Peak of the World

Chapter 13 - Dark Siren


Garret’s face contorted into a scowl as the two Energy Balls didn’t do any noticeable damage to Fang. A third mass of energy started to swirl, and Fang responded by taking up the same position for another Sonic Cut.

But the fierce concentration on both sides was briefly broken when a stout figure charged in.

A roar echoed, “Who dares bully my friend? I’ll beat him to death!”

Durin, having taken a stroll after dinner, was heading on his way when he heard the sounds of fighting. Hurrying over, he found Garret and Fang fighting. As Fang’s friend, and bound by dwarven honor, he immediately went to assist Fang.

Despite his short stature, a disproportionately large amount of energy covered his body. Unlike Garret, whose energy was colorless, Durin’s energy had a hint of grayish yellow.

Startled, Garret closely examined the dwarf’s energy. It was the Earth element!

Most people who could use energy usually inherited an element when their energy level reached the advanced rank. This was a bit of a surprise.

A heavy arm swung, like the tempering of iron, smashing towards Garret.

1st-grade yellow skill – Hammer Toss!

Taking caution, Garret had already produced four Energy Balls and sent them towards Durin instead.

The rotating handle shattered the large energy ball, collapsing as it barely managed to disrupt the four on the way.

Garret grimaced. He was a 4th-grade intermediate, higher than the 3rd-grade intermediate the dwarf was, but his skills were interrupted by that Hammer Toss.

Although Durin was a full grade lower, he had already infused some element into his energy, which was enough to offset the difference in pure energy.

Not giving up, Durin prepared to swing again when someone shouted, “Stop!”

The voice wasn’t very loud, but as soon as the sound hit their ears, the energies everyone had out forcefully dissipated, to the horror of the students.

In between Durin and Garret, an individual suddenly appeared.

Tall and burly, with a cold glint in his eyes, a general faced the two with icy anger. The badge on his uniform indicated he was at least a commanding officer. However, the amount of power he displayed, suppressing everyone, left no doubt that he was a terrifying person. To be able to mediate the energy meant that he was above the master rank; he was at least at the soul level.

“When you received the invitation, you should have been aware of the rules surrounding the training camp. Any malicious assault will result in expulsion, and there will be no chances to redeem yourself.” The soldier’s voice was low and soft, yet the domineering tone left both Garret and Durin speechless.

Garret silently cursed. He knew this soldier. No one from Victoria City would know him—the famous Hawk.

Emphasizing the strict management and safety of all the candidates, the country had sent a senior officer from the military training branch to oversee the school. The head of this department was Hawk.

An extremely strict, moral, incorruptible man, he saw things in black and white. Everything was either right or wrong, and he didn’t care who violated the rules. It was rumored that he had even accused the country’s ruler of something. Therefore, in front of him, Garret’s background wasn’t worth anything.

Thinking of this, Garret broke out into a cold sweat.

Why did this happen? I was just innocently teaching a lesson to a country peasant. I don’t want to lose this valuable opportunity because of this!

Hawk continued, “That was in the official regulations of this camp, yet the camp hasn’t started and there were no serious injuries from that fight, so I will let this go. However, if there is a next time… do so at your own risk.”

Garret let out a deep sigh of relief when Hawk’s eyes, sharp as honed daggers, coldly glanced at him.

Though Hawk hadn’t seen the start of the conflict, he knew that the son of the Senator often cruelly beat up people with little to no reason.

Silent, Garret held his head down.

Seeing that they got the message, the space rippled around the area as Hawk disappeared.


Unlike the judge who used the same technique, Hawk instantly moved out of view, far enough that Fang couldn’t see where he went.

Although Hawk had left, Garret didn’t dare cause any more trouble for the day. He wasn’t confident in his ability to defeat the dwarf; he would mercifully let these nobodies go. Glaring at Fang and Durin, he muttered, “Today I’ll let you off, but the next time… you won’t be as lucky.”

Durin gave him a thumbs up. “If you appear then, I’ll knock you out of this country, brat!”

Arguing with a dwarf wasn’t smart at all—they wouldn’t hold back. For the son of the Senator, this was a futile effort.

“You can only wish!”

After getting the last word in, Garret turned around and left with his friend.

Durin came toward Fang and asked, “Are you okay?”

Fang shook his head. “I’m fine, thanks.”

Durin mumbled, “No need for thanks. We’re friends, Fang. Besides, that arrogant guy was too ugly!”


Hearing the phrase, Fang felt happy.

He had only known Durin for less than a day, but this dwarf stood up for him and even fought against Garret.

When he lived in Victoria City, no one was willing to be friends with the loser that the entire city scorned. So he had never known what friends were like.

Now, he knew. But with a friend came a hateful enemy.

Although he had become stronger, and in Victoria City, no one took him lightly, on this larger stage, he was still weak! And the weak would always be bullied by the strong.

Clenching his fist tightly, Fang began to burn with motivation.

It seems I don’t have enough strength—I need to train more!

Nearby, hidden behind the trees, a woman witnessed the entire fight.

Yume was right; this boy is really quite exceptional, defying common sense.

However, his power level is too low to compare to the people from the big cities. But, the training camp is just beginning; let us see if he can bring more surprises!


In a double dorm room out of the numerous cabins in the male area, a youth lay on a sofa.

If someone were to describe him, they would say the teenager looked very handsome, with red lips, glittering eyes, and pale, flawless skin that girls would die for.

Lazily, he looked at the ceiling, pouting. “Mmm, to participate in this damn training camp, and even more, to be placed at the lowest level to experience the struggles of the lowest grades of energy… this is stupid and boring!”

For countless teenagers in the country, this camp would be their dream. This youth, though, thought it was a waste of time.

Ah, this is really annoying. The old man forced me into this, but really, he had to place me in the bottom boys’ section? Do you want me to suffer that badly? I’ll show you that I’ll be completely fine! But, these boys in the dorms, I mean, they take baths, right?

And they don’t throw their clothes around the place, forget to flush the toilet, or keep the place untidy and dirty…

Thinking of this, the youth started to sweat.

Then, he heard the sound of the door open—needless to say, the person entering would be his roommate.

The boy entering immediately saw his roommate lying on the sofa and greeted him.

“Hello, I’m Fang, nice to meet you!”

This youth’s roommate turned out to be Fang.

After the fight was over, Fang decided to pay a visit to Mii, and after chatting for a while, came back searching for his residence. Seeing that his roommate was in, he decided to introduce himself.


A common name, without any noticeable features, and judging from his clothes, he wasn’t from a wealthy family.

Most of the people who came to this training camp were from rich families, as money usually fueled the energy to high levels. So, this guy, Fang, must have worked hard to get into this camp, and he, according to the old man, should be treated nicely.

However, I won’t listen to you, because what I hate most is being forced to do things that I don’t like!

With strong rebellious tendencies, the youth felt no regrets about how he was going to treat the innocent Fang.

As he was about to say something, the teenager noticed that Fang was staring at his chest and unconsciously covered it.

“What are you looking at?”

Fang coughed, “Brother, I didn’t expect that you trained so hard to get such developed pecs!”

“You…” The youth wanted to roar, but it sounded more like a scream. “Dirty!”

Instantly, Fang felt there was a misunderstanding. “No, no, I’m not insulting you. I’m praising you; after all, all men would want their pecs that strong.”

“No, no!” The youth’s neutral impression of Fang rapidly deteriorated. Staring at him, he stated, “Fang, listen, although we are roommates, there are some rules we should set. First of all, you shouldn’t always stare at my chest…”

Fang muttered, “Who’d repeatedly stare at a man’s chest? Do you think I’m sick?”

“You…” Choking in anger, the youth took rapid, deep breaths. “Second, you are not allowed to enter my room. Third

, your dirty clothes, especially underwear or whatever, must not be casually thrown around in the common room!”

He stormed back into his room, and with a bang, the door slammed shut.

Confused, Fang sighed. “Well, it seems my roommate is a bit strange… it’s causing a headache, seriously. I don’t know if I can get along with him.”

Through the door, the youth heard that very quiet voice with his sensitive hearing, and his anger returned in full.

Previously, he had worried that his roommate would be strange, but the reverse happened, with his roommate thinking that he was the strange one.

Well, just wait and see. You’ll soon be suffering, because anyone who offends Scarlett never smiles again!

Fang didn’t know at this time that, besides the son of the Senator, he had hastily made another enemy.

With the dawn of the next day, the training camp had officially begun!


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