White Tiger Cultivator

Chapter 5: The adventure begins

Approx. 8min reading time

Lu Shu and General Meng Ce were glad that their visit was nearing its end. Every now and then, they would store some gold into their storage bags out of boredom as they searched for a chained door containing forbidden water techniques. They had come across a few more doors, but they contained magical items or forbidden techniques for other elements. Finally, they found a door with the rune for water on the front, connected by four chains that kept it shut.

"Beware those who seek the power beyond this door. This is different from the other forbidden chambers, not because you could die, but because you will change. Inside is a technology from another world. The chamber contains a tank that houses a god. It's not really a god, but an entity not found in our world. I brought it to the Mortal Realm with five others. Four were stolen due to the inadequacy of an emperor from my bloodline. He was killed, and his name was forever forgotten. The fifth entity was taken by one of my descendants, who has already ascended from the Mortal Realm," Shu read from a plaque next to the door.

Shu continued to recite the words aloud: "These gods are living spirit techniques. Who knows what the scholars of this planet did with so many Practitioners to create these living spirit techniques? If you wish to obtain it, all you need to do is jump into the tank. The tank is big enough to fit twenty tigers, so you should be able to fit in, whoever you are. Once you go into the tank, the technique will embed itself in your mind like any other scroll containing spirit techniques."

"Part of your body will change," the general continued. "It is because the water spirit will fuse into you, just as Practitioner weapons absorb other weapons. Your physical capabilities, such as speed, strength, and reflexes, will enhance significantly as you absorb a piece of that god's power. Just so you know, many such entities exist in different shapes and forms. There will be others like you. Don’t get a swelled head now. Think of it as a symbiotic parasite. It gets to live outside the specially made tank while you gain access to new abilities beyond what you should have. The exact changes, even I don’t know. The choice is yours to accept this forbidden technique. You should only do so if your main elemental affinity is water. Good luck, and hopefully, you stay alive. I don’t know if the descendant who took the fifth living spirit technique still lives in the Immortal Realms. I also don’t know if the thieves who stole the other four remaining living spirit techniques are still alive or still in this world. If they are, they will try to get their hands on you if they discover your power. Like any great power, it is best to keep it hidden. Only a fool would reveal all that he is capable of. There is a time to show off your power and a time to keep it hidden. For your sake, I hope you know when to do so."

"I'm not exactly human, am I? I have nothing left to lose, and water is my main elemental affinity based on what you said," Shu sighed.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" the general asked. "Not even the Great Ancestor knows the extent of the change or what the technique actually is, as it did not state anything. Even though it is tedious, we should find a different forbidden water spirit technique. We don’t even know if the spirit technique will be worth it."

"We came this far. Best to see it through to the end. Who knows how long it will be until we find another door, or even if another forbidden technique exists? Besides, I’m curious. Just what is a living spirit technique? The power of a god? Part of my body won’t be mine anymore? I’m dying to find out if it’s true and to what extent," Shu said, trembling with excitement. "Water is more of a defense-oriented element. Only people with high enough spirit energy are able to use ice spirit techniques, as they make their water cooler and convert it into a solid shape. However, I have the bracelet. It can do that for me."

"All the more reason not to learn it," the general warned. "You could just learn a water spirit technique that already utilizes ice."

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"No. This is why I must learn it," Shu disagreed as he placed his hand on the rune, causing it to shine and unlock the chains as the door opened. "There is no risk without reward. The Great Ancestor kept the water spirit technique and the five others because they were useful. I don’t know about the thieves, but one of my ancestors who obtained the fifth living spirit technique managed to reach ascension. I’m going to obtain this technique and shake the world."

Shu’s faint, glowing gold eyes shined as he entered a dark chamber. The only thing in sight was the giant tank in the middle of the chamber, with stairs leading to the top. Something swirled inside the tank, twisting and convulsing as if to avoid his gaze while he tried to understand what it was. This was a god? No, it was more like a piece of it. Whoever made this must have killed many Practitioners to bring it to life as a living spirit technique. This thing was going to be inside of him. Shu did not waver and walked up the stairs to the top of the tank. He saw a plate next to a mask that stated it would allow him to breathe underwater. He put on the breathing mask and jumped into the tank.

Shu felt an extremely cold rush of water from his feet as he fell deeper into the tank. The hairs on his body stood on end, and Shu saw a bright cerulean light. His vision went dark as he lost consciousness. His body floated under a mysterious force, remaining in the center of the tank. Whatever was in the tank was disappearing into him, the water levels dropping while the glass began to crack. The general rushed in when he heard a large explosion and saw glass and water everywhere. He saw the broken tank with Lu Shu unconscious at the bottom.

Lu Shu’s body had become slightly taller with lean muscles. Streaks of dark cerulean hair appeared among Lu Shu’s black hair. The general closed his eyes and began to search for Lu Shu’s Spirit Pulse. He cried out in alarm as he sensed a cerulean creature encompassing Lu Shu’s skeletal structure. As if protecting him, black clouds appeared all around Lu Shu’s body. The general dodged several lightning bolts as he fled outside the chamber. Whatever it was, it used the Black Cloud Desolation technique to protect Lu Shu. It was as if it were a defensive machination of his subconscious mind.

The general did not want to accidentally harm Shu and decided to wait for Shu to wake up. After an hour, Shu opened his eyes and felt drained of spirit energy. He groaned as he sluggishly got to his feet. He took out the open barrel of lin wine and a cup, drinking three cups before sitting down to meditate and recover his spirit energy. Seeing Shu conscious, the general returned inside, relieved that he was alright. After a moment, Shu sighed as his spirit energy returned to normal. It was then that Shu noticed his body had changed.

"Are you alright? Do you feel anything different?" the general asked.

"I feel taller and more muscular. My body feels strange, but it is not a bad feeling. I also learned the water spirit technique. I’m in luck, as it requires a blade. The name of the technique is Radiant Howl. It requires spirit energy to form on the blade and sends a crescent moon blade of chilling water that could even cut through steel. The first stage has up to nine moon blades. At the second stage, you combine the moon blades into a spiral wave, allowing you to attack in all directions around you. I’m unable to comprehend the next stages after that. Maybe there is no specific form and I have to make it up on my own," Shu said quietly. "I can feel something inside my mind. It’s me, but it’s not me. It’s like it has become one with me. Over time, I’ll probably discover the extent of the changes."

"At least it is not trying to take you over," the general sighed, deciding not to discuss it further. "Let’s head back and prepare for your journey."

"Journey? What journey?" Shu asked as they left the vault, which took around four hours from the door of the forbidden water technique.

"Did you think you were just going to stay and train here? The palace is no place for training. You must train in the real world and gain experience. You and I will be traveling all over the country. You need to experience the world and discover how it truly is before entering a sect. I don’t even know if your father, His Imperial Majesty, is sending you to a sect within the empire or not. Most likely, it won’t be. That means there are all sorts of people who will try to take advantage of, manipulate, or even kill you. That is the world of Practitioners. Most of the time, it is jealousy and envy of others’ luck, prestige, and power that causes them to kill each other. We have almost three years to train you before we visit the Great Ancestor and go our separate ways. You’re young and innocent. You would be eaten alive if I just trained you here in this sheltered environment."

"On an adventure? Awesome!" Shu said. "This is great. I can also see different fighting styles and learn from them to incorporate and improve my own fighting style."

"That’s right," the general smiled. "Remember, spirit energy is only meant to assist you in

fighting. Techniques are also just powerful cards to use. Relying on your own skill and using spirit energy as an assisting tool is the right way to develop and become truly strong. We only have one problem. Your brother, sister, and the Imperial Emperor will definitely approve. The only issue would be Her Highness."

"Because she would try to stop me?" Shu asked.

"Oh, no, that isn’t the case," the general shook his head. "Her Highness would approve. However, she would try to have some of the royal guards escort us on your journey. We don’t need hindrances. You need to be in danger in order to grow. I’ll leave her to you, Shu. Aunt Lu Rong never liked my mom or me. She said our dangerous lives were too much of a bad influence. My mom was a general too. She died a long time ago, but took fifty men with her."

As the general predicted, every member of his family acted just as Shu was told. Lu Xing was happy for him and gave him some maps and bought him extra clothes for the journey. His sister was envious that he went to the vault but taught him how to cook for a couple of days. His father, Emperor Lu Yi, was quite proud as Shu told him what transpired in the vault and about his journey. The emperor advised Shu on areas where bandits were hiding, saying that he should slay them for practice. Shu would have to kill people in the future, an unavoidable act for all Practitioners, and it would be best to get used to it now and become numb to the guilt later.

Empress Lu Rong was the biggest obstacle. She and Shu argued for hours about the royal guards. She said she didn’t mind him going into danger, but the general was only one man. If he was too preoccupied, Shu would have to fend for himself during a fight. It took Shu many soothing words and a few lies that everything would be fine. She finally gave in and gave Shu her approval. Shu hugged his mother with a smile on his face and left the palace to where the general was waiting.

They did not leave the capital immediately. The general wanted to teach Shu some military arts. Shu might be outnumbered in a fight, so he had Shu spar with some of the soldiers. Occasionally, they would give Shu pointers and discuss tactics on how to ambush or escape certain situations. Shu wrote down their advice in a journal, and they left after two months of studying with the soldiers.

Due to drinking lion wine, meditating every day, and the events in the vault, Shu was progressing very quickly and had reached the second stage. The first stage was the quickest and easiest, and there was really no bottleneck to consider. Shu and the general no longer wore the imperial robes and armor of the empire but had changed into white robes with cerulean seams.

"The time has come, Lu Shu," the general declared. "It is a little later than the emperor and I planned, but it was a good decision to have you learn alongside the soldiers. Are you prepared? We won’t be coming back for almost three years. If you have any unfinished business, now’s the time to address it."

"I have none," Shu answered. "Let’s go. I’m eager to start our adventure. Who knows how many dangers and wondrous sights we’ll see? I can’t wait."

The general laughed, and the duo left the capital to begin Shu’s training in the real world.


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