Peak of the World

Chapter 14 - Blue


The next morning, when Fang walked out of his room, he found his roommate already up with two cups of milk on the table.

“Morning, Fang!” His roommate’s attitude had completely changed, and he greeted Fang with a sweet smile. “I’ve got two cups of milk for breakfast. Do you want one?”

Fang was surprised. He remembered that his roommate had been quite angry before, but now, he was so friendly.

Maybe I just misunderstood him?

Fang walked over and sat down, taking the cup of milk in his hands. “Thanks, Blue!”

Blue looked startled. “Hey, how do you know my name?”

“Well, when I looked at your chest yesterday, I saw your badge.”

Blue almost spat out his drink, shouting in anger, “I said, Fang, don’t talk about my chest again!”

For most warriors, having strong, developed muscles was something to be proud of, but strangely, Blue didn’t seem to like it.

Perhaps his roommate had experienced some sort of harassment in the past, leaving him with a traumatic scar to the point that he might have an extreme aversion to his chest. It would explain his anger and his reluctance to let anyone enter his room.

Thinking of this, Fang felt some sympathy for his poor roommate. “Okay, Blue, I promise I won’t mention it again. Also, even if you had some issues in the past, it’s only the past—everyone should look toward the future, right?”

Huh? What’s he talking about?

Is Fang… taking pity on me? Blue shook his head and responded, “Got it, got it. Hurry up and drink your milk before it gets cold.”

Fang didn’t dwell on it and picked up the cup again, finishing the milk in a few moments. “Mmm, it tastes good.”

The corners of Blue’s smile turned up slightly, a hint of malice present.

Tastes good? I added something just for you!

In an hour, when everyone would gather for the first day of training, Fang would start to feel nauseous and then begin vomiting, having to rush to the bathroom for at least a couple of hours, missing the entire meeting. Everyone would stare at the lone person who had thrown up, disgracefully running toward the bathroom.

Visualizing that scene in his mind, Blue almost laughed, but he managed to hold it in while Fang was next to him.

Old man, I dare you to keep me in this training camp when this boy will sooner or later become miserable for life!

--- --- ---

Fang thought his roommate was quite a nice guy, bringing him a warm cup of milk before he woke up. They headed out together to the public cafeteria and then arrived at the center of the camp.

An aged man in a white suit stepped onto the platform.

“Young people from around the country, welcome to the training camp. My name is Kingsley, director of this glorious intermediate school!”

The crowd began to stir. They had heard of this legendary name.


He was one of the brilliant generals of the country, respected by millions for his contributions and strength. Tales of his deeds reached even small cities like Victoria City, and his history was known to everyone. At the age of 50, the youngest ever in the country’s history, he broke through to the supreme level. His strength was admired and idolized by many, but his accomplishments extended beyond that. From the country’s headquarters, he led the charge in reforming the education system, introducing proposals like the standardized entrance examination and the intermediate school to hone young talent.

After the school was built, Kingsley retired from national service and devoted his entire attention to the training camp. Thanks to his selfless efforts, many powerhouses who now dominate prominent positions in the country emerged, and his influence and prestige grew throughout the land.

The youths from small cities had Kingsley to thank for the opportunity they now had, because without the program he set up, this wouldn’t exist.

Fang had heard about his feats as well. Excited, and with eyes full of respect, he commented, “I never expected that one day I could finally see the legendary Kingsley!”

Blue’s face crumpled in disdain. “What? He’s just a common person; there’s nothing to be excited about!”

Frowning, Fang replied, “Blue, you shouldn’t say that. Without his contributions to the country, we wouldn’t have this opportunity to come and learn…”

To Blue, however, these “opportunities” were available anywhere, so listening to Fang’s preaching bored him to death!

However, he didn’t want to arouse Fang’s suspicions, so he nodded and said, “Okay, okay, you’re right, okay?”

Fang shook his head again. Blue was really a strange guy—randomly getting angry, but eager to get him a morning drink, and now being arrogant.

Probably, the dark, sad memories of harassment had deeply affected Blue and warped his mind.

“Like the rising sun, vibrant and full of energy, you youths here today are the rising hopes of the country…” Kingsley’s passionate speech captured everyone’s attention, enraptured in a current of positive momentum.

In fact, Kingsley was spreading a thin layer of weak energy throughout the crowd, energizing them during his motivational speech. Everyone listened attentively except for one figure, who was intently listening for something next to Fang. Undisguised delight rose on Blue’s face as he saw a small frown of pain on Fang’s face.

The poison should’ve started to react by now.

Old man, I wonder what your expression will be when you see someone vomiting and running out during your marvelous speech!

--- --- ---

Weird, did I eat something bad for breakfast? No, that shouldn’t be the case. The cafeteria food was guaranteed to be healthy, and the environment was clean. There shouldn’t have been anything bad.

Nausea kept rising from the depths of his stomach, threatening to make Fang vomit as he started to sweat.

Damn, I can’t vomit right now. Kingsley’s giving a speech!

But then, he recalled a theory from countless conversations he had within the void—a method to detoxify the body and cleanse it from poisons.

Maybe bad food would also count as poison?

Drawing his energy inside, Fang tried to run it through his entire body, pushing out any foreign substances towards his skin. A thin trickle of black ran down his arms and into the ground.

It seemed that it really worked!

Those elders were truly remarkable; something minor like nausea was so easily solved!

Relaxed and happy, Fang continued to listen to Kingsley’s speech.

--- --- ---

Blue waited for the mayhem to arrive, as the nausea should have fully kicked in seven or eight minutes ago, but Fang only displayed a short burst of discomfort before returning his full attention to Kingsley.

Seeing Fang stand perfectly fine, Blue finally asked in a low voice, “Fang, don’t you think you’re feeling a bit unwell?”

Fang whispered, “How’d you know that?”

“Well… I noticed that you looked a bit uncomfortable.”

“Oh, that’s why.” Fang was touched by his concern. “Thanks for worrying. I just had a small feeling of nausea, but I’m feeling completely okay now.”

“Really?” Blue widened his eyes. “How’s that possible?!”

Although the laxative was slightly toxic and didn’t cause serious harm, it was synthesized from a rare plant that even a master rank would have been affected by. But Fang said that he was feeling completely fine?

Fang was puzzled and asked, “How is it possible? Blue, what do you mean?”

Improvising, Blue hastily responded, “I mean, the cafeteria that prepares the food takes the utmost care in making it. How could you have an upset stomach?”

Believing him, Fang quietly replied, “Yes, I did feel a bit unwell, but that’s all done with. I don’t want to miss Kingsley’s speech. Let’s stop talking and listen.”

Fang turned his attention back to Kingsley, while Blue stared at him with question marks floating around his head.

Did I give him the wrong drug?

No, no, no. I checked carefully; it was the correct drug!

Perhaps he just has a natural immunity to that poison?

However, to be born with a body that had immunity to poison was extremely rare—maybe one in millions would have such a body.

… What’s going on?


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