Lumina's Isekai Story

Chapter 63 - Embarassing!


Emilia and I arrived at my study.

“Then, let’s go to the courtroom.”

I walked towards the door, but just as I was about to grab the handle, Emilia suddenly stopped me.

“Wait just a moment, Lumina-sama.”


“Since you’re going to meet important people, I think it would be best if you changed your clothes.”

“Is something wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“No, nothing’s wrong with it.”

“Then why do I need to change?”

“You haven’t stepped outside this study since you became Queen of this country two years ago.”

What Emilia said was true. Because of the volume of documents I had to deal with, I hadn’t been able to go outside. From morning to night, I would sit in my chair and handle my ‘job’ from there.

A typical day in my job was quite repetitive and boring.

Emilia would send me all the documents that had accumulated in the morning. I would then read them and either approve or decline what was written. Occasionally, unexpected issues would arise.

Issues like corruption, rebellions, and dissatisfaction. When such problems occurred, I would send instructions to those who pledged their loyalty to me through Emilia. These matters would then be resolved within a week to a few months.

Sometimes, my presence was required. On those occasions, I would send Emilia as my proxy to handle the situation while I reviewed the documents related to it. Given this, it was understandable that I hadn’t been able to step outside.

It’s more accurate to describe me as an office worker rather than a queen.

“I don’t really think what I wear would matter, though. I’m only meeting with Liza’s father and others.”

“No, I refuse. As the queen of this country, it is expected for you to display your dignity as a ruler.”

As Emilia said this, she appeared behind me and swiftly stripped me down to my undergarments.

“W-what are you doing!?”

Realizing my current appearance, I covered my body with my arms and crouched down on the floor.

[Ah... never mind. I’ll tell you about this later.]

While my mind was in chaos due to Emilia’s actions, Fafnir’s voice resonated in my mind. I wondered what he was going to say later... I was really curious.


Anyways, Emilia began hanging elaborate clothes in front of me. Each was a dress adorned with fine embroidery made from golden thread and jewels that matched their motifs.

The gaudiest dress was purple, and being the most extravagant, it was obviously out of the question. Next was a red dress with an exposed back. It looked quite tight and would definitely show my body lines. This, too, was a no-go.

Lastly, there was a black dress, which was covered in frills and accessories. Unlike the first dress, it wasn’t overly gaudy, and unlike the second, it wasn’t particularly sexy. It was just right for my taste.

However, all these factors made it feel like a trap. I had a nagging feeling that something bad would happen if I chose this dress.

Sadly, I couldn’t imagine myself wearing the first or second dress. But if I triggered the trap, then what Emilia had planned for me would most probably come true.

Really... which should I choose?


“You’ve chosen the black dress, huh, Lumina-sama.”

“Eh? N-no, I didn’t say that I chose--”

“The black dress, right?”


“That one, right?”

Your smile is really scary, Emilia.

In the end, due to Emilia’s ‘pleasant’ insistence, I ‘happily’ chose the black dress.

The events that took place while Emilia was helping me into the dress were too painful and scary for me to narrate.

[Seriously, who are you talking to?]

To you~ tehee.

[... You’re doing this purposely, right?]

No, I’m not. I’m not doing this purposely because of the grudge I carry for being made a queen.


Well, let’s put that aside for now and move on.

After Emilia finished helping me into the black dress, the two of us proceeded to the courtroom.

“Who the hell invented this thing, and why does it even exist?”

“It was invented to help out-of-shape ladies who don’t exercise maintain their proportions.”

“So basically it’s for fat ladies?”


“Then why am I forced to wear this?”

Objectively, you couldn’t really call me obese. I have a slender body with no excess fat.

“It’s to accentuate your almost unnoticeable curves.”

“Hey! A loli’s body has its own charms!”

It’s not like I’m a lolicon or shotacon or something; I just think children are cute and soft. I’m just saying.

“But in the royal courtroom, that kind of charm isn’t needed, Lumina-sama.”


“Besides, you look really cute in that dress, Lumina-sama.”


“Yes! Since you have a slender body, the black dress with gold embroidery suits you perfectly. The small diamond earrings, the diamond locket, and the tiara really bring out your cuteness!”

“W-well... if you say so.”

Emilia then opened the door leading to the courtroom.


“““We are honored to be in your presence, Your Royal Majesty.”””


The moment I saw the huge line of guards, the crowd of nobles, and the waiting servants, my brain shut down.

[No, your brain isn’t dead. If it were, our telepathic link would have been severed.]

It’s a figure of speech! I’m saying I was overwhelmed by the shockingly surprising scene before me.

“H-hey... Emilia... Why are there more than a hundred people here?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why are you averting your eyes! Look at me!”

“(It’s obvious that I would gather a lot of people for your announcement, Lumina-sama. Even though you’re the queen, you have never shown your face in public!) Now, let’s entertain them since they’re already here, Lumina-sama.”

“I kind of feel like I’ve been duped.”

“It’s just your imagination.”

“.... Haaaa~ fine.”

[I could really learn a thing or two from that servant of yours.]

I really want to retort that statement, but with this many people, I don’t have the leeway to do so.

For now, facing them is more important.

Okay... Breathe in... breathe out... breathe in.... breathe out...

Great, now I’m ready!

Three men who looked very familiar approached me. They knelt in front of me. However, I paid these three familiar people no heed and walked to the middle of the line of soldiers, disregarding their looks and stares, which were filled with curiosity and... fear?

Anyway, I stopped walking when I arrived in front of a luxurious-looking seat adorned with gemstones. Since no other seat was available, I uncomfortably sat on the luxurious seat.

If you’re wondering why I sat here, it’s because the seat was free. Besides, since three men surrounded me and Emilia showed no signs of moving away from this seat, it must be mine.

Is it okay to cry now? Sitting here is really embarrassing!

And, as expected, all the people in the courtroom knelt down except for the three men and Emilia.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that the courtroom looked very elegant because of the high-class linen and furniture inside it.

[... Are you sure you aren’t crazy?]

Yep! I’m only doing this to escape from this embarrassing and uncomfortable reality.


If sitting in front of a large number of kneeling people whom you don’t know isn’t embarrassing, then I don’t know what is.

[You’re a ruler! Don’t get embarrassed!]

That’s easier said than done!

Hmm... By the way... Why did they call me Lumina Chis Chem Dragonia? Where did Dragonia come from?


I looked at Emilia, only to see her glance away from me again.

Was it because of you?!


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