Adamantine Dragon

Chapter 17 - It's Alive! Part 2


A week later.


With that, a pure white bot was completed. As crimson lines appeared on its surface, it started moving—the Intelligence Drone <Loki>.

[Lily(bot): Fufu, it's perfect. Your craftsmanship is as great as ever, Marc.]

The Headmistress's smile was so wide that it threatened to tear her pretty face apart.

[Claire: Two Controlled Bots! Two!]

That's right—a day before, Vorst had shown up with his two Controlled Bots. The whole academy was in an uproar. The 'powerless' had just surpassed all his peers in technical prowess.

[Claire: He certainly knows how to surprise.]

[Mistglan: How is it possible? Even Celina is not capable of using two of them.]

[Claire: Fufu, did we just accidentally find an unpolished gem? He’s already joined Celina's team. Now, do you have any objections to him being in the LIBT?]

[Mistglan: He just started engineering two months ago...]

[Claire: According to Celina, his ability is on par with hers, and since he uses two bots at once, he works twice as fast. He is extremely gifted. Plus, Mersa approved him as her exclusive Engineer. There's nothing you can do, even if you wanted to forbid him from joining the tournament.]

A wry smile appeared on Mistglan's face.

[Mistglan: If he dies in the tournament, it will be a great shock to her.]

[Claire: It's better if he dies in the tournament... So she gets even more motivated.]

Tournaments are conducted in a simulated environment, with students connected to a 100% real virtual world via special capsules. According to many teachers, seeing their comrades die in front of them in the virtual world is one of the greatest motivations that young cadets can get.

[Mistglan: What if it breaks her? Shouldn't we give her more time to get used to it? Just her current teammates might be enough of a shock for her.]

A shock as big as that could also break their will, leading to a huge setback...

[Claire: No worries. If she breaks, he will fix her.]

[Mistglan: I'm not so sure...]

[Claire: Trust me, I've seen them together for the past month...]

The Elf Headmistress had observed them together several times. She finally understood the hunch she had on the day they arrived. He was a true emotional pillar for the wolf girl, which made Claire revise the situation.

It was completely different compared to what she had expected—a pet-like relationship with the Wolf Girl. Instead, it seemed she would be useless without him. Seeing the complete opposite of what she expected initially troubled Claire, but now, as he showed incredible talent, it put her at ease.

[Mersa: Fufu, those bots are beautiful. I can't believe there are so many tools inside them.]

Two spheres hovered around them as Vorst lay on the Wolf Princess's lap. One was pitch black, the other pure white... Perfectly round and completely smooth, even Celina admitted they were on a level above hers.

[Mersa: Too bad I can't use them...]

[Vorst: Nah... Aren't Elves Psions?]

Psion—a psychic capable of using not only Telekinesis and Barriers, which are their main powers, but also other psychic powers.

[Mersa: Other than my main ones, it seems like my compatibility with the others is weak.]

[Vorst: That means you just need to grow stronger. When you get strong enough to use it, I'll make you one.]

[Mersa: Really? Hehe, it's a promise~]

[Vorst: Seems like you became a 7th HST recently. You're called the most talented being in history.]

To advance from 1st HST to 7th, an average being would need around twenty years. At Athena's Institute, the average was ten years; among the most talented, the A-Class, the average was two years. Mersa did it in two months.

[Mersa: Hehe~~]

[Vorst: I'm proud.]

As he said that, his hand brushed against her cheek.

[Mersa: blush, blush level 100]

As she played with his hair, happiness simply radiated from her.

After that day, the attitude towards the 'powerless' completely changed. Now, in the mornings, the girls he met would greet him. There were even several Senpais who came directly to invite him to be their Engineer. During morning practice, Vorst would gather quite a number of onlookers...

No one, however, was interested in fighting him, and he didn't express any desire to spar with anyone either...

<Welcome, Vorst. Measurement of your core indicates 10th LST. No change. Try harder!>

<Map updated. Please register party members. When finished, please issue the command: End.>

[Vorst: End.]

<Your party has one party member: Vorst. Enjoy the Hunt.>

[--Lily--: You've been 10th LST for a week now. Are you close to a breakthrough?]

[--Marc--: According to the manuals, the last ranks of Tiers are the hardest to pass. I can't feel the limit of it yet, so it's going to take a bit more time.]

Marc's pace of power growth was astonishing, but it wasn't as fast as the Wolf Princess's. His training method caused his potential to start low but grow with him.

[--Marc--: Today we will challenge the 3rd HST Cave and test the Drones.]

[--Lily--: Yes.]

[--Calla--: Roger. I can't wait.]

A predatory smile appeared on her beautiful face. Rather than ugly, that fierceness complemented her delicate features. It was as if a perfect statue had suddenly come to life. A similar smile showed on the boy's face.

[--Marc--: Fufu, yesterday the 2nd HST Cave was quite challenging. I can't wait to fight even stronger foes.]

[--Lily--: Sigh "These two battle maniacs..."]

[Time: The day before the tournament.]

Marc was leisurely sitting on the corpse of a 5th HST beast. His armor was scratched all over, with several places showing his bare skin. He was even bleeding slightly on his left arm. With the natural healing ability of nano-photons, injuries like these would be gone by morning.

<Congratulations! You have reached 1st HST!>

<Please inform your instructor to have an M-Armor crafted for you!>

[Lily(bot): Congratulations!]

[Calla(bot): Great!]

Vorst was grinning from ear to ear. He would finally be able to use 'it.' No matter how old they are, boys will always be overjoyed when they get to play with a new 'toy.'

As he closed his eyes, he noticed the difference in his Photon Core.

Previously, his Crystal Core was a solid sphere, but now it was additionally covered by a layer of liquid nano-photons. These are known as 'spare' nano-photons, used to power the M-Armors. There is a limit to how much a Crystal Core can store at any moment, but Marc also found an additional effect of his unique training practice. His liquid nano-photons were recharging way faster than the 'normal' rate...

Two shadows continuously intertwined in a sacred dance.

[--Marc--: Fufu, to come to me and beg for it, you are a dirty girl, Calla.]

Adult Marc said that as he licked the sweat beads that appeared on the black-haired girl's neck. Both of them were short on breath after the intense exercise.

[--Calla--: O-only for you, m'lord. I'm only yours.]

[--Marc--: Still, you came right before tomorrow's tournament...]

[--Calla--: It, it couldn't be helped. M'lord can't assume this form every day, and Lily took the last one... I-I’ve been waiting.]

[--Marc--: Heh, then I can't let you wait forever. We don't have much time left. My angel, how about I take you back to heaven tonight?]

[--Calla--: No~ Not that~ Please~~ Wait, m'lord~ I'm still~~ No~ Please~~ Mmmmm~~]

At the end of that night, her powers went completely out of control, and six pitch-black wings sprouted from her back. Their soft touch on his skin tickled him. The contrast of black feathers on her beautiful white skin as she lay helplessly in his arms was breathtaking. With this sight, Marc only reinforced his addiction to her.


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