God of Magic and Creation

Chapter 13 - Celestial Prison


[Samuru’s Universe]

[A God’s Prison]

[Third POV]

In the center of a sun, there was a prison holding the vilest creature to have manifested in the universe. This creature had been locked away for nearly ten thousand years. The sun itself acted as a safeguard, ensuring the creature remained confined. At the very heart of the sun was the prison, a cage only forty-five meters wide, long, and tall. Four figures with the power of High Gods were always stationed around the sun.

A figure approached the sun, and as it advanced, one of the guards stepped forward.

The guard bowed toward the figure before inquiring what had brought them here.

“Milord, what brings you to visit this time?” asked the guard.

“I have come to see what was once my brother,” said the figure.

“As you wish, Milord,” said the guard as he turned around and called out, “Bring him out!”

The other three guards appeared next to the first guard.

“Let us begin,” said the first guard.

The four raised their hands and began forming hand signs rapidly. They displayed millions of hand signs within moments. Once they reached their final signs, chains appeared in their hands.

“Now, on my mark, we will pull in unison,” said the first guard. “Pull!”

They all pulled in unison. The space around them rumbled with the power of their effort. The cage moved only a quarter of the distance needed to be outside the sun.

“Again!” ordered the guard.

After a while, the cage was finally outside the sun. The figure appeared in front of the cage and looked inside.

“Hehe, why not let me out? Mark, I promise I won’t destroy any more planets. Pretty please!” pleaded the figure inside as it walked toward the edge of the cage.

“You are no longer the brother I knew. Aaron, if you’re still inside, you’ll just have to hold on until Father returns,” said Mark with sadness in his voice.

“Hmmm, I wonder how long your brother can last before I take over his body. Once I gain control, there will be war in this universe, and beyond!” said ‘Aaron’ with madness. “I can’t wait!”

“Guards, put him back,” said Mark as he vanished.

[High Gods Castle Meeting Room]

[All Realms]

The High Gods’ castle existed in every realm simultaneously, perched atop the highest mountain of each domain. Only Samuru, Iovis, their children, and their descendants were allowed inside. In the meeting room, three individuals were seated on thrones: Mark, Nanya, and Akane. Three of the six thrones were unoccupied.

“Our universe is going to be in deep trouble if Father and Uncle do not return soon,” said Nanya, glancing at the two larger thrones.

“You’re right. We didn’t expect the enemy to act so quickly,” said Akane. “Mark, why aren’t you saying anything?”

Mark looked toward Akane and said, “I have visited our brother, Aaron.”

“Are you stupid? He’s no longer our brother after what he’s done!” exclaimed Akane angrily.

“We all know it wasn’t his fault. It was that damn mortal’s fault. It could have been any of us who got tricked,” Mark argued, trying to defend his brother. “Who would have thought that picking up a rock would cause so much death? Luckily, our Father’s and Uncle’s clones managed to stop his rampage but perished from the sudden burst of power released by the rock.”

“It wouldn’t have been me,” whispered Nanya to herself. “Anyway, did he have anything else to say?”

“Besides his usual threats, he mentioned that there’s going to be a war across many universes and that Aaron won’t hold out much longer,” said Mark.



“What is going on?” they all asked.

“It feels as though the entire universe is on the brink of destruction,” said Mark.

[Origin POV]




“What the hell is going on?!” Origin demanded of the Watchers.

“Sire, I believe we are under attack,” said one of the Watchers.

“Who would dare attack an Origin cosmos?” asked Origin, spreading his spiritual sense. Once he reached the location of the attack, he was terrified. He vanished and appeared right in front of the assailants.

Origin looked at the two figures before him and asked, “Usarus and Velo, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. What brings Origins such as yourselves to my cosmos?”

Velo stepped forward and said, “We want your cosmos. We had planned to do it slowly from within for entertainment, but since you interfered, we decided to act ourselves.”

‘Damn, I might be at the 3rd tier, but I’ve only just entered it. I can’t face two peak 2nd tier Origins. I hope a miracle happens and I get some assistance,’ Origin thought to himself.


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