Peak of the World

Chapter 31 - College


His joy was dampened, replaced by a gloomy mood.

If I had been admitted to a college near Minuet City, it would’ve been perfect, but now that’s not an option.

Though, perhaps with her network, Valeria might be able to arrange something.

On the fifth holiday, he went to the city with Mii, enjoying all the attractions without the crazy drunkenness of the previous visit. And finally, it was the last holiday he would get at the training camp.

With difficulty, he uneasily brought up the topic, and Valeria listened carefully.

A faint smile appeared on her face. “Oh, you don’t have to worry. After all, if you’re not near Minuet City, I can’t contact you, so you should definitely stay. I’ll arrange everything.”

Fang exhaled deeply. “Really, Valeria? Is it possible that I can get into the college near Minuet City?”

She didn’t hesitate in giving her answer. “Of course. In the city, there are some prestigious colleges that only the nobility could enter. Those, you wouldn’t meet the criteria for. However, there are lesser-known colleges that only require a student to reach a certain level and have lots of money, so getting in isn’t a problem.”

Those fees were unaffordable for the majority of people. Fang couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. “Valeria, I’m really sorry.”

“What’s embarrassing is that we’re close friends now, and yet you still act like we’ve just recently met.” Valeria paused. “Given your outstanding performance, plans have changed. Perhaps we don’t need to spend that money for you.”

His hopes soared. “Valeria, what do you have in mind?”

“I can’t say for sure, but there’s a large chance it’ll work out.” She continued, “Wait until the training camp ends; it’ll just cause unnecessary worry. Oh, and also, after the training camp is over, you’ll have to move out until it’s time to get admission. If you wish, you and your friend Mii can live here till then.”

All of Fang’s worries dissipated at that point. His main concern was how they would be able to stay together, and it seemed that Valeria had everything planned out. Overjoyed, Fang responded, “Is it really okay? It won’t bother you having us both here?”

Pouting, she said, “I just said that you don’t have to act so thankful; it’s not that big of a deal.”

She didn’t know the full details of the relationship between Mii and Fang, but it couldn’t be simple, judging by his reactions. Plus, Mii was a talented magic user, so naturally, it made sense to invest in her as she’d definitely help Fang in the future.

Quickly, Fang replied, “Yes!”


The days went by like the fall of gravity—slow and steady—and as the sun hit the wooden roofs, ten days had passed.

Fond memories were made, and Fang was reluctant to part with his friends. Gone were the days in Victoria City, where he had faced hostility and pity everywhere. Instead, the duel with Garret had generated interest, and he spent the days pleasantly. He felt like these were the best days of his life, spent with his two cherished friends.

Unfortunately, reality was cruel. Though Durin was quite strong and talented, out of the city colleges he had been admitted to, Minuet City wasn’t one of them. Instead, he had decided on a college far out in the west, surrounded by rocky, wild terrain and well known for its harsh yet effective teaching methods. It was far away, far enough that he would take at least a month to visit Minuet City. So, as all departures in dwarven culture, they went drinking.

In the dwarven bar, Fang, Durin, Blue, and Mii sat around a warm table, shouting and drinking to their hearts' content. No one knew when they’d see each other again, so they talked late into the night, where a cozy lamp lit up their flushed faces as they clashed their mugs and drank some more.

The next morning was somber as the group gathered at the gates.

Putting down his luggage, Durin gave Fang a massive hug. “Fang, I’m glad I met you. Though we haven’t known each other for that long, you’ll always be my friend. Feel free to visit Rock City whenever you want, and remember to send me your contact information!”

Fang nodded heavily. “I’m sure I will!”

“Also, Blue,” the portly dwarf turned towards Fang’s roommate, “I originally thought you were a little girlish, but I didn’t expect you to drink even more than me. You’ll also always be my friend.”

Laughing, Blue said, “Well, Durin, you’re certainly an interesting person and I’ll never forget you.”

They lightly hugged, and Durin shook hands with Mii. “Dear friends, see you all later!”

His eyes slightly wet, Fang waved beside Mii and Blue as Durin faded into the distance.

Blue faced Fang. “Fang, what are your plans?”

Fang replied, “Mii and I are going to be staying in Minuet City.”

“? I saw your admission notices, and no college in Minuet City was on the list?”

He nodded. “Yes, but Lady Valeria said she might be able to get me into a college. I don’t know the specific college yet.”

Excited, Blue suddenly stood up. “That’s really good!”

Fang stared at Blue in confusion, as his roommate’s response was unnaturally cheerful. “Huh?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just really happy for you.”

Just then, Fang realized that he didn’t know where Blue was going, as Blue had never told him anything. “Blue, what about you?”

Blue’s eyes shifted to the side. “I don’t know, but I have relatives in Minuet City, so I’ll be temporarily staying with them. Once you’re admitted to the college, make sure to tell me—here’s my relative’s address.”

Taking out a pen, Blue quickly jotted down a note and handed it to Fang, following it with a serious tone. “Don’t lose it, and don’t forget, you must tell me which college you are going to study at!”

His roommate’s personality was really eccentric, but still, Blue seemed to be so happy about meeting him, and he was one of his friends after all, right? “I will, but I don’t know when I’ll be admitted to the college. You might have already left by that time.”

Blue answered, “Then tell my relatives; they’ll tell me!”

Waving his hand, Fang said, “Okay then, goodbye!”


Looking at Fang and Mii walk off on the road, Blue showed a slight smile on his lips.

Things couldn’t have gone better.


When Mii entered the energy tower after Fang, her mouth dropped open, and she staggered. “Master, is this really where we’ll stay? It’s so luxurious!”

For her, it was a completely new world that she hadn’t seen before, but Fang was used to it and held Mii before she fell to the ground out of astonishment.

Down the stairs, Valeria descended. Seeing both Mii and Fang in the hallway, she focused her attention on Mii and asked, “Oh, are you Fang’s friend Mii?”

Although she had a unique relationship with Fang, she had gradually gotten used to being referred to as a friend. From Fang, she had heard that Valeria was the head of the chamber of commerce, so she shyly introduced herself. “Yes, my name is Mii. Lady Valeria, thank you for letting me stay here. I hope it isn’t much trouble.”

“Don’t mention it. Rarely would a magic user have such great talent, but to be coupled with beauty too? You’ll always be welcome here, and no need for formalities—you’re Fang’s best friend, so you can just call me by my name.” There was no doubt that Valeria was the head of commerce; her speech flowed smoothly, and with these few words, Mii felt that Valeria was very friendly.

Her cheeks flushed red. “Well, Valeria, you’re much more beautiful than I am.”

“Oh, no, you’re flattering me.” Valeria smiled. “Come on, Mii, I have your room ready beside Fang’s room. If it doesn’t suit your tastes, we’ll find another room for you. And while you’re here, don’t hesitate to make yourself at home.”

As Valeria took Mii up the stairs, Fang’s shoulders relaxed. He worried that Mii wouldn’t fit in, but it looked like they got along very well.

Accommodatingly, Valeria showed Mii around the building, and soon, they were quick friends. She demonstrated the various devices, the practice room, and the best locations for gathering mana. Other than the energy bath, Mii had access to all the resources that Fang had.

A few days later, Valeria sought out Fang. “Here, come with me. Let’s visit someone.”

Fang asked, “Who?”

“Well, you’ll know.”

The carriage was prepared and pulled by a Pegasus. They flew west, left of Minuet City, traveling for dozens of kilometers before the greenery ended, revealing a building.

Surprised, Fang wondered what it was—a big, ornate complex in the middle of nowhere.

Landing in front of the gate, Fang and Valeria exited the carriage. In bold, striking strokes were the words “Garden College,” engraved into obsidian.

Immediately, Fang recognized this place.

Garden College was one

of Minuet City’s oldest public colleges; it was very famous, but only ability was considered for entry.

Could it be… Valeria was going to get me into Garden College?


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