Winston’s face turned bright red after eating beef marinated in a spicy paste. He frantically waved his arms until he received a cup of water from the amused vendor. After gulping down the water, Winston finally breathed a sigh of relief.
After satisfying their hunger, the group headed toward the game stalls. One stall featured a game where rectangular wooden pieces popped up from holes in a board, and players had to whack them with a mallet. When told it was a two-player game, Winston and Zer each handed over five bronze coins to the vendor.
“Hu hu hu… Today will finally be the day I surpass you, Zer!”
“Hmph, as if the likes of you could defeat me!”
With determination in their eyes, the two grabbed mallets and prepared for their match. The vendor made sure both were ready before pressing a switch, starting the competition.
Two minutes later…
“Kuh… To have lost to Winston…”
“Muahahah! I have succeeded in topping Rhostaz Kingdom’s prodigy!”
As Azrael and Han Byul looked at Zer kneeling on the ground and Winston leaning back, boasting, they shook their heads. After helping Zer up, the group moved on to the next stall.
Azrael noticed a stall giving away large dolls as rewards, piquing his interest. He approached and saw three long shelves filled with dolls. The vendor greeted him with enthusiasm.
“Why hello there, dear customer. Would you like to play?”
“Good evening, sir. What are the rules for this game?”
“Well, dear customer, you’ll be given five round rocks. The goal is to make the dolls fall off the shelf. If you make four dolls fall, you can choose one of the four as a reward. If you make five dolls fall, you can choose one of the large dolls. Each set of five stones costs five coppers. Would you like to give it a try?”
“Yes, sir. Here are five coppers.”
“Thank you, dear customer. I bid you good luck.”
As the vendor smiled and took the payment, Azrael picked up the five stones. He checked the balance and prepared to throw. Smirking, he thought,
’Hmph. Like I wouldn’t see through your petty tricks. I’ll be taking one of those large dolls for Han Byul!’
Azrael threw his first rock. It missed the dolls and hit the wall, but the rock bounced off and knocked a doll off the shelf. The vendor’s grin faded as he realized it wasn’t luck.
‘…That has to be a lucky shot. There’s no way he can do it again!’
While the vendor tried to convince himself it was a fluke, the others arrived at the stall. Azrael quickly fired the remaining rocks, each one bouncing off the wall and knocking a doll off the shelf. The vendor’s face grew pale as the final rock followed suit.
With a stunned expression, the vendor handed Azrael a large white teddy bear. The bear had a sky blue dress, angel wings, a laurel of blue roses, and a golden halo.
Thanking the vendor with a smile, Azrael turned to his friends. Without hesitation, he extended the doll to Han Byul.
“Here, you can have this, Han Byul. I don’t need a doll.”
Surprised, Han Byul took the doll, almost as big as her, and hugged it tightly. After a moment, she looked at Azrael with a wide smile.
“Thank you, Az!”
Azrael’s cheeks reddened slightly as he nodded. The four continued visiting stalls as the sun began to set. At one of the squares, they noticed a large crowd gathered around a makeshift stage. Curious, they headed toward the area.
“Are there any other people who
would like to sign up for the talent show?”
At the mention of the talent show, a glint appeared in Zer and Winston’s eyes. With evil grins, the two immediately turned to Azrael.
“Hey Az, you’re a good singer! You should sign up.”
Surprised by the sudden suggestion, Azrael’s heart sank as he saw the mischievous grins on Zer and Winston’s faces.
‘Oi… you can’t be serious! These two…’
As he frantically tried to think of an escape, Zer and Winston grabbed his arms and dragged him toward the stage. Han Byul, amused, stayed behind and watched Azrael’s struggle.
“Sir, our friend Azrael would like to sign up for the talent show!”
“Alright then, just come to the back of the stage and sign up!”
Following the stage manager’s instructions, they took Azrael to the back. Resigned, Azrael signed up and received a number. Zer and Winston gave him a thumbs-up before heading back to join Han Byul and waited for Azrael’s turn.
After twenty contestants and two hours of waiting, Azrael took the stage. As arranged, a bard awaited him. After a brief discussion, Azrael was ready. He looked across the audience, spotting his friends in the back. Focusing on Han Byul, Azrael began to sing.
“Upon seeing you my eyes can no longer move
I knew at first sight that you were the one
Your face shone as you came toward me
You are so beautiful you can make me go blind
I don’t know why
But it’s not strange
Yet my heart is fluttering
You took all of my heart
I want to tell you carefully
I want to be brave
Starting from today
Can I love you?
It’s the first time
I don’t want to lose this obvious feeling
I think love is going to come
I’ll give only good things to you
I don’t know why
But it’s not strange
Yet my heart is fluttering
You took all of my heart
I put up with a lot of goodbyes and lots of tears
So it’s a little late, but I think I’ve finally met the one
Can I love this person that’s sitting in front of me?
I’ll confess to you with my beating heart
I want to tell you carefully
I want to be brave
Starting from today
Can I love you?
It’s the first time
I don’t want to lose this obvious feeling
I think love is going to come
I’ll give only good things to you
Starting from today, can I love you?”
As he finished, a wave of silence fell over the audience until one person began clapping. Soon, others joined in, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Azrael returned to the back of the stage, handed his number back, and found only Han Byul waiting for him.
“Hey Han Byul, where’s everyone else?”
Without speaking, Han Byul walked up to Azrael, her eyes moist. She closed her eyes, leaned forward, and pressed her lips to Azrael’s right cheek. Feeling her lips, Azrael froze, his eyes locked on Han Byul’s face as they stayed in that position under the full moon and starry sky.
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