Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1925 - Heavenly Courts Initiative


Crack crack crack!

The tower-like walking meat tree was charging at the forefront, thousands of octopus tentacle-like branches waved and created a sound of fierce wind whistling, they had awe inspiring might, the Western Desert Gu Immortal’s Immortal Gu Houses were forced to retreat.

Flesh Whip Immortal was able to resist Immortal Gu Houses singlehandedly, she was truly a rank eight expert slumbering in the Heavenly Court immortal graveyard, her strength was unquestionable!

Of course, this was also the advantage of transformation path.

“Let us!” At the crucial moment, Dong clan’s Gu Immortals spoke up.

Similar to the previous life, Dong clan still mobilized the rank seven Immortal Gu House Red River Wheel.

This Immortal Gu House looked like a water wheel or a giant tire, rotating while blazing with red flames, it crashed towards the walking meat tree.

Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals saw this and their gazes focused.

Immortal Gu Houses charged head on because it was the fastest method, it was usually not their strongest ability.

According to the different types of Immortal Gu used to construct them, Immortal Gu Houses had different immortal killer moves.

Right now, Red River Wheel had used its own killer move with overwhelming might to attack Flesh Whip Immortal.

Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals were nervous, similarly, Western Desert’s Gu Immortals were also nervous.

Red River Wheel was only a rank seven Immortal Gu House, it could resist rank eight, if it crashed into Flesh Whip Immortal, they would be evenly matched, it would be damaged too.

However, this result was still slightly favorable to Western Desert.

Even if both of them were harmed, Red River Wheel would be able to recover by replacing the dead Gu. Flesh Whip Immortal, however, would be physically injured, and subsequent healing and recovery would be quite troubling.

“Come!” At the crucial moment, Flesh Whip Immortal, instead of retreating, yelled in excitement and charged straight up.

“This person…”

“Defend her!”

The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals reached a consensus in an instant.

Zhang Fei Xiong growled again, he turned into a giant with a bear head and human body, charging towards Red River Wheel.

“Red River Wheel is strongest at the front and back, but the sides are the weakest. Let’s help out Dong clan!” Immortal Gu House Jade Toad Castle was like a green meteor that crashed into Zhang Fei Xiong.

Wan Zi Hong smiled delicately as countless petals drifted over the battlefield and landed on Red River Wheel, its momentum continued to decline.

Fang clan’s Chicken Dog Coop came over to support, releasing chickens and dogs and other ancient desolate beasts to attack Wan Zi Hong.

Wan Zi Hong was still maintaining her killer moves and had no time to dodge, so Yu Zhu Zi and Ye Qiao Zi appeared around her. One of them sprinkled countless jade beads and made a tinkling sound, while the other emitted a mass of yellow light, sometimes slow, sometimes fast.

Chickens, dogs, and many other ancient desolate beasts were either smashed to death by the jade beads, or were temporarily trapped by the yellow light, hovering high in the air, unable to move.

“Damn it, this Wan Zi Hong is the demoness who scourged Western Desert in history and was recruited by Heavenly Court!” Dong clan’s Gu Immortals were inside Red River Wheel, looking at Wan Zi Hong and gnashing their teeth.

Dong clan was a Western Desert righteous path force and hated Western Desert’s demons the most, while this Wan Zi Hong was one of the most infamous demonesses in history.

Seeing the Dong clan’s Red River Wheel’s power was weakening, at this rate, it would be crushed by the walking meat tree. At the critical moment, a forest flower house-like Immortal Gu House was exerting its power behind the battlefield.

Wan Zi Hong gave a soft cry as she suddenly felt her killer move go out of control, countless petals rolled towards Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals instead.

Wan Zi Hong muffled a grunt as her killer move failed and the backlash caused her to suffer considerable damage.

Her eyes were like lightning as she stared at the culprit, it was Fang clan’s rank seven Immortal Gu House — Fallen Flower Hall.


At the next moment, the walking meat tree and Red River Wheel finally collided together.

Both sides immediately flew backwards.

The walking meat tree had hundreds of severed fleshy tentacles, while the surface of the Red River Wheel’s wheel was battered beyond recognition, losing over three thousand Gu, Dong clan’s Gu Immortals quickly started to repair it.

“This… is really satisfying!” Flesh Whip Immortal gritted her teeth and struggled to maintain the form of the walking meat tree, although her injuries were not light, her fighting spirit was instead more vigorous.

She was about to charge up again, but was stopped by Zhang Fei Xiong.

“Let me fight, you should go back and heal your injuries.” Zhang Fei Xiong had been knocked away by the Immortal Gu House earlier, he returned and immediately took the place of Flesh Whip Immortal.

Flesh Whip Immortal, however, was stubborn and would not retreat in a deadly battle: “I won’t! Let me charge, no one can stop me.”

As soon as the words were said, a giant pillar of starlight shot down violently overhead, covering Flesh Whip Immortal.

Flesh Whip Immortal: “…”

In the next instant, she disappeared together with the giant pillar of starlight and returned to Heavenly Court.

In Heavenly Court’s battlefield, Calamity Luck Altar was still struggling to move forward, trying to break free from the qi wall, but Duke Long was firmly blocking in front of it.

Duke Long’s tall body was like cast steel, and even if it was just one man, Calamity Luck Altar could not deal with him.

Boom boom boom!

Every time Duke Long attacked, it was accompanied by a fierce explosion, and just by using transformation path killer moves, Calamity Luck Altar could not move forward.

After advancing ten steps, it would often be knocked back nine steps by Duke Long.

Flesh Whip Immortal swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gazing up at the heroic fighting stance of Duke Long, feeling envious in her heart, when would she have such powerful strength!

Light flickered around her, pale blue strands of flowing water wrapped around her, washing the dao marks away to heal her wounds.

This was a healing formation specially set up by Heavenly Court to greatly improve the efficiency of healing injuries.

“Heavenly Court’s teleportation method can move groups as well as a single person to and fro! This is really troublesome.” Fang Yuan’s clone, Fang Di Chang, frowned deeply.

Although he could not see the healing formation in Heavenly Court, he could deduce it easily with his brain.

The key was that with such a method, Heavenly Court could quickly retreat. It was almost an extravagant hope for Western Desert’s side to kill or injure the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals. They had to kill with a single blow, denying Heavenly Court any chance to teleport and heal their members.

But how difficult was it to kill such experts among rank eight!

It was not just Fang Di Chang, the vast majority of the Gu Immortals recognized this, the morale of the Western Desert immortals began to plummet.

Fang Di Chang secretly gritted his teeth: “This is not good.”

Immediately, he activated Divine Bean Palace to move to the front line: “Everyone, let me do it!”

The Western Desert Immortals were energized greatly, they hurriedly made way for Divine Bean Palace, casting expectant glances at it.

The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals saw an Immortal Gu House lofty as a mountain, majestic and imposing, rumbling and rushing as it attacked, all their hearts jumped.

The same name flashed in the hearts of the immortals — Divine Bean Palace!

Immortal killer move — Myriad Life Spring Lightning!

Divine Bean Palace shook intensely, countless sparks that resembled dragons or snakes coiled around the palace. Lightning gathered into beads of jade green lightning balls as they exploded around the palace.


Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals dodged wildly, not daring to face the attack. Even transformation path Zhang Fei Xiong had reverted to his human body, flying around in a very sad state.

Myriad life spring lightning, life and death was interlinked, destruction and creation were gathered into one move. After exploding, dao marks would be left in the battlefield, creating an environment that was advantageous to the user.

“How can we fight this?” This time, it was the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals’ turn to feel helpless.

“It is, after all, an Immortal Gu House created by Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable himself.”

“Sigh, how did it end up in the hands of Western Desert’s Gu Immortals!”

The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were resentful and without options, all of them were thinking of retreating.

One of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals was pale and chubby, he was Zhao Shan He, who was now looking at Yu Zhu Zi.

Yu Zhu Zi nodded at him as they suddenly gathered together.

At the same time, the other Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were surrounding the two of them, planning and defending around them.

Zhao Shan He was a food path Gu Immortal and Yu Zhu Zi was earth path, they both unleashed a move together — Sitting and Eating the Mountain Empty!

The killer move enveloped the entire battlefield, Western Desert’s Immortal Gu Houses could not dodge it.

After it was used, starlight pillars flashed in the sky for an instant.

At the next moment, all of the Heavenly Court rank eights left the battlefield, the intense and chaotic battle was left with only Western Desert’s Immortal Gu Houses.

Even though Western Desert’s Gu Immortals forced back Heavenly Court, their expressions turned ugly.

Because they found out that many of the Gu worms in the Immortal Gu Houses were weakening, soon, their aura fell to rock bottom as Gu worms died one by one.

Not only that, the Gu Immortals in the houses were also getting hit, many of their immortal essence beads started to disintegrate and disappear.

“This was all caused by that move.”

“What kind of killer move was it, not only did the Immortal Gu Houses get affected, but even the Gu Immortals inside the houses were not spared?”

“This should be the profundity of food path. Because of that, it’s hard to defend against using our Immortal Gu Houses.”

The Western Desert Gu Immortals discussed and exchanged ideas, they soon guessed correctly.

Food path had been too limited in circulation, Western Desert’s righteous path did not have a lot of food path inheritances, their defense against it was too low, it was a weakness.

And most importantly, Zhao Shan He was a food path expert on Heavenly Court’s side.

“This will not do!”

“Heavenly Court fights and retreats when they want to, as long as they give Zhao Shan He and Yu Zhu Zi the chance to use this move each time, we will lose all our strength and resources over time.”

“Everyone! We must hurry up and rush to Emperor City as soon as possible to force Heavenly Court to fight us to the death. There, they won’t retreat so easily.”

Fang Di Chang analyzed the situation and advocated.

The Western Desert Gu Immortals agreed.

In a short period of time, they had no way to counter Heavenly Court’s teleportation killer move and could only use this method to restrain Heavenly Court.

Zhao Shan He and the others returned to Heavenly Court once again.

The injured ones all went to the healing formation to recover, while the rest were focusing on their recuperation while communicating with each other on how they should work better together.

After a fierce battle with Western Desert’s various Immortal Gu Houses, these Gu Immortals suffered no losses, and the most seriously injured person, Flesh Whip Immortal, was almost healed completely, alive and well once again.

Unlike the previous life, these Gu Immortals, because of their early awakening, not only possessed a full range of Immortal Gu, but they also had a certain level of mutual cooperation.

“Immortal Gu Houses are just hard to fight. Divine Bean Palace is the most troublesome of them all.”

“What are you worried about? A few more rounds and Western Desert’s side will collapse. They won’t be able to reach Emperor City!”

“Have Fang Yuan and Qi Sea Ancestor not done anything? Quickly do something, we can’t wait anymore.”

Gu Immortals were all experts that had huge reputation at some point in time, they were overflowing with confidence and morale.

The truth was, Fang Yuan was the one who caused this situation.

Since rebirth, Fang Yuan had been gaining victories over Heavenly Court multiple times, Star Constellation’s will felt a huge threat from this and awakened many Gu Immortals in advance.

It was unlike the previous life when Longevity Heaven attacked, in which Heavenly Court had fallen into a crisis and had to awaken many Gu Immortals in a hurry, they were unable to display their true battle strength.


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