Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1878 - World Savior Little Du


Beast Calamity grotto-heaven, Sacred Eagle City.

In terms of size, Sacred Eagle City was much larger than Mountain Cliff City. Mountain Cliff City was only a sub-city but Sacred Eagle City was one of the main cities.

In the previous life, when Fang Yuan attacked Beast Calamity grotto-heaven, he turned into the bull demon and first landed in this city.

In this life, Sacred Eagle City was currently in a terrible situation.

The entire city turned into a swamp kingdom, yellow soil crocodiles moved around in the swamp, hunting the people in the city.

Eagle Warrior defended this place. he was strong but he was currently heavily injured.

An immemorial desolate eagle had injured him, it was still flying in the sky, if any warrior appeared, it would dive down and attack.

“How could this happen!” Eagle Warrior was bathed in blood, he lay in the mud as he watched his people get slaughtered, he was furious and shocked.

Nobody could imagine that such a large group of fierce beasts would attack Sacred Eagle City all of the sudden.

It was still peaceful earlier, this city was serene and bustling, but in a moment, it turned into a bloody slaughterhouse.

“No, I cannot watch this happen, I need to stop everything!” Eagle Warrior struggled to get up, he wanted to stand but his injuries were too severe, he fell down once more.

As he was about to fall to the ground, a young and muscular arm grabbed onto Eagle Warrior.

“Uncle Eagle, you cannot fight anymore, if you continue, you will die.” A youthful voice said.

Eagle Warrior turned to look at the youngster who supported him, he smiled bitterly: “Little Du, thanks for saving my life. But I am the Sacred Eagle City Lord, I cannot watch as the beast calamity continues to cause destruction, I cannot let my people become the food of these beasts.”

“Uncle Eagle, let me do it!” Little Du had shining eyes as he spoke with determination.

“You?” Eagle Warrior looked at the injury on Little Du’s chest, he shook his head: “Little Du, you are not a member of Sacred Eagle City, you came here because I invited you to come and tour the city to repay the gratitude of saving my life. You already got injured to save me, you are not these beasts’ match, quickly leave! Go now!”

“No, I am not leaving, I want to fight with you, uncle. Let’s defeat these evil beasts.” Little Du shook his head.

Eagle Warrior was moved, he patted Little Du’s shoulder, he said with joy: “Mountain Cliff City Lord had really taken in a good disciple. Why can’t I find a disciple like you? Little Du, you are still too young, you have a brighter future than me, you cannot die here. I want you to promise me something, after you leave here, wait for the Guild’s reinforcements to arrive, then come and retrieve my corpse. Remember, I want to be buried in the garden.”

“Uncle!” Little Du’s eyes turned red, tears could be seen in his eyes, he was choked with tears and could not speak.

“Quickly leave!!” Eagle Warrior suddenly exerted his strength and pulled Little Du’s hand away, he flew into the sky.

He turned into a heavily injured silver eagle again as he charged towards the immemorial desolate eagle in the sky.

“The Gu Immortals here are really different from the ones outside, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for mortals.” Little Du sighed in his heart, feeling moved.

“But it is useless, this immemorial desolate eagle was nurtured by my main body purposely to deal with you.”

Beast Calamity grotto-heaven was not Profound Literature grotto-heaven, there was little restriction here. After Little Du received Eagle Warrior’s invitation, he informed the main body and set up this trap.

This was a great opportunity.

Because Beast Calamity’s true inheritance was split into several portions kept in the main cities of Beast Calamity grotto-heaven.

Fang Yuan’s clone had no chance to get close to those true inheritances with a proper reason.

He wanted to create a chance, but Eagle Warrior personally handed this opportunity over to him.

If Eagle Warrior who was bathed in blood learned that the reason why Sacred Eagle City faced such a calamity was due to himself, who knew how he would feel.

Eagle Warrior was not the immemorial desolate eagle’s match, he quickly fell into a disadvantage.

The immemorial desolate eagle attacked again, about to peck Eagle Warrior to death, when Little Du turned into the arrowtail eagle once again and saved him at the moment of life and death.

“Little Du, why haven’t you left?!” Eagle Warrior was shocked and extremely anxious.

“Uncle, how can I watch you die here? How can I let everyone get into such great danger? Even if I have to sacrifice my life, even if my blood bleeds dry, I will fight till the end!” Little Du said with firm determination.

“Little Du…”Eagle Warrior was speechless, he was extremely weak now, he turned back into human form as Little Du’s claws grabbed onto him.

Little Du fought against the immemorial desolate eagle but he was not its match.

But the immemorial desolate eagle was the main body’s pawn to begin with, Little Du often got into dangerous situations where his life was at stake, he constantly got injured but managed to retreat each time.

Eagle Warrior watched with a palpitating heart, he fought without any fear himself, but when he watched Little Du fight, he became very concerned, he could not help but shout warnings due to his intense nervousness.

When he saw that Little Du was bleeding and gaining more wounds, he felt deep heartache.

Little Du had saved him earlier in the Twelve Zodiac battle formation, he was a benefactor. Now, he had saved Eagle Warrior twice, he was even fighting to the death for Sacred Eagle City. This moved Eagle Warrior deeply, he acknowledged Little Du’s nature and disposition, he felt deep admiration towards the young lad.

Fang Yuan was ruthless to others, but was even more ruthless to himself.

As his clone, Little Du had the same style and personality.

These were genuine wounds and injuries, Eagle Warrior was completely moved by him.

Little Du had just become a Gu Immortal, he was a new Combat Beast Warrior, the youngest one in the Combat Beast Guild. With this level of strength, he was definitely not the immemorial desolate eagle’s match.

After a while of fighting, he was smacked by the immemorial desolate eagle and fell into the City Lord Manor.

This was naturally his plan, Little Du fell heavily and crashed through the floor, entering the underground altar.

Eagle Warrior had already fainted earlier, when he woke up, he saw that Little Du was beside him.

“Uncle, you are awake!” Little Du was overjoyed.

Eagle Warrior was also overjoyed that Little Du was still alive, but he quickly frowned as he asked: “How long was I unconscious for?”

“Not very long, the guild’s reinforcements did not come, after the eagle attacked us, it remained flying in the sky instead of pursuing us.” Little Du answered.

“Sigh!” Eagle Warrior sighed deeply: “It seems that we cannot defeat this eagle in a frontal battle.”

Little Du analyzed: “Thankfully, this eagle is not smart, if we do not transform, it will not feel any threat, so it will not attack us.”

“We cannot transform into our immortal beast form now, we need to use other transformations to save the city’s people.” Eagle Warrior was very worried.

If he could not become an immortal beast, he would not be able to control the situation.

He could only fight against those yellow soil crocodiles and save all of the citizens one by one, the efficiency was too low.

There was no choice, they had to do that.

But when they were about to leave, they found that a large number of yellow soil crocodiles had formed into a group, they had sealed all the entrances.

There were two desolate beast yellow soil crocodiles too.

Eagle Warrior and Little Du could not turn into immortal beasts, they could not fight the two desolate beasts, they had to retreat.

Eagle Warrior sat on the ground, he had an ashen expression: “It seems that we can only wait for reinforcements. I hope they can arrive soon.”

“They won’t.” Little Du thought to himself: “According to my plans, the reinforcements will be obstructed, I still have some time to execute my plans.”

But on the outside, Little Du frowned as he slammed his fist on the ground: “Damn it! Are we just going to wait here until reinforcements come? Where are we? Why is there an altar here?”

Eagle Warrior answered: “We are below the City Lord Manor now. As for this altar…”

Before he finished, Little Du interjected.

Little Du’s brows were raised: “To think that there is so much space underneath the City Lord Manor. I’ve got it, we can move underground and get past the yellow soil crocodiles to escape.”

Eagle Warrior shook his head: “It is useless. This underground area only covers the City Lord Manor, we cannot go to the outer city. Those yellow soil crocodiles are also skilled at digging underground, they often live in swamps after all.”

“Damn it.” Little Du gritted his teeth, suddenly, he gasped: “Wait no, uncle, isn’t it strange? Why are those yellow soil crocodiles just surrounding this place but not attacking us? The eagle in the sky might be prideful and not feel like attacking us, but why are those yellow soil crocodiles waiting outside, they seem to be avoiding something.”

Eagle Warrior forced a smile: “Little Du, your observation is right. But don’t be too hopeful, these yellow soil crocodiles can’t get near because of this altar. It is extremely old, legends say that the first generation Combat Beast King arranged it here, a portion of his power is sealed inside.”

“First generation Combat Beast King? Why did he seal his own power?” Little Du asked curiously.

“It seems that he wants to give it to an inheritor. There are several more altars in the other main cities, whoever can collect all of these powers will obtain the strength of the first generation Combat Beast King!” Eagle Warrior said slowly.

Little Du blinked multiple times: “Then, why don’t we use this power to defeat the beasts outside?”

Eagle Warrior smiled bitterly: “It is useless! These are all rumors, there are no actual records about it. Countless people tried but nobody has succeeded. These are likely false rumors, but these altars are very powerful indeed, they have a mysterious power and cannot be destroyed, beasts also cannot get hear them.”

Saying so, Eagle Warrior saw that Little Du was excited and laughed: “If you want to try it, go ahead. But remember my words, don’t be too hopeful, don’t get disappointed if nothing happens.”

“Okay, uncle.” Little Du took large strides and quickly got to the altar.

He walked several rounds around the altar but nothing happened.

He climbed up but there was still no reaction.

This was a normal situation, Eagle Warrior watched at the side.

But at this moment, Little Du knelt down and started to pray loudly: “First generation Combat Beast King, I don’t know you and have never met you before! But I hope you can help us, beasts are outside eating the people, every breath of time, a life is lost. I beg you, first generation Combat Beast King, if you can hear me in heaven, please do something, do something!”

Little Du spoke louder and louder as he teared up towards the end.

“Little Du… you are truly a kind hearted and innocent boy!” Eagle Warrior’s eyes turned red too, he felt deeply moved.

Then, at the next moment!

White light burst out of the altar, enveloping Little Du’s body.

“Hmm?” Eagle Warrior stared with wide eyes, he opened his mouth and became lost for words: “What, what is going on?!”


A soft sound could be heard as the white light fused into Little Du’s body, the firm and indestructible altar shattered into pieces at the next moment.

“Little… Little Du?!” Eagle Warrior stammered.

Little Du turned around with an expression of joy: “Uncle, you were right. I inherited the power of the first generation Combat Beast King!”

“A miracle! This is a miracle!!” Eagle Warrior reacted as he raised his head towards the sky, becoming extremely happy.

He laughed for a while before turning to look at Little Du, his gaze was filled with seriousness and excitement: “Little Du, you actually inherited the power of the first generation Combat Beast King! Do you know what that means?”

“What?” Little Du was dumbfounded.

“This means that you can inherit the rest of the inheritances. You are the future Combat Beast King! No, more accurately, you are the world’s savior!” Eagle Warrior became incredibly excited.

“That’s right, you are the world’s savior.”

“World Savior Little Du!”


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