Level 1 Strongest Sage

Chapter 367: Clan Base Site

Approx. 5min reading time

“Welcome home, Halt-sama and everyone.”

“Welcome home.”

Tina and Leaffa greeted us when we returned to the mansion after taking the C-rank advancement exam. Tina must’ve already guessed that we’re about to arrive the moment we left the guild in the royal capital.

“We’re home, Tina, Leaffa.”

“We’re back!”

“We’re back.”

“We have returned.”

“Ahm, Halt-sama, where are Luna and the others?”

“Luna is with Merdie, Ryuushin and Hinata are out on a date.”

Sylph, Akari and Sitri were the only ones who returned with me. Ryuushin said that they’ll stay in the royal capital when we were about to teleport back to the mansion, apparently because he wanted to go on a date with Hinata. He said that he’d just transform into his dragon form to fly home.

When Luna saw Ryuushin and Hinata would be roaming around hand in hand, she invited Merdie to stroll around the royal capital with her, and said that they won’t be going home with us. I’ll just go get them via teleportation after they’re done.

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“I see. I don’t think there’s any problem with that… How did the exam go?”

“Everyone passed.”

“Everyone won against Proctor-san!”

“It was an easy win, right.”

“But I didn’t get to fight…”

Sitri seemed a bit dissatisfied. Gad, the proctor, gave her the passing mark without fighting, so she was the only one who didn’t have the opportunity to go all out.

Well, I guess it’s also good for her to destress from time to time, so this time around, I’ll be her opponent so she could fight with all she got.

“Congratulations, everyone!”

“As expected of you. Congratulations.”

“Yup, thanks.”

“We believed that you’ll definitely pass, so we prepared a feast for you.”

“Really!? Thanks, Tina!!”

“Yay! Tina’s home-made dishes!!’

“Ah, not yet, you can’t have it yet —”

Sylph and Akari dashed into the mansion, and Leaffa ran after them.

“Ah, right, it’d be better to show them to Luna and the others too.”

“Indeed. I also think it’s better if we let them know.”

Everyone in my family loves Tina’s dishes, so they’ll probably come rushing home even if they’re enjoying their date in the royal city.

“I will inform everyone and get them, so Danna-sama, please go ahead and dine.”

“Really? Then can I?”


Sitri offered, and since she could imitate my teleportation magic perfectly, I decided to leave it to her. There’s something I wanted to discuss with Tina, too.

Tina and I went into the mansion and we sat down in the living room.

“I also applied to establish a clan. The name is ‘Familia’, just as everyone decided.”

"I see. So, Halt-sama, you've finally been able to have your own clan, as you've longed for."

“Yup! I guess the goal from here on is to make that clan the strongest in the world.”

The clan ranked one in the entire world should be really amazing, right.

Well, the only idea I have of clan came from the online game I played back when I was still in my previous world… Still, the clan that ranked one in that game back then was still an object of admiration for ordinary players like us.

All the strongest players gathered in that clan, and they built their exclusive base in the best land in the entire game. Naturally, the gears and items they used were the best of the very best.

Thus, belonging to that clan became the pride of players.

I also wish my clan to be something the people would scramble to get affiliated to, although only those who get along really well with us could join, since Familia is somewhat a gathering for people that are considered our family.

“The world’s strongest clan, huh. I believe it’s possible. Then by all means let us aim for that!”

Tina also approved of the idea.

“Thanks. About the ‘home’ — the clan base… I’m considering building it in the royal capital.”

I already knew how extremely expensive land in the royal city is. Still, I wanted to build our clan there no matter what.

The occupation of an adventurer requires traveling around the world, but many adventurers choose a specific country to do most of their work. Moreso if they’re affiliated to a clan; the place where the ‘home’ of the clan was would also become the center of their activities.

When I was considering the potential places where I could establish our base, the ones that met my requirements were Glendale’s Royal City, the Count of Silveray — my natal family — territory, the Elven Kingdom of Alheim and Vestier, the Kingdom of the Beastkin.

By the way, although we took the advancement exam and were promoted to C-rank adventurers in Glendale’s royal capital, we could still pick the clan’s base anywhere we wanted to.

Alheim and Vestier would probably welcome us with open arms, that’s for sure. I’m also favored by the monarchs and royal families of both kingdoms — well, my wives came from both kingdoms so they’d probably send a lot of jobs to us. Since my family has expanded to a huge scale, it’d be a huge help to us if we receive jobs steadily.

Technically, Vestier belonged to me, so it would also be possible to generate jobs that would be favorable to my clan. Even so, I’m not sure whether that was a good idea or not….

After considering a lot of things, I finally decided to make Glendale our base.

That’s because I really love this kingdom where I’ve been born and raised.

I didn’t have anyone from the Glendale royalty as part of my family, but… we get along well with His Majesty, and his younger sister Princess Sasha is also Tina’s apprentice. While she was learning Tina’s cuisine, she also started claiming that self-proclaimed title.

That’s why I’m pretty sure we would also get jobs even in this kingdom.

I do think it’s quite risky getting jobs because of our great relationship with the royal family… Still, I have too many people to take care off, so I’ve been thinking of using whatever connections I could find.

The reason for establishing a ‘home’ in the royal capital was simply for convenience. Getting commissions from the royal family and checking whether there’s any job for us in the guild would be a piece of cake.

Thanks to my teleportation ability, there wouldn’t be any problem picking any place to establish our ‘home’. Even so, the clan would become a gathering of many parties, so in order for everyone to take on commissions freely even if Sitri and I weren’t around, the royal capital would still be the ideal choice given the abundance of people, resources and information there.

“So the Clan Home will be in the Royal City of this kingdom…”

“Yup. And there’s something I wanna request Tina.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Can you lend me enough money so I can purchase land in the royal capital and have funds for building the home?”

Of course, I planned to return it with the income I get from doing commissions.

“Well… Halt-sama, you do know that you’re the co-owner of H&T Trading Company — which stands for Halt and Tina, so you can use the company funds as much, isn’t that right?”

“Yeah, I know, but still…It doesn’t sit well with me somehow.”

That company was established by Tina for me. Of course I’m happy, but I still felt reluctant to get funds from the company without doing anything.

“Is that so?”


Tina fell into thought. Well, perhaps it’s also hard for her to move funds that was enormous enough to buy land in the royal capital.

Sorry for requesting something troublesome, Tina.

“Halt-sama, you visited the Royal Capital’s Guild today, right?”

“Yup, I went there.”

"There was an empty piece of land across the main street from the guild, right?"

"Oh, yeah, there was. It was a construction site of some sort of building."

The adventurer's guild in the royal capital attracted many adventurers who came and went. With a large number of commissions being brought in, and a high volume of commissions being completed daily, it wasn't just adventurers but also people who came to bring commissions who visited the place.

Where people gathered, things were sold— it’s practically a hot pot for business. Naturally, various shops were set up around the adventurer's guild and the area was bustling with activity.

It was one of the prime locations in the royal capital, and with the highest land value to boot. It’s surprising that there’s such a large vacant plot of land there. As Tina said, the plot of land was situated across the main street, facing the Adventurer's Guild. It was actually big enough that I think two adventurer's guilds could even fit in. I guess it would be used for large commercial facilities or something like that.

Could it be that Tina wanted to buy a part of that land?

Well, a plot land that size would certainly take a lot of time for me to repay even if I worked really hard. It was an excellent location, but I thought it might be beyond my capacity.

"I assumed that since Halt-sama registered as an adventurer in the royal capital, you would also establish a base there, so... Ah, please wait for a moment."

Tina rushed off somewhere.

She was holding a piece of paper when she returned.

"Halt-sama has just become the representative of a clan called 'Familia' today. So, this is a congratulatory gift from me!"

Saying that, Tina handed over something. It was —

The land ownership deed for the entire vast vacant plot of land by the main street, facing the adventurer's guild in the royal city.

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