Reincarnated Monster

Chapter 87: Setting up Defenses

Approx. 7min reading time

[54 Days Remaining]

Two weeks later after days of slow riding and marching, I arrived at Milgard Outpost. Eden, Efari, Kiara, and Gold Knight Commander Lana were riding beside me. And behind our group were the twelve thousand soldiers, the long supply trains we had to drag along, and the supporters such as cooks, blacksmiths, scribes, etc.

The order of command was relatively simple; Silver Knight Commanders were directly below Lana and I, then there were the Bronze Knight Commanders, and further below that were knight captains, knights, and normal soldiers. Needless to say, the soldiers were also divided into four divisions: cavalry, spears, archers, and various sword-wielding infantry.

I formed a small mental sigh in my mind as the familiar scene barged into my sight.

Even from a distance, Milgard Outpost looked familiar to me with its three observation towers spread out evenly and its intimidating walls made of heavy stone and reinforced with metal. The walls were about ten feet tall and their thickness surpassed five feet, some areas having a thickness even more than seven feet.

The outpost was huge, having a population of more than five thousand, half of this population being devoted entirely to soldiers guarding the borders. So combined with the twelve thousand soldiers and the two thousand here, I now commanded 14,000 soldiers. The other five hundred soldiers of the outpost were not suited for battles. Instead, they worked in the logistic division.

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A rider had also been dispatched from the central region, saying that the remaining six thousand soldiers would arrive in about two weeks, and the assigned battalions of mages would arrive in a week.

I sneaked a small, inconspicuous glance toward the three females riding together. They were in the middle of a conversation and seemed to be getting along quite well. It was almost mind-boggling for me to see that.

If I had to translate the dampened feelings I had right now—I suppose it would be equal to having a sword shoved down your throat.

The three favors they asked after the fire incident, by the way, were also troublesome.

Eden had asked for the Dragon's Duel of Dominance after we returned back home. Her reason was simple: to prove her dominance over me. (A pain in the ass, if I may blunt).

Kiara only let out a gentle smile and feigned shyness, saying that she had not decided yet; her smile was somewhat unnerving, and I was beginning to think she was a good actress. (Another pain in the ass, if I may also be blunt, though this pain was more mysterious).

As for Efari, she had asked to be brought along wherever I would go, throughout times of suffering, times of joy, and whether in life or death.

Her words sounded rather like a proposal, but there was some hint of sadness in her eyes as she said those words. Her expression was still the usual cool demeanor, but nonetheless, it somehow seemed as if she had left some words unsaid.

In the end, I accepted her proposal. I wasn't sure myself why I would do such a troublesome thing (I was suddenly feeling quite nervous as to the future meeting with Navra, the eldest of my clan).

Still, perhaps she was beginning to grow on me, or perhaps I was beginning to be affected by the bond between Efari and I.

These days, I wasn't too sure of my mentality. Perhaps I was pretending too much, or perhaps my other self was ever so slowly, yet imperceptibly, creeping up from behind.


“Greetings, General Verath!” the man in charge of Milgard Outpost said in a loud, but controlled voice. He wore a heavy, full-bodied silver armor, a tabard to denote his military rank, and looked to be past his middle twenties. “I am Silver Knight Commander Bora, of the noble family Lionae. My men and I shall be glad to serve under you for the protection of our glorious Shail Kingdom.”

Silver Knight Commander Bora greeted me with the side of his fist pressed to his chest, near his heart. Behind him, there were two thousand men and women consisting of some knights and normal infantry soldiers. They were split into two orderly lines, one thousand soldiers on each side of the gate, and left just enough gap for a party of men to go through.

I returned his greeting from atop my horse, and raised my hand to call for a halt. My signal was seen from the Knight Commanders further behind me, and the signal was relayed further down. I was glad to see my signal being relayed quickly. It took only a short while before the twelve thousand soldiers behind me came to a stop, the cavalry and the other soldiers on horses, also instantly forming up.

“On the orders of King Balan and Baron Gustav, we are to hold this region of the Northern Grasslands from the Falinor invaders,” I said. “Though I am sure this message has already been delivered, judging from your previous words. It will be heartening to work with you, Commander Bora.”

I gestured a hand toward Lana, who looked entirely out of place on her enormous destrier mount, which was similar in color to mine. A dark black color. Upon seeing the thirty years old Gold Knight Commander, one could only think of a child playing a pretend war game, but Commander Bora only showed an earnest face.

That was good of Bora, since Lana had a frightening temper when her appearance was being mocked. Her nickname as the Red Temper, or the Small Monster, after all, wasn't for show.

“It will be a pleasure to work with you, Gold Knight Commander Lana!”

“Likewise,” Lana said in a neutral voice that masked any hint of emotions. It told me that she was most likely still somewhat upset.

“Very well, let us set up camps outside the outpost before the day becomes night. Then tomorrow, we shall set up defenses.”

I looked toward Lana, and she nodded back at me, before relaying my orders.


Though Milgard Outpost was a medium-sized fort and the twelve thousand soldiers plus supporters could fit somewhat uncomfortably inside, the Knight Commanders and I had agreed upon setting up camps further out onto the Northern Grasslands.

It wasn't safe to hole up inside the outpost, since the enemy army could just go around us. The outpost, after all, were just designed to safeguard the borders from raiders and monsters, especially goblins, that sometime grouped up in bands. In addition, enemy mages could wreak havoc with their magic if we were all located in one place.

Thus, we set up camps and supply posts along just a distance to the north of Milgard Outpost. The camps were in orderly lines and divided into four divisions; cavalry, spears, archers, and various sword-wielding infantry. These divisions were then further divided into sections where each section belonged to Knight Commanders of Silver and Bronze.As for my camp, it was located in the middle.

Being the general, I had the largest tent and the largest of the Shail Kingdom's flags attached to the top of it. The flag was a simple one, its appearance having a blue and white checkered pattern with a golden crown in the middle. To the sides of my tent entrance, there were also two red banners denoting that this was the general's tent and camp.

As for Efari, Eden, and Kiara, I had made them stay at a distance away from my tent—it wouldn't do good for my reputation if they stayed inside my own tent. That would have incited blood lust among my men, a strategy I would use when the enemy came. Hah, just kidding.

That said, I was outside of my tent when Gold Knight Commander Lana called out to me. I had been looking at the night sky and the two twin moons, now in their crescent forms, shining like silver gems.

“A beautiful night, isn't it, General Verath?” Lana said from the shadows, which were somewhat illuminated by the bonfires of the camp. She looked up at the night sky and softly said, “The perpetual twin moons, Seli and Vali, are always out of reach, yet shining down upon us. It makes one feel tiny, does it not?”

“I wouldn't know since our perspectives are different,” I said, somewhat emphasizing the word “perspectives.” My emphasis was not missed.

“Hah. Tease me all you like. I have gotten better at controlling my temper ever since I met you. That, and I am tired of losing to you in duels. I can barely get a hit in.”

I turned my head toward Lana. Her form, in the darkness which was only illuminated by the camp bonfires, looked smaller than ever. “There is a story about these twin moons. It is a story about a pair of lovers, whose love was so strong that it became etched onto the night skies in the form of these two moons.”

I stopped my words then.

“That's it? What a teaser...At least say something more than that.” Lana let out a small sigh, shaking her head to and fro. “Anyway, General Verath. I only came here to say that there is dissatisfaction among the older Knight Commanders.”

“I guess they do not like a young, inexperienced general.”

Lana's pair of extremely light purplish eyes met my own pair of light green eyes. “I think you will do fine. Calina had her full trust in you, after all.” She formed a smirk and said, “And you have me as your adviser.”

Hearing that name, I felt some slight regret.

“Thanks for your confidence in me,” I said in a whispered voice.

“Rest well, general.”

“You too, Lana. You too,” I said.

But by then, my words were already too far away for the small, receding back of Gold Knight Commander Lana to hear.

Rest well, eh...I thought to myself with some amusement. Unlike these humans, I only needed an hour's worth of sleep. Instead of Lana saying those words to me, I should have been the one saying them, to Lana.

Bereft of her family at the age of six due to a fallout between two noble families, Lana was an orphan that had become a ward of the Serle family. Her life, from then on, was solely devoted to training and battles, as if the slash of a weapon could obliterate sadness, as if it could bleed out loneliness.

I thought some more.

Was it really wise of me to risk my life for these humans? I owed them nothing and a war which had no relations with me went against logic.

True, this place was my home kingdom, the place I was born in, the place my father and mother were born in. But to be honest, I had no deep attachments to this place.

A land was a land. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Thus, my decision was made underneath the moonlit, nightly skies while I stood alone in the darkness just beside my tent.

I would continue my lies until the end, if for no other reason than this place was my homeland and that I was a deceiver, a liar.


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