Mob without system in Naruto world

Chapter 85 - Puppet-Hokage


"Hokage? Sorry, but I'm not interested. Furthermore, don't you think there are better choices than me?"

"Hmph, you are mistaken if you think you have a choice."

"So, what's your reason then?"

"You will be a Puppet-Hokage for me, who does as I tell."

When he heard that, Eiji's couldn't help but show a mocking smile: "Wow, that's pretty honest. Just out of curiosity, what would happen if I decline?"

"You have parents, right?"

"YOU FUCKIN ASS!!" - Eiji instantly realized how he was threatened and couldn't hold his rage back.

But because he was tied to the chair, his charge was too slow and he was stopped by one of the Root members beside him.

He couldn't do anything except to glare at Danzo like a beast.

Unfaced Danzo continued with his usual cold face: "Good that you understand. I thought at first that you aren't too bright and I would need to explain everything to you...anyway, for now, we are finished here. In the next days, you should be officially appointed and after that, you will receive your next orders. And also just so you know, you will be watched and every one of your moves will be known by me, so don't try anything funny."

Then Danzo nodded towards the Root members and with one blow to the neck from one of them, Eiji lost consciousness.

"What's the meaning of this, Danzo?" - Homura and Koharu looked at the paper Danzo gave them.

There, it was written how the two Anbu, who watched Hiruzen's last battle, allegedly heard Hiruzen's last words.

He allegedly appointed Eiji as the next Hokage with his last breath.

"As you can see, Sarutobi wanted Nakamura Eiji to be the next Hokage, instead of Tsunade."

"You think your "evidence" is enough to change the decision of the Daimyo and the Konoha Council, which I have to remind you, you aren't part of anymore after Sarutobi removed you?" - Koharu

"Why are you questioning it? Didn't you know that Sarutobi and Nakamura Eiji were pretty close? Why else would a child like him try to fight Orochimaru just to save him? Furthermore, the villagers recognize him for his efforts in the battle and his skills are exceptional for his age. So there shouldn't be a problem, or do want to disrespect Sarutobi's last wish?"

'Problem? The problem is you!' - Homura

Both of them had tremendous experiences in politics, and with knowing Danzo's personality, they instantly could see through his farce and that he wanted Eiji to be his Puppet-Hokage.

"This is ridiculous, Danzo. Tsunade already agreed and is on her way back. The Daimyo also accepted already, so why are you disputing now? You should have done it earlier." - Homura

Danzo didn't respond, but instead just connected the screen in the office with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

Homura and Koharu didn't waste their breath on berating Danzo for suddenly calling the Daimyo, since they knew he wouldn't do something like that without a reason.

"'s good to see that you are all healthy and well. Anyway, let's get straight to business: I thought about your words Danzo, and I concluded that your words make more sense. Konoha was always way too passive because the previous Hokage were too soft. And since you said you will train and advise this promising young boy, I'm confident views on expanding the military and being more active. That's why I decided to appoint Naka- was it Nakamura? Well anyways, I appoint this kid instead."

After that, the Daimyo bid his farewell and the screen went black.

"You both should know, that in case of uncertainty, the final decision lays in the Daimyo. So with that, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"...are you out of your mind? Do you really think that this child is cut out to be Hokage?" -Koharu

"Is it his young age you are concerned with?"

"It's not about age: at the age of 12 Itachi was an Anbu Captain, but it wasn't only because of his skills, but his contributions as well. Compared to that, Eiji has no experience at all. And even worse, he only graduated a few months ago. No matter how strong he is compared to an ordinary Genin his age, he is absolutely not cut out to be Hokage! Even if you exclude Tsunade and Jiraiya, there are a handful of better choices like Kakashi for example."

"Don't worry about that. I will teach and guide him personally, and with his potential, he would become a splendid Hokage in the future."

"You are talking about potential and future...but this is the biggest problem! Do you think the other villages won't notice that he is your puppet and try to get rid of him before he grows and gets stronger? Let me remind you of your vile reputation...the other Kage won't look away if they know that you are the puppetmaster and will try to wager war..."

"Hmph, you think I would let them? Enough with the talks, the Daimyo already made his decision, right?"

"You...I really hope Konoha won't fall because of your greed and ambitions..."

"Danzo, we will only accept this, if Tsunade is allowed to join the council. Considering the situation, this would be only fair to her..."

'Hmph! You know that since I control Eiji, that I will be able to join the council in a few days. You just want to keep a balance, with Tsunade joining your faction!' - Danzo didn't show his thoughts on his face and left after saying: "She may join."


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