
Chapter 1 - Azuel's End


Sprawled across a hill, making it nearly impossible to see the grass underneath, lay hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers. Most notable among them was a man kneeling at the hill's peak. At first glance, it seemed that he knelt upon a natural hill, but closer inspection revealed the glimmers of armor from the dead soldiers, piled together to form the mound.

The man atop the hill wore silver armor that emitted a faint white aura. Each of his shoulders bore the figure of a dragon's head, and on his chest and stomach were five intricate circles nested within each other like a Matryoshka doll, forming an upside-down triangle.

In his right hand was a long spear-like weapon, matching his six-foot height. Unlike a typical spear, this one had dual blades, each two feet long, extending from both sides of the shaft. Both blades were single-edged and radiated an aura. One blade emitted a red glow reminiscent of the southern deserts, while the other gave off a blue aura, evoking the frozen lands of the north.

A closer inspection of the kneeling man revealed that he was not human. Two horns sprouted from his forehead, each eight inches long, marking him as a demon. One leathery wing hung limply from his back, riddled with holes, while the other had been severed entirely. His eyes, barely visible beneath his drooping eyelids, were stormy gray.

If anyone had seen him at that moment, they would have wondered how he was still alive. His left arm was severed at the bicep, and everything below his right knee was missing. Arrows protruded from his back, making him resemble a porcupine.

"Haa... I sure caused a mess, didn't I? Haha. At least I don't have any regrets about leaving this cursed life... I've finally avenged you, Chrystal... Ahhh... Why am I so tired? I'll just shut... my eyes... real quick..."

As if in defiance of death, the demon refused to collapse. He uttered his final words, his eyelids fluttering a few times before he took his last breath and closed his eyes for the final time. What greeted him then was a peaceful rest.

In that moment, his spirit floated in darkness. He couldn't tell how much time had passed, but the feeling of relaxation and calm was new and pleasant for him, and he hoped to stay there forever. But alas, it was not to be.

One day, while drifting in the void, he felt his spirit being pulled away. Struggling to remain in the darkness, he was suddenly surrounded by blinding light.


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