Adamantine Dragon

Chapter 31 - Danger Part 2


Vorst was, as usual, sitting at one of the tables with his usual triple food portion. Next to him, as usual, was Mersa, brimming with happiness.

Today, the Storm had returned.

This time on the strongest scale possible.


With that, a new food plate and a new person appeared—Nova Aria.

Once again, the air turned ice-cold.

[Mersa: Nova-senpai... Hello.]

Mersa had been watching the Single Tournament too, and she clearly remembered the words the blue-haired witch had issued at the beginning!

[Nova: Fufu~ Hello, Mersa-chan.]

[Vorst: ...]

[Nova: Hello there, Vorst-chan.]

[Vorst: ... Hello, Nova-senpai.]

[Nova: Why so distant, Vorst-chan? We definitely got to know each other yesterday. You can call me Aria~, without honorifics~. Fufu, allow me to feed you too.]

[Vorst: ...]

[Mersa: You can't, Nova-senpai!]

[Nova: Yes, Mersa-chan? What's wrong?]

[Mersa: Senpai! Why are you so familiar with Vor-chan? Didn't you lose yesterday?]

[Nova: Yes, I did, but it means that right now I'm Vorst's.]

[Vorst: ...]

[Mersa: Y-you can't decide that!]

[Nova: Oh? I believe I can give myself to whoever I want.]

[Mersa: Uuuu...]


[Kyaaaaa~ Kyaaaaaaaaa~]

Silent until now, observers suddenly raised their voices.

[Vorst: ...]

Another food plate and the tiger girl arrived. Since the previous incident, she hadn't dared to do that again. But now, with the appearance of an extremely strong opponent, she felt threatened. After summoning all her courage, she made her move.

[Celina: ...]

[Mersa: ...]

[Nova: Fufu~ Welcome, Za-chan. And Mersa, are you suggesting that Vorst is yours?]

[Mersa: ... B-but... But... V-vor-chan...]

The teary-eyed White Wolf turned her head towards the boy. However, just as Vorst was about to respond, his face tightened as he turned in a certain direction. His serious emerald eyes were brimming with caution. The three girls sitting at the same table were stunned by this change of expression.

He felt it... Killing intent. True killing intent. Just for an instant. A split-second. But it was definitely there...

[Mersa: V-vor-chan?]

Hearing her worried voice, his expression immediately relaxed.

[Vorst: It's nothing. I just suddenly felt a little chilly. Maybe the temperature dropped, haha. And Mer-chan, from now on I'll rely on you for my meals.]

[Mersa: O-okay. I'll do my best!]

[Nova: Huh, it seems like winning against the main wife is impossible. Isn't that right, Za-chan?]

[Celina: *shyly nods*]

Seeing the coalition of two forming, Vorst could only inwardly sigh. Meanwhile...

[Mersa: W-Wife... *Blush level 436*]


On the second floor, Claire was trembling, desperately suppressing her laugh with her hand covering her mouth. Mistglan, standing next to her, was facepalming himself while wearing a difficult expression.

They both missed the killing intent directed towards the students.

Though Lily and Calla did notice the killing intent, they didn't care much. Right now, they were thoroughly enjoying the spectacle as they had coffee and snacks inside the Floating Castle.


[--Lily--: Marc, is that thing from the morning bothering you?]

[--Marc--: Yes... Although it was just for an instant, I felt the killing intent.]

[--Calla--: He was just too far away. If he were within 500 meters, m'lord would have been able to find him even if he was hiding his killing intent.]

[--Lily--: Shall I look into it?]

[--Marc--: Then I'll leave it to you, Lily.]

[--Lily--: With pleasure.]

Red lines appeared on the white bot as it accessed a nearby terminal.


The rest of the month passed quickly without further incidents. April was a time for various Lower Division Tournaments. July was for Lower Circle, October for Mid Circle, and January for Upper Circle.

Much to public disappointment, The Golden Knight didn't participate in any other tournaments, nor did he have any interviews. According to Claire-sama, all of these rights were taken by Athena's Institute, and who was going to argue with the Elven Queen?

On the last day, there was an award ceremony for all winners of the tournaments. Vorst obviously had to attend. For the win in the Inter-school Tournament, Athena's Institute was represented by him, Nova, and Mersa. The famous love triangle (the rumors spread at an alarming rate).

The trophy that Mars' Academy had held for the past three years was handed over by the Strongest Trio themselves.

[Renves: At first, I couldn't believe we lost to you, but after I saw you beat Athena's Ace, I accepted it. However, next time I'll beat you.]

The Red Bear was burning with vigor. It seemed like this loss only motivated him further. For the past three years, he had been hailed as the strongest swordsman in the Lower Division. The only one who could beat him in a duel was the Witch of Restriction, but it was due to her special abilities, so he didn't acknowledge that as a proper loss. But after seeing the Golden Knight's performance, he had to admit defeat.

[Vorst: Next time, defeat the White Wolf Princess first. She's eager for a rematch. Next year, she won't be the same.]

The Neo-Aris responded with a grin. Celina Nec was carefully observing him in silence. He had also heard the rumors... About his sister... and about her and this guy. Well, she was at that age after all, but seeing her opponents, his Za-chan would have serious trouble...



The station is under attack.

All combat units prepare for battle.


The rest please head to shelter.


Please move to shelter in an orderly fashion.

Enemy will arrive in 05:20


Vorst immediately grabbed the two girls next to him and headed towards Mistglan. Only hired soldiers would head towards battle, but it wasn't bad to just ask to be sure.

[Vorst: Mistglan-sensei.]

On the holo-monitor displayed by Liger, there were many dots. It was zoomed in on a particular place where a lot of M-Gods were gathered...

[Mistglan: Vorst, it's good that you are here. Let's go, we need to move to the shelter.]

The four of them started moving with the crowd.

[Vorst: ... Mistglan-sensei, you are not going to fight?]

The Silver Knight, still absorbed in analyzing the situation, simply shook his head.

[Mistglan: No need. If we wanted to kill them, then I'd have to. But since our numbers are too small, we will just have to defend the station, and Claire-sama will be enough until reinforcements arrive.]

[Vorst: ... She won't be enough.]

Mistglan raised his head to look at the youth. He was just 11 years old, but when he said that, there was such rock-solid certainty in his voice that the old war hero couldn't just let that statement go.

[Mistglan: Why?]

Vorst pointed at one of the M-Gods; it was in the shape of a green panther.

[Vorst: This one. He is dangerous. Here, only Mistglan-sensei is capable of stopping him. Headmistress-sensei would be capable of stopping him in a duel, but not in a battle.]

[Mistglan: Are you sure?]

[Vorst: I'm certain. If you don't go, then Claire-sensei will definitely die.]

According to the information that Kollos Alliance had, that Green Panther was a 'B' Ranker. Mistglan knew that the boy had no idea who they were. The Liger, at this moment, was completely convinced that this small child was able to figure out their real power somehow...

[Mistglan: ... ... ... Will you be able to get to the shelter by yourself?]

[Vorst: *Nods*]

[Mistglan: Then I'll leave it to you. Remember to get into the special shelter until I get back. Do not leave even if the alarm stops.]

[Vorst: Got it.]

With that, the Liger condensed the power around his body and flew up towards the hangar. To be able to fly in places with gravity is a special ability that only Circle Tier and up possess.

[Mersa: Vor-chan, who is that green panther?]

[Vorst: I have no idea.]

[Nova: You don't know?! Then... how do you..]

[Vorst: I just have a feeling...]

[Nova: ...]


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