Adamantine Dragon

Chapter 32 - Dragon Awakening Part 1


What is the meaning of life? Why do we live? What is our life's purpose?

Even someone as exalted as the Adamantine Dragon, whose life had surpassed thousands of eras, did not know the answer. He who saw countless empires crumble, he who ended thousands of royal lineages, he who had slain hundreds of gods at his pleasure had no idea.

Why do I ask this question?


Marc stood in the center of the Throne Room with his eyes closed, preparing his move. On the outside, Vorst was in the same position. For the first time, he had completely synchronized his new body with his soul.

The boy’s aura was filled with authority; no one would have imagined that a small child could summon even a tenth of it.

As he slowly opened his eyes, the jade color was replaced with a royal violet shine...


[Time: More than 1 hour ago]

Three children were walking alongside the crowd towards the shelter. As they entered the complex maze, Nova decided to take the lead, as she knew the way. What’s more, she was the eldest as well.

Nova was seriously mystified. After the battle in the tournament, the rate of her power gain had increased. Furthermore, her understanding of runes came to her easily, allowing her to grasp concepts she had previously struggled with. Her understanding of her Barrier Psychic powers also skyrocketed to the point of startling Claire. In the past two weeks, she had completely covered all of the knowledge that past witches left in the hands of the Elven Queen... And she desired more. The thirst for knowledge was quite common for witches...

Although her aptitude had improved, she didn't go through the sub-trans because witches did not have any, so this change went unnoticed by anyone.

The shelter they had been assigned to was a special one with the capacity for six individuals.

When they arrived, one person was already inside.

It seemed that Claire was up for mischief even in situations like this because it was the tiger girl who was inside.

[Celina: Hello Aria-senpai, Mersa, V-vorst.]

[Nova: Hi Za-chan.]

[Mersa: ... Hello, Celina-senpai.]

[Marc: ... Hello, senpai.]

Celina’s feelings for Vorst had increased tremendously over the past month. It was due to his excellent performance with his controlled bot. Previously, Celina had completely given up on the soldier path because she was simply not 'cut out' for it. Not only was her aptitude only Mid, but she also lacked the fighting instincts for it.

Now that the Golden Knight had shown her that with the Photon Transfer and Controlled Bots, they could fight with extreme precision, she regained her motivation. Last week, she developed special Scout Bots. They could venture into unknown territory, were incredibly nimble with direct control, provided more information, and, most importantly, were completely safe for the user!

[--Lily--: Hmm... It makes me wonder why Celina's link wasn't formed yet.]

[--Calla--: M'lord still tries to cover up this affair.]

[--Lily--: Right, as usual, he isn't willing to admit to his cheating habits.]

[--Calla--: *Nods* He doesn't want to make this official.]

[--Lily--: Poor child, being led by the nose by a beast like Marc...]

[--Calla--: *Nods*]

[--Marc--: ...]

Just as the girls inside his soul were besting him, outside, a big holo-monitor appeared in the middle of the room.

[Nova: This is one of the VIP rooms. Not only does it have the safest standards, but it is also equipped with many useful devices. A normal room houses forty people at once, haha.]

The status of the current battle was displayed. So far, both sides remained still. On Kollos' side, an Elven M-God was standing in front of the Primary Station Barriers. It was a green machine with beauty comparable to goddesses in Marc's previous world...

Behind her, there were countless Photon Cannons powered by their operators. Six HSTs were seated in one, making it capable of firing repetitive laser shots that could pulverize enemy Mechs into oblivion. Even M-Armor would be badly damaged by one hit. The only drawback of these was the extreme recoil, so they could only be installed on stations, planets, and ships with Destroyer caliber or higher.

[Nova: Look at these Kollos Photon Cannons!]

The blue-haired girl pointed at several cannons that were three times bigger than the rest with amazement in her eyes.

[Nova: When those concentrate their fire, even M-Gods will not be able to escape unscathed! Haha, of course, unless he is a Barrier Psychic user, but even those have to utilize a full-scale (PBarrier) to counter it.]

On the holo-monitor, the angelic voice of the Elven Queen resounded.

[Claire: What brings you here, Magnes-chan?]

The red-colored M-God responded.

[Magnes: I’ve come to visit you, Claire.]

[Claire: Oh, we welcome everyone in Kollos Alliance. However, entering with your army and a M-God is a bit too much. But if you wish to enter alone...]

The emperor of the Crimson Empire was very secretive. It was widely known that no one had ever seen his face. It was also reflected in his M-God, which didn't even have the Elven characteristics.

But he was not able to hide it because, among elves, there is a phenomenon known as crystal resonance. When two elves get close to each other, the gems on their foreheads vibrate. As a result, they instinctively know each other's location, which makes them poor infiltrators.

Several centuries ago, he single-handedly took over the Crimson Alliance and turned it into the Crimson Empire. Kollos' reaction was too late; when they arrived at the scene, everything was already resolved, and most of the Rankers on the other side decided to follow the new self-proclaimed Emperor Magnes.

[Magnes: Enough with your jokes, Claire. Just surrender.]

[Claire: Oh? Really? Did you forget the battle two hundred years ago?]

Undefeated. Invincible. Ultimate. Emperor Magnes. That was what he was known as inside his empire.

Two hundred years ago, for the first time in public, he tasted defeat at the hands of the Elven Queen. It wasn't exactly a defeat; he was utterly crushed. Even though both of them were classified as 'A' class Rankers, the difference in their abilities was simply too great. Only thanks to his luck and Spatial Escape Jump did he survive.

[Magnes: ... Attack.]

With that, the real battle started. A seemingly endless number of Mechs poured out of the transport ships, only to be mercilessly slaughtered by the lasers. Kollos' side did not suffer a single casualty, as they were all within the Psychic Barrier of the Elven Queen. One could nearly see through the metal armor and see her mocking smile. Destroyed Mechs could be salvaged for materials, so if the Crimson Empire didn't win this battle, it would just supply its enemies with a large amount of resources.

The battle continued for a while with the absolute superiority of the Elven Queen's Barrier. She could even endure an M-God's attack, not to mention some minor Mechs. On the screen, hundreds of thousands of Mechs were turned into scraps...


[Time: ~10 minutes before present]

For the past 40 minutes, Mechs of the Crimson Empire were ground into nothingness... Honestly, it was really boring. Marc, inside Vorst, even took a nap on the lap of the dark angel.

Then the situation finally progressed further.

The enemy M-Gods suddenly made their move.

Three of them readied their weapons and charged, and just as they were about to strike the Elven Queen...

[Claire: (Bind Seal)]

Immediately, all three of them completely froze. The highest power restrictive barrier that was Claire's signature move. Completely overcoming normal (Bind)’s weakness, it could stop multiple opponents at once. Then a 120-meter staff appeared in the hands of her M-God.

[Claire: (Psychic Empower)]

A green glow covered the weapon. Swing.

With just one hit, she completely shattered the barrier of one of the opponents, and just as she was about to finish him off...

A green flash.

A green panther M-God appeared right next to her.

That speed was completely outside of her expectations. Claire had made sure to keep an eye on Magnes' M-God, but she never thought that this green panther would be this fast.

An immense glow appeared on its claws.

(Photon Nova Overcharge)

One of the Ranker's abilities with a status known as a Finisher, it allows them to pour a ridiculous amount of their Photons into the weapon for an ultimate attack. The only drawback is the destruction of the weapon, but since it brings victory, it doesn't seriously matter, right?

Claire was completely caught off guard. Her life nearly flashed before her eyes.


Because what flashed before her eyes was a silver flash.

The Silver Liger.

[Mistglan: ... Seriously... He really... was right...]

He muttered as he blocked the strike from the green panther with his white broadsword.


Both of their weapons disintegrated.

[Claire: ... Mist...]

[Mistglan: Haha...]

[Claire: ... I see... Thank you, Mist.]

[Mistglan: ...]

The green panther and the two other M-Gods used that split second as an opportunity to grab the broken one and retreat.


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