
"So, sir." Lexa spoke questioningly, unsure of what exactly she should address Alexander as.

"Just call me Alexander, no need for formalities at this point." Alexander waved the matter off and gave her a friendly smile.

"Ok then! Alexander, how does this contract between human and Magical Beast come about?" Lexa asked as she felt the soft strokes of Andria's little hands caressing her silver fur as she carries her.

"Its actually rather simple, for you two anyway. First, I'll be drawing a rune on the ground with magic, then I'll have you two stand on top of the rune, where you will say the same chant, which also has to be said in sync. At this point, you have to be very careful, as slip up for a second during the chant can fail the contract process, which can damage your soul. It won't be a permanent damage, but the pain one feels when your soul is hurt isn't light at the least." Alexander sternly warned.

"Wah, Andria doesn't want to be hurt!" Andria pouted.

"Haha, then you better study the chant well so that you don't forget." Alexander smiled warmly as he suddenly whipped out two azure stones from a Magic Pocket bag hanging by his waist. These two stones were clearly Echo Stones.

Andria grabbed the stone, and without any need for instructions inserted her aura into it. In an instant, Andria's eyes seemed to dull and became un-moving as they looked into the distance.

For the kitten, Alexander places her Echo Stone on the floor before her, allowing her to easily touch the stone with her little paws, which she did unhesitatingly.

Several seconds passed as the two processed the information portrayed by their respective Echo Stones until eventually, Andria rose from her stupor, followed by the kitten shortly after.

"So it works like that, huh..." Lexa nodded her head understandingly.

"Wow!" Andria exclaimed. "So Andria will be giving my soul to Lexa?"

"*cough* a part of your soul." Lexa felt the need to clarify.

"That's right." Alexander went on to further explain. "When performing the Equality Contract Ceremony, at the apex of the ceremony, a small piece of your soul's will be extracted from you and will be swapped with your respective partner. Usually, a piece of soul that has been separated from its main body will quickly dissipate and be excruciatingly painful, but under the power of the rune, that piece of soul will safely combine with your partners soul, completing the contract without any hassle."

After this talk, the three, followed by a rather large group of Wilderwolf soldiers, continued walking through the streets of Skyview City. Being early morning, the streets were mostly empty as the work day hadn't started yet for most people.

Eventually, Alexander had lead Andria and Lexa to their destination which was a simple but nice open grass area that seemed to act as a nice breathing point in this city which was mainly constructed with rock.

As the Wilderwolf soldiers surrounded the perimeter of the open space, Alexander walked up to the centre of the grassy field with confident strides. With the casual wave of his hand, a large chunk of the grass before him was cut by the root. With yet another wave, a gentle breeze carries the remains of the cut grass and cleared the area which had just been cut, revealing a perfect circle of dirt that would probably take eight steps to cross its full length.

"Now then, I'm not the most proficient in runes, so give me 5 minutes to set this up and we'll be good to go." As Alexander said this, he held up his fingers, the tips of which began to light up in a soft azure glow.

"Got it, Daddy!" Andria saluted cutely while Lexa hummed in agreement.

Alexander nodded his head with a smile before leaning down to begin the construction of the rune.

Waiting at the side, Andria couldn't help but fidget with her fingers and tap her feet in her impatience. Soon, she was humming a little tune, which the kitten noticed was the same one that played on the Music Box from before.

'Must be stuck in her head.' Lexa found herself humming along with her before long.

"Wah, Lexa's a good singer too!" Andria wholeheartedly praised with gleaming eyes.

"Humph, of course." Lexa lifted her chin brazenly.

"Alright, we're done!" Alexander declared while wiping the bit of sweat dripping from his forehead. While the construction of rune wasn't that intensive for someone at his level, it still took a little out of him mentally due to the deep concentration needed to construct the rune.

Looking at Alexander, Lexa then turned to look at the glowing rune that now took up most of the cut out circle in the grass. Though she didn't know much about runes, she could tell this was quite a powerful one due to the intricacy of the rune compared to ones she has seen before. Only some of the runes she had seen up in Thunder Mountain rivalled the intricacy of the rune before her.

"Yay!" Andria didn't waste time and skipped to one side of the rune, hurrying the kitten over impatiently when she saw her dawdling behind.

With a roll of her eyes, Lexa leapt over onto the rune as well, taking a spot across from Andria.

"Alright. No point delaying, you two can begin the chant whenever you are ready." Alexander came to stand at the side as he watched on. "And remember, don't get distracted!"

"Hmm." Andria nodded enthusiastically and the kitten gave a modest nod of her own before the two settled themselves. With a tacit agreement, the two began to chant in the language of the God's Tongue.

Two youthful and feminine voices resounded around the small clearing. While the kitten's voice held an enchanting quality to it, pleasant to the ear and mature despite its youthful sound, Andria's voice held a cute charm, with the slightest of slurs commonly heard in children her age.

Three minutes passed until the chant was fully completed, and upon its completion, two, minuscule light blue glows shot out of each of their chests. Lexa looked on with rapt attention as the piece of her soul vanished into Andria's chest while she also felt Andria's soul pierce enter her own chest. She could only describe its feeling as being light, like a cloud, as it passed through her fur.

The kitten took this chance to close her eyes and look at her soul with her Subconscious Eye, just in time to see Andria's soul piece latch onto her own, seemingly melding into it and becoming undetectable in the light blue light that was her soul. While she could no longer see it, she could always feel its presence, hovering peacefully in her own soul. It was a strangely comforting feeling.

Beneath their feet, the glowing rune dulled until it dissipated into dust, its power having been used up, it could no longer hold onto its existence.

Looking on, Alexander said with a warm smile. "The Equality Contract is complete. Congratulations little An, Lexa, you two are now officially partners. A Magician and her Tamed Beast."

"Yay, Andria and Lexa forever!" Andria sung out excitedly while dancing a little jig that swung her white dress madly. Caught up in her excitement, she ran over to her newly acquired partner and lifted her up into the air, holding her above her head and laughing happily as she continued her dance.

Alexander looked on warmly as some of the soldier's couldn't help but slip on their watch duty to look at the adorable display.

Their young miss was so cute!

Some of the Wilderwolf soldier's began to individually make plans to improve their strength so they could protect their young miss better!

"Tamed..." Lexa felt like she wasn't the one who needed to be tamed...


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