Chapter 20: 1200 Days!
Dawn. That moment just before daybreak, when the birds sing to usher the first rays of the sun. The stillness just before the first beam of light kisses the earth, like a mother kisses her newborn babe.
The time when the animals stir in their homes and prepare themselves for another day.
On the Mountain of Yune, a very different dawn approached. There were no birds to herald its arrival, and a subtle tremor upset the air. The animals buried themselves deeper into their homes, hoping that the danger would soon pass.
Deep in the forest on the mountain, is a crystal clear pool. Steam rides the surface as the water escapes the chill of the thawing waterfall.
The forest is silent as the dawn breaks on the waters that flew from the overhanging peak. A young dragon has been born..
[Due to your excessive fighting spirit, you have gained a new skill.]
[Ambient Pressure
You exert pressure on your surroundings in proportion to your Fighting Spirit. Single targeting is still possible. Hide Presence can lessen the effects.]
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Thadius opened his eyes, and a devilish grin appeared on his face. His Fighting Spirit just hit 4000, giving him the same skill he had felt when he first climbed the mountain three years ago.
He was troubled at first. His fighting spirit was raising a lot slower than it had in the beginning, and he'd thought he'd never make it. But after Corban told him it was possible, he made It
his new goal.
He climbed down from the boulder and ran at full speed. Then he slowy took each stair one at a time and made his way to the compound.
His mythril armor gleamed in the morning light as he walked through the doorway. He had left earlier that morning, so Yuna and Corban were still eating the breakfast he'd prepared.
"Put that thing away Thadius, I could feel you all the way from the pool." Thanks for reading on ManaNovel!
"Don't sound so happy about it!" Corban chuckled as he took another spoonful of oatmeal.
Yuna was looking down at her plate with a heartbroken expression. She had yet to touch her food. She'd reached a growth spurt over the past year, and looked roughly 14. Her violet hair swayed gently at her hips.
'Does she not like it?'
"What's wrong Yuna? Aren't you hungry?"
"I am, but....he's smiling at me."
On a whim, Thadius had arranged the pancakes, eggs, and bacon into a smiley face. It was complemented by a side of oatmeal. Yuna obviously had some problems about eating things that could express emotions.
'Bless her heart. I hope she doesn't find out where the meat comes from.'
"He's happy because he can feed you, see? He's still smiling." Thadius demonstrated as he snatched a piece of bacon.
"Hey! That's mine!"
Yuna quickly jumped up onto her chair, trying to take back the stolen food before Thadius could put it in his mouth. Without the chair, she only came up to Thadius' chest.
"Settle down you two. There's training to be done. Thadius, let her eat so we can get to it."
Thadius bit off a piece of the bacon and gave the rest back to Yuna. As the two finished their food, Thadius tidied up the kitchen. It was another lively morning.
When everyone finished, it was time to train, both Yuna and Thadius were ready to bolt out of the doorway.
"Hold on you two." Corban called them back,"The both of you seem to have gotten used to the mythril armor. At the end of today's training, you'll be officially done with weight training.
Thadius and Yuna looked at each other with joy. For them, this day couldn't have come soon enough.
"You have both grown exceptionally. Thadius, with your mastery of Dragon's Grip, you've successfully completed your training for the Dragon's Path sword style. However, don't think of this as the end. Think of it as the beginning. You've mastered the forms, but that doesn't make you a master of the style, understand? Only by gaining experience through application and experimentation can you call yourself a true master."
"I understand." Thadius nodded.
Corban then turned to Yuna.
"Yuna, you're almost there. But you must remember to utilize all of your skills; otherwise, there would be no point in learning them in the first place. Now, start your exercises. I need to talk to Thadius some more."
"Yes master."
Once Yuna was out of earshot Corban turned towards Thadius with a grim expression. "There is one last thing I must teach you Thadius. Yuna isn't ready, and truthfully, I don't think she has the heart for it. The poor girl won't eat smiling breakfast, even when she's starved. I'm afraid only you will be able to learn this skill."
"What kind of skill is it?"
"It's a unique skill. An accumulation of all my knowledge and prowess. Learning it won't be easy, and I strongly recommend you spend your every waking moment from now on mastering it, because once you get out there," Corban nodded towards the open doorway,"you won't want anyone to know this is in your arsenal."
"A secret weapon."
"And It has never failed me."
"Shall we get started?"
"Yes, but know that this is it, Thadius. After this I'll have nothing left to teach you. So let's see this thro-"
Corban coughed into his sleeve and turned around towards the table.
"You all right master." Thadius said as he moved toward him.
"I'm fine. A stray oat caught me off guard. Go to the rock face you climbed to get here. You remember the one?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. I'll meet you there after I get something to drink."
Thadius headed off in the direction mentioned. He clearly remembered the ledge where he met his master. He hadn't seen the emerald sea in years.
Corban watched him go, then looked at the sleeve he had hidden. There was even more blood this time.
'Dammit! Just hold on for a bit longer!'
When night had fallen, Thadius and Yuna returned to the compound for more combat training. Though it was more for Yuna now than Thadius. After this they would finally take off the mythril armor.
Yuna had a happy expression. It had been another profitable day for her. Thadius, on the other hand, had a vacant expression. His master's final skill had truly opened his eyes.
Thadius and Yuna grabbed their weapons and stood opposite each other. Their combat training had started to include sparring matches when they both had enough control to hold back. Although the weapons were dull and wooden, they still hurt. So, both of them had earned the endurance stat in the process.
Yuna raised her long-sword, gripping it tightly with two hands. Thadius raised his shield, resting his short-sword atop it. The Dragon's Tail versus Dragon's Scales.
Yuna lunged, thrusting her sword at Thadius' face. He leaned to the side, guiding the blow past him with his shield. The main purpose of the Dragon's Scales form was to quickly shave the enemies stamina by guiding the attacks instead of absorbing it with the shield.
Yuna tilted her sword immediately, along the shield dead center with the pommel. The Dragon's Tail form was designed to keep the opponent off balance, finishing them with thrusts and spinning cuts when an opening presents itself.
"Excellent!" Corban shouted in applause.
But Thadius had seen through the blow with his concentration, pulling back his shield to match the timing of her strike. Right after her blow, Thadius charged his Fighting Aura and aimed a slice at her shin.
Yuna took a step back, falling for the bait as Thadius hid his presence and pivoted for an arcing slice in the opposite direction.
Yuna released her aura, desperately trying to search for him with her spacial awareness. He could hide his presence, but not his mass.
By the time she felt the arcing slice aiming for her neck, it was already to late.
"Finish her!"
Thadius turned his short-sword to the flat of the
blade and a smack rang throughout the hall.
Yuna dropped to one knee as she rubbed her neck.
"Yuna, you need to be faster. If you can't, anticipate. If you can't do that, then have your Aura out whenever you feel unsure. Understand?"
"Yes master." she said as tears threatened to brim over.
"Good. A fight can end in seconds, you won't live to see the next day if you hesitate. Again!"
Corban had them spar for a few more hours, giving out tips and inductions after every bout. Both students were doing sweat by before he called the session to a close.
"Alright my pupils, let's get you out of that armor and into something a little more stylish!"
Corban unlocked the mythril armor for them. Then after returning the training sets to the supply room, he went into his office. When he returned, he was carrying two pure white robes.
"These aren't meant for battle, but they should make do until you get yourself some real armor. And I'm sure you'll want a proper bath after all that time."
Yuna and Thadius sighed in relief as they admitted their fresh, clean clothes. A bath would be just what the doctor ordered. Their beginner clothes reeked, and had seen a few years of wear and tear. Thadius was surprised that his had lasted so long.
The went down to the pool one at a time to wash. After they were both bathed and dressed. Corban called them so he could admire his work.
The design of Thadius' robe was very similar to Corban except for the collar. The collar extended up to his jaw, and made the upper portion feel sleek. After the waist the robe flowed openly to his ankles, revealing a pair of white straight-fit pants underneath.
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