White Tiger Cultivator

Chapter 65: Totems and Closure Part 2

Approx. 8min reading time

"I'm sorry about interrupting your birthday a few years ago," Lu Tian said. "My father and aunt were the ones who wanted it. I also realized I was being arrogant for my weak prowess."

"I imagine you are here to make a totem?" Lu Ce began, as Shu sheathed Freezing Tail. "Alas, you are too lucky to be a true Archon. My sister and I just reached the first stage of the Spirit Master tier. We plan to walk the path of a Celestial Immortal. Thus, we came here to seek our ancestors' methods to create a suitable totem. As for Spirit Beasts, the Great Ancestor will provide us with suitable ones for us to kill and whose essences we will drain."

"What path have you chosen, son?" Lu Yi asked.

"I wish to walk the path of a Sword Immortal," Shu answered, stunning everyone.

"Sword Immortal? Well, it's not like he wishes to be a Devil Immortal," Lu Ce brooded.

"It would be easier to become a Celestial Immortal," Lu Fei said. "Ancestor Lu Feng captured many Ancient Spirit Beasts, one of them your father killed to absorb it into his own totem. It is very difficult to acquire a Holy Spirit Beast. Furthermore, you must have at least one spirit reactor with the magical beast core of a Holy Spirit Beast to become a Sword Immortal."

"Let me see your Mystic Crystal," Lu Yi ordered and his mind entered Shu's Soul Realm without resistance. Shu's first spirit reactor was made with the magical beast core of a Chaos Spirit Beast. After observing the other four, he discovered that he had one lone spirit reactor made with the magical beast core of a Holy Spirit Beast. It was the very same one that used to belong to Lu Rushi. The emperor had long forgotten that Lu Rushi wanted to become a Sword Immortal. Of course, the man would have had a suitable spirit reactor.

"He has one," Lu Yi said as his mind returned to his body. "Your mother must have told you about her brother and about totems. She must be organizing the Blackened Skulls to find any intel on a Holy Spirit Beast."

"Blackened Skulls," Lu Tian and Lu Qing paled in unison.

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"If it's them, they should find intel. Then you can just tell Ancestor Lu Feng to bring it to you," Lu Ce nodded. "My son and niece will help you find a suitable method. They have come here to learn various spirit techniques as well as a armor spirit technique. Seeing you fight before, they realize mastering such a technique would give their bodies many benefits and protections besides armor."

"We must go. I hope we all make totems before tonight's feast. Who knows what will happen then," Lu Fei said and the three Spirit Master siblings sped ahead.

"Uh, they just left?" Lu Tian said, shocked.

"There are plenty of techniques. However, learning too many results in less mastery," Shu warned as vermillion wings appeared on his back. "Supaiku, stay by the entrance. I'll be back soon."

Shu flew into the recesses of the seemingly limitless vault. Lu Tian and Lu Qing, as Practitioners that did not have any flying abilities or at the Spirit Master tier, could only watch as they were left alone. Shu flew quickly, not pausing to look at the spirit techniques. He already knew many and his goal was the method to make a totem. He passed the three Spirit Masters, both his aunt and uncle surprised to see him fly as they stood before a sealed chamber. No doubt, it was the chamber that contained methods to create a totem suitable for one who wished to be a Celestial Immortal cultivator. He landed on the ground as he saw the sealed chamber he was searching for. Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!

Next to the chained door was a familiar stone slab that said, "Greetings, Junior. Well, I have a strong descendant. No telling if you follow the true Archon path or a Spirit Master of the regular Archon path. Within contains three tiems you will need. One contains the method to create a totem worthy of a Sword Immortal cultivator. The book will explain itself. The second item is the essence of a Sword Immortal I killed with his unique immunity to lightning. It must be said that the best sword techniques require speed. Besides the light element, no element is faster than lightning."

"Junior," the slab continued. "Absorbing the essence of the Sword Immortal will allow you to reach the next level of cultivation. That's it. The rest of the energy will fade into oblivion as you are to weak to even absorb the rest. It is a waste, but I'm not human and no other descendant but you has chosen to be a human Sword Immortal. Thus, I have my third and greatest gift to you: a sealed Holy Spirit Beast. Let it be said that I, your Great Ancestor, give Spirit Beasts to all my descendants who are the qualified stage to make a totem. I mostly have Ancient Spirit Beasts so my descendants don't know of this. HAHAHA! They can only blame themselves for not being a direct family member of the current emperor of their time to search in the vault. Once you open this door, I will automatically know. Once you proceed to making the totem, come find me in the hidden pagoda beneath the vault and throne room."

"Holy shit," Lu Shu gasped as he took three steps back in shock. "Is this for real? This is too amazing!"

"I guess I am allowed to speak about it now," Spook interrupted as Shu looked at the sentient ring in shock. "I wasn't allowed to tell you if you chose to be a Celestial Immortal cultivator. As the slab says, no one really knows about it. Most people who are qualified to enter the vault don't need to go so far in to find what they want. There were too many temptations that easily satisfied them. You were resolute and ignored any treasure you saw to find what you sought. Congratulations. You are the first Sword Immortal cultivator of the great Ancestor's lineage. There have been close to a thousand Celestial Immortal cultivators and a few dozen Devil Immortal Cultivators. One of them is your ancestor, Lu Feng. I am relaying this event to the other sentient rings worn by all fourteen Spirit Sages and the Great Ancestor. Your mother will be notified that she no longer needs to seek a Holy Spirit Beast. Good thing too. They are incredibly rare to find."

"The extravagance of this vault," Shu began. "The Immortal Realms must truly be an amazing place without compare. I wonder if other Demon Emperors are as rich as he is. Money is one thing, but all these items for Practitioners.....He really is without compare in the Mortal Realm."

Shu switched Freezing Tail onto his left hip, his lion wine gourd onto his right hip, and Spook onto his left hand. Now that Shu was on a higher level, he knew he could no longer afford to take it easy. He would have many enemies. He was ambidextrous, but he was better with his right hand. Even Lu Shu's body was right handed while Agemo, his past life, was left handed. It could be considered a step to moving on. Shu sighed as he touched the chains, his demonic red spirit energy shattering them as the door opened. He coughed and waved his hand as dust blew. The air grew into a violent suction force as air entered the chamber after who knew how many centuries since it was sealed.

"This is it. My final transformation, and that of my sword. I am really going to change huh?" Shu murmured as Wraith stepped out of his shadow.

"Master. I fear I cannot go in with you. I might not be safe in your shadow. With your permission, I will stock gold into your storage bag while I await your ascendance to the tenth stage," Wraith bowed.

"Thank you," Shu said as he gave his puppet the white sand colored storage bag. As the puppet was a magical item, it could access the special storage bag with his permission. He stared back at the chamber and walked in. Contrary to the black walls, dust, and gold outside; the interior of the chamber was made completely of white stone. The door closed behind him and the chamber was lit with mysterious blue crystals that glowed on the ceiling. In the center of the chamber, on a pedestal, was a white book and a sphere with swirling energy within.

"That's....a guardian lion," Shu gasped as he saw a lion exactly the same as Chinese guardian lion statues that people had. Chinese guardian lion statues came in pairs: the male with his paw on the world while the female had a paw on a lion cub. The statues did not look like real lions and this Holy Spirit Beast looked like the statues come to life.

The guardian lion looked up, its eyes weak and devoid of life. Shu felt pity for it. Who knows many centuries the majestic beast was chained and imprisoned. He was sure the white chains had some magical effect that prevented the Holy Spirit Beast from dying of hunger and thirst. The faster he started making the totem, the sooner he could put the creature out of its misery. He walked up to the book and saw a large stone next to it, words carved on its surface. There was also an ancient, white log at the foot of the pedestal with a large hole on the top. No doubt the wood was essential to make the totem.

"Junior, you truly wish to become a Sword Immortal cultivator. You must read the book and follow the method within. The log is essential in the creation of your totem. I won't go into specifics but the wood comes from the Immortal Realms. It will suffice. I only hope Junior chose a powerful item to make his totem with. Once you have chosen the item, place it in the hole on the top of the log. Place the hand you do not use to hold your sword onto the hole while your other hand holds your sword. Once you begin the chant, the Sword Immortal's essence will go into your eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth. The essence of the Holy Spirit Beast will go into the log and the process will begin. If it succeeds, the totem will bind to your soul. Good luck. I only have the materials for one descendant to become a Sword Immortal cultivator. Live, and you will undergo a final transformation. Fail and you die. Once you begin the chant in the book, your journey begins," the stone said.

"Journey?" Shu asked, curious. "Spook, what does it mean?"

"The method to become a Sword Immortal cultivator is different than Devil and Celestial cultivation methods. You literally become one with your spirit within your Soul Realm and can turn your spirit energy into swords. It is no longer just a source of energy, it is a weapon itself. You become the Armored Ocean Tiger God. You always have been. The Armored Ocean Tiger God is your spiritual body. Just like how Laozi the Undying still exists in your Soul Realm even though its physical body fused with you," Spook answered.

"What happens to all these?" Shu asked as he pointed at his vermillion wings, demon horn, and fox ears.

"Everything will change. It might not be there physically, but you are still what you were before. Master, you are among the very rare few on this planet who is more than a regular human. Besides a rare few, no one will be able to defeat you once you become a Fiend Immortal," Spook said. "You will become a shaman and will be capable of doing what no regular Archon can at your cultivation stage. The biggest advantage is the various functions of a totem. Its biggest trump card is on in which you need a Spirit Beast absorbed into it: transformation. Think of it as becoming half human and half Holy Spirit Beast, in your case. So long as you have spirit energy, you can remain in that transformed state. You will be stronger, faster, and have superior reflexes and senses a hundredfold than before than Devil and Celestial Immortal cultivators who are only enhanced tenfold. If your Spirit Beast was a fish, your transformation might include webbed hands and feet with razor sharp claws and gills. That is just one example. The biggest advantage is immunity to the element the guardian lion mainly uses. In this case, you will be immune to fire. Not even lava or magma beneath the surface can burn you. Since you can now control your ice to the point that it is an ice flame. After this, you will be able to learn fire spirit techniques using your ice flames. It is as if you are a flame element Practitioner. This is why regular Arch Spirit Masters and true Archons are so feared. The benefits from making a totem with a Spirit Beast is akin to becoming a god to others who do not have such a totem."

"I can freely manipulate my ice flame?" Shu gasped as he had struggled to make it before as it consumed so much spirit energy. He loved the water element with the ability to manipulate and create both water and ice. However, he also liked fire. Now, thanks to his proficiency with his control over ice and making a totem with a Holy Spirit Beast of fire, he can use all three. Even if it was not real fire, its chill was so cold it burned as it chills and appeared as fire.

"Are you ready to begin?" Spook asked as Shu held the book with trembling hands.

Shu sat down, put the radiant purple crystal of Tralagafa the Magnificent in the log and said," Yes. Let's begin."


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