Adamantine Dragon

Chapter 61 - Calla's Lord Part 1


The longer Celina listened to the big sisters, the more enlightened she felt. Especially Ana-nee—every word she said made perfect sense. Infighting among them would definitely make Vorst sad. Moreover, as it was subtly mentioned, the tiger girl would be at a severe disadvantage if a fight occurred. Not to mention, even against Mersa, her chances would be quite bleak.

And yet, she was given a chance to be with Vorst alongside them without a fight. It did not really matter that Vorst was, in reality, over 40,000 years old or that he came from an unknown world. What mattered was that he had no intention of going back there—he would stay here forever... and she could be with him... forever.

No need to fight.

You can have him. You just have to give up having him all to yourself.

Celina Za did not need to think about this twice. Even before they discussed what was forbidden, she had already accepted it all. It did not matter. She was afraid that her selfish actions would hurt Mersa or Vorst. Whatever the conditions, she was ready to accept them all.

[--Celina--: 10th? G-got it!]

She nodded vigorously.

[--Mersa--: 10th? Ana-nee, I thought Za-chan was 9th?]

[--Calla--: Hm, 9th is Aria; her link was formed before Za's.]

[--Kaya--: Mhm, Aria-chan’s links were entrusted to Shujin-sama first.]

[--Mersa--: Ahh! I see!]

Here, Kaya’s face turned serious, a stark contrast to the gentle expression she had maintained until now.

[--Kaya--: But…]

Both Mersa and Celina held their breath.

[--Kaya--: One chance. Aria-chan will be given one chance.]

[--Lily--: Yes, if her feelings for Shujin-sama are strong enough, then we will accept her with open arms.]

[--Kaya--: Yet if she fails, you girls will need to be prepared to separate.]

Mersa fell silent as those words slowly sank in. She accepted it; she felt the same way. If Aria-nee selfishly insisted on having Vor-chan for herself, she would fight back with full force!

However, gentle Celina was a little overwhelmed.

[--Celina--: W-why? Can’t we…]

[--Calla--: I shall not allow her to hurt m’lord twice.]

The Archangel, who had until now silently listened to the conversation, suddenly intervened. Her statement was filled with power and conviction, conveying that anyone opposing her would be swiftly dealt with.

[--Lily--: *Nod* She imposed her links on Marc. And she may only do it once...]

Faced with these two fierce statements, silence once again enveloped them. Furthermore, Kaya chose not to mention that Marc would have to pay a heavy price to sever the connection and return the links to Nova...

[--Kaya--: But with the current Nova, the chance of that happening is extremely low.]

Her gentle tone revived the conversation.

Kaya and Lily briefly exchanged glances.

Low, but it could happen. That’s why Kaya mentioned it. She wanted the others to be prepared just in case, so they would not be too torn if the worst situation occurred. However, when it came down to it, both the Serpent Lady and the demoness were capable of forcing Nova to submit. They knew Marc would be really angry afterward… Nevertheless, if it was necessary, they were prepared to do so. Their resolve was as strong as Marc’s, and they would do whatever was required.


It was nighttime when the girls finally parted and returned to reality. The smooth outcome was exactly as those two tactical prodigies had predicted.

[--Lily--: It’s good that we made them come inside Marc’s domain.]

[--Kaya--: Yes, I specially asked Cam-chan to get Za-chan in immediately. Shujin-sama cannot move too much when they are in his domain after all.]

[--Lily--: Mhm, what do you think, Ragna-nee?]

[--Calla--: *Nod* As long as m’lord is not hurt…]

The black angel responded in a cool voice, but her face showed visible relief. With a magical flow in the air, black wings appeared behind her. There she was, under the illusory light of two full moons, with her impeccable figure and saintly skin, flexing those black-feathered wings. The sight was so enchanting that it took the breath away from the other two.

[--Lily--: Ragna-nee, why don’t the two of us share a night with Marc?]

[--Calla--: No.]

[--Kaya--: Ragna-nee, don’t be so cold. Us girls have to bond with each other more often.]

[--Calla--: No.]

[--Lily--: It’s been a long, long time. I’m sure our lord would be happy to have us serve him together again.]

[--Calla--: … That same old argument.]

[--Kaya--: Don’t be shy, Ragna-nee. I won’t be at your night; we are more than happy to share ours with you.]

[--Lily--: Right, our lord will definitely approve.]

[--Calla--: … Hmpf.]

With a flap of her wings, the black-haired beauty immediately took flight into the sky. The two left behind exchanged sly glances. It was not easy to get Calla’s approval. If straightforward Krishna Ragnarok did not deny, that meant she agreed.

[--Lily--: Aria-chan should be fine.]

[--Kaya--: Right. We gave her enough time to rethink the situation. Now, how strong will her resolve be?]

[--Lily--: She breached Marc’s usual defenses.]

[--Kaya--: Hehe~ To get past Shujin-sama’s reluctance means there is quite a bit of darkness in her heart.]

[--Lily--: The Fire of Fury should be able to refine it by now…]

Marc’s Soul Realm is based on the natural laws and principles of his original world (Flow). According to these principles, photons—what Mersa and Aria were made of—weren’t allowed to exist. Mersa’s and Aria’s soul bodies were created by Marc, and they were made according to this world’s (Crystal) principles.

Although Marc is not yet capable of understanding all of this world's secrets, recreating bodies via link connection was no problem. After all, he owned their links.

Normally, there would be no way for outsiders like Mersa and Celina to enter Marc’s Soul Realm; he had to approve, create a soul container, and pull them in. Furthermore, during their stay, Marc had to be present—he had to continuously override the world’s laws that would otherwise focus on them.

That’s why Kaya instructed Mersa to get Celina in as soon as possible. To keep Marc away from Nova—sometimes an individual needs time to think about the situation clearly.

If Marc were to pursue Nova right away, she would most likely reject him immediately. A rational mind filled with fury would jump to conclusions.

No matter how good the arguments were, if she was convinced of the result, the end would be the same. And as Kaya said, Nova would only get one chance… That’s because Calla only gives one chance.

The black angel might not seem like much, but she knows how to hold grudges. Calla’s darkness is her lord. An Angel needs a Lord. An Angel belongs to a Lord. Calla’s case is even more severe than other angels.

Calla’s faith is her Lord. Her Marc.

Her Lord’s beliefs are her certainty.

Her Lord’s words are her drive.

Her Lord’s actions are her life.

And once her Lord is hurt, Calla’s wrath knows no end.

Not normal “hurt,” a mere flesh wound, of course, but only when Marc is in “true” pain.

Calla’s heart will bleed.

It will bleed accompanied by rivers of blood, real blood, as she marches forward to exact her Justice. And her Justice is obviously Her Lord.

Well, Calla would certainly not kill Nova, but she would not stand for the young witch being close to Her Lord either. If Nova were to be separated from Mersa and Celina, especially Celina, they would definitely be hurt. That’s why, even if it would upset Marc, Kaya and Lily were prepared to dig deep into the darkness inside Nova if the worst came to pass.

That’s why Calla was in a better mood. She had a bad feeling, but it dissipated now. Although she wasn’t great in the tactics department, her intuition was top-notch. She understood that the stealthy movements of those two behind the scenes must have dispelled her bad premonition.

[--Lily--: *Sigh* Seriously, such a bad move~]

[--Kaya--: Ehehe~]

[--Lily--: Now, how will this 'night' go?]

[--Kaya--: Hehe, Lilith, wanna bet a 'night'?]

Marc never had much to say about what the ‘nights’ entailed.

When you have everything in abundance, money or any other precious gems lose their value. That’s when the special currency—the ‘night’—was introduced. To the girls from Marc’s previous world, there was nothing more valuable than the ‘night.’

During the day,

Marc wanders around by himself. His links are his guide; wherever he goes, only he knows where he is moving and where he will spend his time. However, at night (at least most nights), his time was reserved. For a night, he would do his best to spoil a chosen girl.

If the ‘night’ belonged to someone, that meant she was the ‘host,’ and all Marc’s time was hers. That’s how valuable the ‘night’ was.

Of course, the ‘night,’ as a currency, could also be traded. There were two ways to exchange ‘nights.’

First is the ‘seats’ way. The night still ultimately belongs to the ‘host,’ but she can give away participation seats for that night. Obviously, fewer seats are more valuable, increasing the frequency of receiving Marc’s affection. (Calla is known to rarely ever attend a free seat, let alone give away hers.)

Second is the ‘host’ way. This means a complete trade of the host position, but the trade usually secures a seat for the one who lost it. (Lily and Kaya often lose theirs to each other.)

Marc is more or less oblivious to all of this. He knows that his girls have some sort of exchange for all of this, but he does not really care that much. No one ever tries to cheat because that’s what trust is.

It was not explained to Mersa and Celina either.

The three awakened Valkyries came to this agreement: since it was not their world, they would only provide guidance and, aside from the basics, not impose their rules upon the new ones.


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