Peak of the World

Chapter 51 - Why didn't you invite me?


The answer came quickly as the two women embraced tightly.

“It’s been too long! Why didn’t you invite me earlier?” Yume teased.

Uncharacteristically, Valeria’s tone shifted to one of discontent. “Well, I sent a messenger to nearly thirty places looking for you. It took forever to track you down.”

Yume sighed. “Valeria, you know how it is. The higher-ups pile on too much work, and they won’t tolerate any delays.”

“Do they really need you that much, Yume? With how hard it is to contact you, you're better known as the elusive beauty of the country headquarters.”


Hearing the name, Fang recognized who she was.

Several years ago, Minuet City had boasted two extremely talented women, unmatched in ability for their age: Valeria and Yume. They had been classmates and close friends. Fang hadn’t realized that Yume was the judge who presided over his examination.

Yume pouted. “Don’t be so mad. I came here as soon as I reached the city. Besides, I’ve got a wonderful gift for you. You’ll love it!”

Valeria’s face softened, and her eyes brightened. “Welcome back, Yume.”

After exchanging greetings, Yume’s gaze shifted to Fang. “Well, it seems we meet again, Fang!”

Fang recalled how Yume’s recommendation during his examination had gotten him where he was today, and he was deeply grateful. “Thank you very much for recommending me back then.”

A bright smile spread across her face. “Anyone would’ve done the same. That position was temporary, so I figured I might as well make something of it.”

Though Yume made it sound casual, Fang remained tense. She was, after all, a high-ranking official from the country, someone even the mayor would treat with respect.

As the casual chatter died down, Valeria noticed Fang’s unease and whispered, “Fang, is our talk between sisters bothering you?”

Fang quickly shook his head. “Uh, no, not at all. I was actually just about to head to the practice room.”

With that, he awkwardly excused himself and hurried away.

Watching his retreating figure disappear up the stairs, Yume turned to Valeria. “So, what do you think of the candidate I told you was special?”

Valeria nodded approvingly. “He’s truly remarkable. In just half a year, he’s progressed to the intermediate stage, advancing four levels within it. His energy reserves are also impressive.”

“*Four* levels?” Yume was genuinely shocked. When she had first seen Fang, she hadn’t expected him to grow this strong so quickly. “Valeria, you must’ve given him an energy bath, but even so, this is ridiculously fast!”

“I can’t thank you enough,” Valeria said sincerely. “If it weren’t for your recommendation, I wouldn’t have found someone as extraordinary as him.”

Yume waved her off playfully. “Oh, come on! No need for all that formality between us. We’re not strangers. Unless… you think we are? That’d make me really sad!”

Valeria rolled her eyes. “Please, I wouldn’t be so polite if it wasn’t for this particular matter. Even if I met your future boyfriend, I’d probably still give him a hard time.”

Yume just smiled back. “Speaking of which, I wish the beautiful head of the Chamber of Commerce would find a boyfriend herself. After all these years without even a single interest... It worries me! You’ve got the looks and the status. How could I get a boyfriend before you do? That wouldn’t be right at all!”

Valeria teased in return, “It wouldn’t be wrong if you did find one, though. Who doesn’t know the youngest official at the country headquarters? With your beauty, it’s no surprise that aristocrats are constantly proposing to you. The real shock is how heartlessly you reject them all!”

Yume scoffed. “All those fools? They’re useless.”

“It’s not that they’re useless; it’s that none of them compare to you. With your talent and achievements, you’ve reached the country’s headquarters. Finding someone equally accomplished would be nearly impossible. Honestly, I worry about you more than I do myself.”

Yume spun around, staring at Valeria. “There’s no need to worry! If I can’t find the right boyfriend, I’ll just find a girlfriend instead. In fact, I already have the perfect candidate. Don’t you think we’d be a great match?”


The two friends were undeniably close, almost like sisters. Valeria quickly shifted the topic back to Fang. “Yume, can you guess what happened at the Chamber of Commerce’s recent competition?”

Though Valeria hadn’t shared the full details of her family’s situation, Yume knew about the current power struggle in the city and the fierce rivalry between the two major businesses. Seeing Valeria’s cheerful expression as she brought up the event, Yume had a strange feeling. “What happened?”

“Richard’s son, William, participated as a freshman in the competition.”

Yume immediately connected the dots. “So, Richard knew about your connection to Fang and used this ‘friendly’ competition to put his son against him?”

Valeria’s smile widened. “Exactly.”

“Shameless! Doesn’t he know when to stop? I heard from a colleague that William’s talent is quite high, and that he’s already showing an elemental affinity. Even with Fang’s rapid progress, he’s only a 4th-grade intermediate. Based on their energy levels alone, Fang couldn’t possibly be a match for William…” Yume’s voice trailed off as she saw Valeria’s expression. Cautiously, she asked, “Wait... did Fang... win?”

“Yes, he did.”

Yume was stunned. “How is that possible?”

“I didn’t think it was possible either. In fact, I encouraged him to forfeit the match. But he refused, insisting that he needed to take on this challenge—and he won! I underestimated him...” Valeria’s voice was filled with pride.

“So… how *did* he win?”

Valeria smirked. “You’ll find the answer in the practice room.”

Yume pouted. “You’re making me sad with all these secrets today! Fine, I’ll go see for myself.” She headed toward the stairs but paused and looked back. “Before I do, do you have a spare set of clothes I could change into?”

“Help yourself to anything you like.”


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