Chapter 126: Exclusive Chosen Bulletin Board JPN [No.1000 – Kurose Hikaru] 4256th
-4: Anonymous from Earth
So entering the dungeon really is prohibited.
The lynxes are going to dry up with practically no work!
-8: Anonymous from Earth
Are there no cat grannies that would come give food to lynxes as a hobby?
-12: Anonymous from Earth
The guild is inactive too.
This work is hosted on
What do the people with no savings do at this time?
-22: Anonymous from Earth
They should at least have some to live for 10 days.
-34: Anonymous from Earth
Naive! You must not underestimate the ones who live day-to-day!
The saying ‘not holding overnight money’ seriously does exist.
-41: Anonymous from Earth
Do those kinds of guys live the 10 days just drinking water?
-50: Anonymous from Earth
Didn’t they stuff themselves with the party before?
-56: Anonymous from Earth
Licking salt too.
-63: Anonymous from Earth
For 10 days?
The humans of that world have high consumption, so it would be impossible.
-67: Anonymous from Earth
I feel like, rather than those stupid explorers, the lynxes who are saving money to make a contract with a Great Spirit are more stable.
-70: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru-kyun, with the entrance to the dungeon being prohibited, he seriously doesn’t seem to have anything to do.
-77: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya-chan, who could pull an indolent introvert, is gone now after all… A world where there’s no PCs, no smartphones, and not even TVs, you have to find something to do for yourself, or there really is nothing to do.
-81: Anonymous from Earth
I would like him to do his best in an optimistic manner like Alex.
It is okay to ignore the camera and live a raunchy life with Rifreya, you know?
-85: Anonymous from Earth
Speaking of that, Karen was the only one streaming yesterday.
Where was Celica?
-94: Anonymous from Earth
Karen: “Celican has gone away for some business. There doesn’t seem like there will be a big event, so she will only be showing up in streams when there’s movements. Sorry-nii~.”
So she says.
-95: Anonymous from Earth
He really is getting 10 gold?
First he should rent an apartment.
He would have more credibility if he has a fixed address.
-99: Anonymous from Earth
He is a foreigner after all.
-101: Anonymous from Earth
Hm? Didn’t the staff member say something weird just now?
-103: Anonymous from Earth
Love-Love Twin Birds…?
-105: Anonymous from Earth
Love-Love Twin Birds, LMAO.
-107: Anonymous from Earth
You L gotta M be A kidding O me.
-110: Anonymous from Earth
The guild staff even said it with a straight face…
-115: Anonymous from Earth
Even though Rifreya-chan set such a party name, she still managed to show up in the guild with a proud look.
-124: Anonymous from Earth
The mental resilience of Rifreya-sama really is made of iron…
-133: Anonymous from Earth
If only it were something cool like Twin Wings or something like that.
Did she simply use Bird because her family name is Ashbird?
-137: Anonymous from Earth
It seems like since the time they were diving together, their name had already been stealthily registered as that.
Of course the other parties would be too scared to get close.
-140: Anonymous from Earth
The expression of Hikaru made me wheeze.
-148: Anonymous from Earth
That’s the face of someone who got splashed water while they were sleeping.
-151: Anonymous from Earth
If they were to see Hikaru enter the dungeon alone…
He would get mocked as the Love-Love Single Bird…
-157: Anonymous from Earth
Rifreya-chan went back to her home without disbanding the party, doesn’t that mean she totally intends to return?
If she were to hear it has been disbanded, I am sure she would be shocked.
-169: Anonymous from Earth
But will Hikaru be okay?
Walking around aimlessly.
He has completely burned out.
-174: Anonymous from Earth
He lacks so much spirit that I don’t think he would say ‘burn in the flames of darkness’.
-190: Anonymous from Earth
He began fishing.
-198: Anonymous from Earth
What a sad back…
-207: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru was an angler, huh.
-235: Anonymous from Earth
He is getting a whole ton.
Even though it looks like a trash fishing rod! I want to try fishing in an isekai too.
-239: Anonymous from Earth
It is like the fishing in an MMORPG.
-244: Anonymous from Earth
Stop the hard to understand comparisons.
-248: Anonymous from Earth
As expected of a world filled with energy where food expenditures are not expensive.
-257: Anonymous from Earth
Food expenses are still high. It is just that the ingredients are cheap.
On top of that, there’s a lot of gluttons, so in terms of balance, isn’t it that much different?
-265: Anonymous from Earth
It makes me realize that the energy cost on Earth is too high.
-270: Anonymous from Earth
There’s no way Spirit Energy is infinite.
There must be something to balance it out somewhere.
A big something.
-275: Anonymous from Earth
Isn’t that what the Demon Lord is?
-283: Anonymous from Earth
In terms of the dungeon, yeah.
-297: Anonymous from Earth
Take for example the sun. It is radiating energy infinitely.
It wouldn’t be strange for there to be a planet overflowing with energy, right?
-300: Anonymous from Earth
It is in sides like this that makes it fantasy-like.
Maybe because there’s no problems with hunger, or because they have a common enemy that are monsters; there doesn’t seem to be much conflict between people.
-302: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is not around, and Karen doesn’t talk much, so it is lonely though.
In the Viewer Count Race, they had perfect attendance to a superhuman degree, so it can’t be helped…
-309: Anonymous from Earth
Celica and Karen are superhuman.
-315: Anonymous from Earth
Or maybe this is what youth is.
-322: Anonymous from Earth
Did Hikaru fall asleep?
-329: Anonymous from Earth
He was tired.
He must have been tired.
-337: Anonymous from Earth
The weather is nice too…
Falling asleep while fishing in those days is something I get…
-340: Anonymous from Earth
Doesn’t look like there will be any developments for a while.
Wanna go watch other Chosen in the meantime?
-348: Anonymous from Earth
Well, peaceful times like this are needed too.
It is just that it has been abnormal until now.
-350: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne had at some point in time arrived at Meltia.
-358: Anonymous from Earth
Really? Really.
The highlight videos of Jeanne are well done so I wasn’t watching in real time.
-370: Anonymous from Earth
In the end, is Jeanne searching for Hikaru?
-389: Anonymous from Earth
She is. In order to keep the promise she had with Celica.
The messages seriously dropped sharply after all.
-399: Anonymous from Earth
Or more like, if she were to sell the Resurrection Gem, she would get an astronomical sum of money, right?
Would you normally pass something like that to someone?
There’s definitely a catch here…
-412: Anonymous from Earth
You would use it for yourself.
-420: Anonymous from Earth
She tried to…
Jeanne-chan tried to use it…
-435: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t know the inside of her heart, but Jeanne-chan must have wanted to revive someone too.
It simply showed up as ‘No matches found’.
-450: Anonymous from Earth
It is a gem that ‘revives an important person for you’ after all.
That she tried to use it must be that she must have had some sort of emotion at least.
The fact that she got hit with the ‘No matches found’ must have been plain painful.
-455: Anonymous from Earth
Even Hikaru might be hit with the No matches found.
-467: Anonymous from Earth
Well, if that’s the case, I can understand her giving it away.
It does sound like it would be difficult to sell it, and if the person that owes you one were to use it and it shows ‘No matches found’, it would be the worst.
-479: Anonymous from Earth
If she were to sell that to a noble and that were to show up, she might get burned at the stake.
Like Jeanne.
-480: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne isn’t the type that’s too attached to money and items.
From what I have seen of her adventures, it is way too clear that’s the case.
-486: Anonymous from Earth
Maybe Jeanne was trying to revive her true parents…?
-491: Anonymous from Earth
She doesn’t reveal what’s in her heart, so we can only imagine.
In the highlight videos, there’s quite a lot of emotional monologues, but they are all just invented.
-529: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru has woken up and has resumed fishing.
He is really catching them all here.
It really is an equivalent exchange of bait and fish.
-537: Anonymous from Earth
It could also be that Hikaru is just that good?
-541: Anonymous from Earth
His ability to erase his presence might be the best among anyone.
-550: Anonymous from Earth
Something came!!
-552: Anonymous from Earth
System update?!
-555: Anonymous from Earth
So it really was an MMORPG world…
-569: Anonymous from Earth
It is probably just stuff surrounding the Status Board.
If it is adjustments to the world itself, then it is out.
-580: Anonymous from Earth
-586: Anonymous from Earth
The automatic translation on-off is here too!
-590: Anonymous from Earth
The manual camera is something Ikakin would welcome with big open arms.
-594: Anonymous from Earth
It is nice for the people that don’t want to show their face too.
-600: Anonymous from Earth
Karen: “E-Eeeeeh. Why is an update coming when Celican is not here?”
-606: Anonymous from Earth
Karen is a girl that can’t operate that well by herself.
-614: Anonymous from Earth
Being able to turn the automatic translation off means that you can speak your original language.
Looks like the isekai language research is going to be stepping into the next stage.
-621: Anonymous from Earth
They will be able to learn isekai language without the translation function after all.
I don’t know the point of doing that when they have the cheat though.
-626: Anonymous from Earth
If there’s a second round of isekai chosen, you can get points if you already learned the isekai language beforehand!
-639: Anonymous from Earth
No no, just from the ones we know, there’s several country’s languages, you know…
It would be a different story if you could decide where you are thrown off to.
-650: Anonymous from Earth
Celica said that there aren’t many speakers of the Ringpill language…
In that world, the population seems to be higher in the south.
-654: Anonymous from Earth
Temporary filming stop ticket is here too!!!
An update that’s not so joyful for viewers!
-658: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru is dumbfounded too.
-660: Anonymous from Earth
1 Cr for 10 mins is too expensive.
Even Cr, if you are not a popular Chosen, you can’t get them easily, you know?
-666: Anonymous from Earth
The daily requires 100 million unique accesses after all.
Chosen with less than 100 million are in the majority.
-678: Anonymous from Earth
It is probably God’s way of telling those guys to increase their viewers more…
-680: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t think the person inside God is thinking anything, you know.
-683: Anonymous from Earth
They really are going to create a few minutes of space they don’t want to see.
-690: Anonymous from Earth
I would like to see it at least once.
Hikaru using a temporary stop ticket as he enters a brothel.
-699: Anonymous from Earth
I would definitely laugh with the before-after.
-700: Anonymous from Earth
They are going to be adding tools too.
This is a god-like update!
-702: Anonymous from Earth
A present came!!
-705: Anonymous from Earth
Celica-tan in!
-708: Anonymous from Earth
A video call with a relative!
That’s way too god-like service.
Must be aiming for that attention!
-710: Anonymous from Earth
I hate the part that it is a surprise.
Won’t the misunderstanding of Hikaru be cleared with this?
-713: Anonymous from Earth
The fact that Celica still has the tools to stream even at the place she went makes her a really modern girl.
-717: Anonymous from Earth
The state of the twins seems to be weird.
-730: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “I was out, but I will join the stream! Geez, really, what’s with this?!”
Karen: “Celican, calm down… What does it mean with relative…?”
Celica: “It means that there’s the chance that it might connect to one of those two!”
Karen: “W-W-W-W-What should we do?”
Celica: “A-Anyways, they don’t have phones on them! If we were to call the ship directly…uhm…what was the phone number? I haven’t registered it!”
Karen: “Celican, calm down.”
-735: Anonymous from Earth
The two are flustered like crazy.
It is a relative, so isn’t there the chance for it to connect to Celi-Karen?
-746: Anonymous from Earth
In that case, they can manage somehow, so they are getting agitated by the other cases.
-749: Anonymous from Earth
What kind of people are their parents?
The parents that we get a peek at in the episodes of Onii-chan’s past from the twins.
They kinda stink of poisonous parents.
-759: Anonymous from Earth
Don’t you know that the mother’s instagram has been found out.
She is enjoying a vacation from the money the twins have earned…
In a sense, they are getting bashed even more than Hikaru, but their mental fortitude is apparently orichalcum level.
It seems like it doesn’t affect them at all.
-770: Anonymous from Earth
Their parents are not normal either, huh.
-774: Anonymous from Earth
No one said that it was the money that the twins earned though.
Even though the elder brother is doing his best in the isekai, she is only uploading pics of her playing at the sea or eating food, so she is simply fanning the hate for no reason.
-777: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “We had them move overseas because of our own selfishness, so we have to listen to the requests of the other side too.”
That’s what she said, right? Are there such admirable middle schoolers?
-782: Anonymous from Earth
Now that I think about it, they are saying that while aware that it would direct the animosity of their parents towards them, so…
Celica and Karen must definitely hate their parents.
-791: Anonymous from Earth
The two went as far as saying ‘We were raised by Onii-chan’.
It must be pretty complicated.
-797: Anonymous from Earth
Then, are the two living alone right now? In America?
-800: Anonymous from Earth
They must have hired a caretaker at the very least.
It does sound like it would be dangerous if they don’t hire a trustworthy person though.
-812: Anonymous from Earth
Isn’t it the GI Jane-looking person that shows up every now and then in the videos that the 2 upload?
-814: Anonymous from Earth
In America, those parents would be thrown into the slammer for neglecting their children.
-815: Anonymous from Earth
I am beginning to get nervous wondering who it is going to connect to too.
-816: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru is getting super nervous here.
-817: Anonymous from Earth
His face is so pale it is scary.
-822: Anonymous from Earth
He must think he has troubled them for going to an isekai, so of course he would be scared.
More so when his heart isn’t prepared.
-824: Anonymous from Earth
It connected!!
…It is not Celica or Karen.
Who? His mom?
-826: Anonymous from Earth
Eh, this is his mom? You gotta be kidding. She is damn young.
-831: Anonymous from Earth
An article somewhere said that Hikaru and his mother are not blood related.
So maybe that was true.
-837: Anonymous from Earth
His mother does look hot, but she is unbelievably cold…
-838: Anonymous from Earth
Is she in a hotel somewhere?
-846: Anonymous from Earth
According to her instagram, she is currently on a cruise around the world.
Even though her son is facing so much pain, she is so carefree…
-850: Anonymous from Earth
They do say that family is the beginning of strangers.
-851: Anonymous from Earth
Can’t she contact them directly through cellphone?
-861: Anonymous from Earth
Hint: Cruising the whole world.
-870: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “Why her of all people?! What criteria was it run with?!”
Karen: “We really should have had her carry a satellite phone…”
Celica: “What about her tablet?!”
Karen: “As you can imagine, it is muted.”
Celica: “Geez! There’s no choice but to contact the front then!”
So it seems.
-872: Anonymous from Earth
If it were a satellite phone, it would be possible to contact her.
If not, there should at least be wi-fi in her room.
-876: Anonymous from Earth
It is difficult to call someone immediately in an environment where there’s only internet.
-878: Anonymous from Earth
Do your best, Celica. Fight-o.
-879: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is getting flustered to unprecedented degrees.
-880: Anonymous from Earth
There’s only 20 minutes after all…
-881: Anonymous from Earth
The mother is releasing the presence of poison, but I am jealous at how young and beautiful she is.
-885: Anonymous from Earth
She gives out this feeling of a celebrity or a mistress.
If she were smoking a long and thin cigarette, it would be a jackpot.
-886: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is calling the ship company like a machine gun…
It is already redundant at this point, but being able to speak english is impressive.
-890: Anonymous from Earth
Can’t she call the person herself directly?
-895: Anonymous from Earth
They are in the middle of cruising foreign waters, you know?
It could connect if it were a satellite connection, but a normal phone won’t reach.
-897: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is close to snapping here.
Even Karen is a bit scared.
-900: Anonymous from Earth
Of course she would be.
This is the chance of a lifetime here.
-902: Anonymous from Earth
Won’t Jeanne-chan be telling Hikaru the truth?
-904: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne is in the end just a stranger, so it is questionable whether Hikaru would believe it or not.
If it had connected to Celica, everything would have been resolved…
-905: Anonymous from Earth
‘To think that sending our parents off to a world tour to get rid of the hindrances would instead end up blowing up on our faces in this way…’ -Celica saying that so frankly is cute.
-906: Anonymous from Earth
Even though Alex is having a moving and tearful video call with her granny. Hikaru…
-910: Anonymous from Earth
For almost all of the Chosen -on a cursory glance- it seems to be an emotional surprise.
There’s a decent amount of Chosen who have a weird atmosphere going around them though.
-912: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne was connected to her foster father, and they are talking, but it is pretty prickly.
-913: Anonymous from Earth
What’s a hundred million person?
-914: Anonymous from Earth
They were sent off because they were hindrances? Lmao.
-917: Anonymous from Earth
Their parents seemed to be normally happy about it though (from what I can infer from her insta). To think that was the result of getting rid of hindrances.
-919: Anonymous from Earth
Won’t Hikaru think: “They are living a happy and fulfilling life even without me”?
-920: Anonymous from Earth
A hundred million person refers to someone whose net worth from stocks and FX surpasses the hundred million.
-921: Anonymous from Earth
Earning hundreds of millions from cryptocurrency is just like them.
It is so scary I can’t put a hand on them. Playing with those numbers that just jump up and down.
-922: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru thought that his little sisters and their parents were living together, huh…
-928: Anonymous from Earth
They are living together.
They were simply thrown out on a worldwide trip though.
-929: Anonymous from Earth
-930: Anonymous from Earth
This is a shit parent.
I can totally understand why Celica and Karen were trying to distance themselves from them.
-931: Anonymous from Earth
Where did the father go?
Do something quick, dammit.
-933: Anonymous from Earth
“I am glad you were the one that was chosen” -that’s way too horrible.
You, do you even know what kind of experiences Hikaru has been living through…?
-934: Anonymous from Earth
The insta is going to burn again.
-936: Anonymous from Earth
Does that mean this mother has not been watching Hikaru?
Even on the ocean, you can still go to the God channel, right?
-940: Anonymous from Earth
Maybe she felt that way despite having watched him.
Dangerous monsters show up in the isekai, and a third of the Chosen have legit died.
-942: Anonymous from Earth
Don’t know about Celica, but Karen would have definitely died if she had been sent to the isekai…
-945: Anonymous from Earth
That’s not the problem here.
-952: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t know if she had ill-intentions in those words or not, but that’s plenty enough to hurt Hikaru.
-960: Anonymous from Earth
Of course, there’s the factor that it would be better than the two prodigies, but…
Would you normally say that outright?
-966: Anonymous from Earth
I pity him from the bottom of my heart.
Hikaru is on the verge of tears here.
-970: Anonymous from Earth
She is a monster.
-973: Anonymous from Earth
This is hell.
-974: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is flustered to dead here.
-980: Anonymous from Earth
If that were me, I would cut the call right there.
-990: Anonymous from Earth
Honestly speaking, there’s no real need to hold any connection with Earth, right?
Don’t worry about the viewership, deal with things properly with the points you save, and just think about the world in front of you; that 100% leads to a happier life.
-999: Anonymous from Earth
If you could simply do that, there would be no hardships.
-1017: Anonymous from Earth
There’s a lot of Chosen who are actually doing something close to that.
It is not like they have a cameraman glued on them, so if you don’t mind it, you forget it.
Even Hikaru was acting solely on what was in front of him when he was trying to escape from the forest (most likely because he was pushing himself to his utmost limit).
-1024: Anonymous from Earth
It is not the time to get flustered yet.
-1030: Anonymous from Earth
From here on, the misunderstanding will be cleared and it will get a turnaround, right?
I can tell that.
-1053: Anonymous from Earth
Celica, you can do it. Do your utmost best.
-1066: Anonymous from Earth
She is getting transferred at every single thing, it is such a pain.
-1080: Anonymous from Earth
The room phone! With this, we can win!!
-1089: Anonymous from Earth
I don’t know what will happen in that win though.
It will at least clear the misunderstanding.
I want him to lead a fulfilling isekai life.
-1096: Anonymous from Earth
We could even see the rebirth of Love-Love Twin Birds??
-1105: Anonymous from Earth
He said he didn’t want their love-love to be seen, so I wonder about that…
No, they can stop the filming by using Crystals, so…
-1120: Anonymous from Earth
If he suddenly gets positive and begins saving points for the sake of making out, I will laugh.
-1125: Anonymous from Earth
The hot development of the room telephone and Celica’s phone linking.
-1129: Anonymous from Earth
The mother can’t even hold a proper conversation, so just switch with Celica already!
-1138: Anonymous from Earth
-1144: Anonymous from Earth
Why?! Why did she leave the phone hanging?!
-1148: Anonymous from Earth
The shittiest of shits.
-1153: Anonymous from Earth
The father is apparently staying at the casino…
-1157: Anonymous from Earth
That’s right, this is reality.
-1168: Anonymous from Earth
Were Hikaru and the twins raised in a crazy complicated household?
-1170: Anonymous from Earth
Hah? Drop dead.
-1178: Anonymous from Earth
The episode that let us know that the twins saying ‘Onii-chan was the one who raised us’ was serious to the bone.
-1200: Anonymous from Earth
No one wants to hear about your drive on the west coast!!
-1202: Anonymous from Earth
Your classic drunkard.
Such terrible timing.
-1218: Anonymous from Earth
Aren’t the twins pampering their parents too much? Going as far as buying an Aston Martin.
-1232: Anonymous from Earth
It is painful that I can understand the feeling of having hopeless parents like this.
Hopeless people really are like this.
Even with that, for Hikaru and Twin/Sis, they are without doubt their parents…
-1244: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru, it is okay to be more angry, you know.
You have the right to be angry.
-1251: Anonymous from Earth
It would have been nice if Hikaru were the type that could hate his parents.
-1259: Anonymous from Earth
I see that she is the type of parent that is always drunk.
-1268: Anonymous from Earth
God always has bad timing.
-1277: Anonymous from Earth
It is not that God has bad timing.
Hikaru’s timing is bad…
-1289: Anonymous from Earth
No matter what timing it was, I feel like the result would have been similar.
That’s just how poisonous parents are…
-1290: Anonymous from Earth
She is a serious case of an alcoholic.
You could even say that her natural state is being drunk.
-1300: Anonymous from Earth
There’s even Chosen who got connected right in the dead of the night, you know?
Just being able to talk is already better than that.
-1304: Anonymous from Earth
Why didn’t it connect to the twins? Celica and Karen would have been fine too. (Cries)
-1311: Anonymous from Earth
People who got connected to their siblings are apparently super rare.
I don’t know what criteria it went with, but most got connected to their parents.
-1319: Anonymous from Earth
They did say a relative, so it makes sense that’s how it would turn out.
Wouldn’t it be more unnatural to skip the parents and go for the siblings?
In other words, ending up like this was inevitable, Hikaru…
-1330: Anonymous from Earth
Not only is her pointless talk long, Hikaru can’t step in strongly, so I can get a peek of how their relationship between parent and child was. It is painful.
-1341: Anonymous from Earth
Celica gave the order to go directly to the guest room, but they are taking their sweet time.
Or maybe the staff members on their first cruise overseas are on that level?
-1351: Anonymous from Earth
It is a luxury cruise ship where you forget about time and enjoy yourself, so even if told ‘run as if your life depended on it!’ it would be hard to do.
-1378: Anonymous from Earth
Oh, but they have arrived at the room now. Now if only the phone connects…no, it would be impossible to connect. They are going to be talking through their mother?
-1388: Anonymous from Earth
Isn’t it okay to just tell him the important stuff briefly?
-1390: Anonymous from Earth
There’s only 2 minutes left.
-1395: Anonymous from Earth
That mother wasted too much time gloating about herself…!
-1397: Anonymous from Earth
Open the damn door already!
-1401: Anonymous from Earth
This mother…
-1406: Anonymous from Earth
My parents are pretty similar to this, so just watching is painful.
-1412: Anonymous from Earth
It looks like Celica is also weak to her mother. I can tell from how she speaks.
-1420: Anonymous from Earth
Not all households have a relationship where you can speak to your parents on equal ground.
-1424: Anonymous from Earth
Please hurry more!
-1428: Anonymous from Earth
So irritating.
-1433: Anonymous from Earth
Celica is also hurried as hell.
Well, this is a chance of a lifetime after all.
-1440: Anonymous from Earth
Just one word.
Get one word in.
-1441: Anonymous from Earth
-1443: Anonymous from Earth
Time up.
-1444: Anonymous from Earth
-1447: Anonymous from Earth
It just doesn’t go his way.
To think it would end with just hell…
-1453: Anonymous from Earth
Celica’s: “Aah…yeah. The culprit that killed Nanami-oneechan has been caught.”
The way she told her mother that was sad.
-1466: Anonymous from Earth
Celica: “Sorry, I am going to end the stream here for now.”
I am gonna cry.
-1470: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru just jumped into the sea. Is he going to be okay?
-1476: Anonymous from Earth
He must be burning right now.
There’s no choice but to swim it off.
-1499: Anonymous from Earth
Even so, if it is Jeanne…
Jeanne should be able to do something…!
-1519: Anonymous from Earth
Will she…?
She is the type that lacks words, right…?
I feel like she would just aggravate things…
-1530: Anonymous from Earth
At first, my heart stopped there thinking he was trying to kill himself there by drowning.
Looks like that wasn’t the case.
-1543: Anonymous from Earth
His mother should seriously reflect about what she just did after watching Hikaru like this.
-1556: Anonymous from Earth
Even so, if he meets Jeanne and Nanami-chan revives, won’t his spirit recover back to form?
-1570: Anonymous from Earth
I would be happy about Nanami-tan coming back to life, but I am beginning to worry if that will transmit to Hikaru.
-1583: Anonymous from Earth
If only God didn’t go with a relative, but instead connected it to your number one fan as proper fan service…
-1593: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru can barely trust anyone anymore, so I don’t think just any words will be reaching him.
-1600: Anonymous from Earth
Anyways, we’ve got no choice but to believe Jeanne will do something about it.
That overt girl.
-1614: Anonymous from Earth
On top of that, I will pray that Hikaru, who has fallen to the darkness, won’t get subjugated…
-1643: Anonymous from Earth
I will send a message to Jeanne.
-1655: Anonymous from Earth
I will respect you if it reaches her.
Your average strong emotion won’t be reaching.
-1670: Anonymous from Earth
Live, Hikaru.
You are beautiful…
-1685: Anonymous from Earth
Eat something tasty today and sleep soundly.
Time heals all wounds.
-1750: Anonymous from Earth
My message reached Jeanne-chan…
-1755: Anonymous from Earth
Woah! God has descended!!
-1760: Anonymous from Earth
What did you send?
-1774: Anonymous from Earth
[Please console Hikaru. He is a really good guy.]
-1775: Anonymous from Earth
Make Jeanne his plaything…?!
-1790: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne-chan consoling Hikaru…?
C-Can she do it…? That woman…?
-1803: Anonymous from Earth
What did Jeanne-chan answer?
-1832: Anonymous from Earth
“If he is my type, I will think about it.”
By the way, the board of Jeanne is on fever right now.
-1854: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru being her type seems pretty low…
He does have a cute face, but he is Japanese…
-1862: Anonymous from Earth
Jeanne has done most of what she said she would be doing.
If he really is her type, I think she will console him.
-1880: Anonymous from Earth
They do say that people fall easily when they are being treated kindly while they are weak, but…what’s going to happen…?
-1893: Anonymous from Earth
We are going straight into a triangle between Rifreya.
-1905: Anonymous from Earth
I think the chances of it ending with ‘he is not my type!’ and ending right there are higher though.
Jeanne-chan is a lone warrior after all.
-1943: Anonymous from Earth
Hikaru is back.
That’s a relief. He didn’t just swim to a different continent just like that.
-1956: Anonymous from Earth
If he were that reckless, things wouldn’t be this sour.
-1989: Anonymous from Earth
Anyways, I am looking forward to it.
This would be the first time meeting a Chosen for Jeanne herself.
What’s going to happen?
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