Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1700 - Rumors Become Tigers


Fang Yuan floated in the air, it looked like he was staying motionless amidst a blizzard, soon, thick white snow gathered on his body.

But looking from afar, it seemed like he was covered in a thick fox skin coat.

This was the modified time path killer move, winter coat!

Fang Yuan had many defensive killer moves, the strongest was reverse flow protection seal, but Reverse Flow River was clearly dried up now, this killer move could not be used anymore.

Other than that, Fang Yuan had emperor yama, winter coat, bloodstained conqueror’s robe, purple thought light shield, hair armor, lion fur armor, divination tortoise transformation, ghost official garment, and other defensive methods.

Hair armor and lion fur armor were mortal killer moves, even though Fang Yuan had used them for some time, they were eliminated long ago.

Purple thought light shield was Purple Mountain True Monarch’s method, it had defended against Duke Long’s fists in battle earlier, it was quite useful. But Fang Yuan only had this killer move and did not cultivate it, he lacked the crucial Immortal Gu.

Bloodstained conqueror’s robe was originally Fang Yuan’s method, it was used for some time. Even though the core Immortal Gu was now rank seven, a rank seven method was useless now.

Divination tortoise transformation was considered a defensive method, but similarly, the ancient desolate beast divination tortoise was useless in a rank eight battle.

Ghost official garment had a huge origin, being designed by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, it was used to defend against wisdom path methods.

Emperor yama killer move which combined ghostly concealment, Soul Beast Token, and ghost official garment had incredible defense, it could be used in rank eight battles.

But its defensive was still lower than winter coat.

Emperor yama was a comprehensive method, it had both offense and defense, by using the yama children, it could even fight against a group.

Meanwhile, winter coat focused on defense, after Fang Yuan annexed Xia Cha’s immortal aperture, his time path dao marks increased in numbers drastically to being his highest path, winter coat’s power was greatly amplified.

And most crucially, after some modifications, winter coat’s defense was even better than before!

While he could not use reverse flow protection seal, winter coat was Fang Yuan’s new replacement.

Bam bam bam…

The three Central Continent rank eights attacked Fang Yuan furiously, he did not dodge, he used winter coat killer move to block all of the attacks.

“What killer move is this?”

“It seems like Xia Cha’s winter coat…”

“How can this be? Xia Cha’s winter coat is not like this.”

The three rank eights had varying expressions as they conversed secretly, they were very shocked by winter coat’s defense.

Next, they placed all their attention on Zhou Xiong Xin.

These three rank eights came from Central Continent’s ten great ancient sects, but Zhou Xiong Xin was different, he was a recently awakened Heavenly Court member.

Zhou Xiong Xin had already activated his immortal battlefield rumor cage, in this environment, all other paths were suppressed, only information path was amplified!

Fang Yuan’s winter coat killer move was suppressed, but the other three rank eights’ offensive methods were also suppressed.

As the three rank eights looked at Zhou Xiong Xin, Fang Yuan was also assessing this immortal battlefield rumor cage.

Rumor cage consisted of many silver text and characters, these characters were large as horse carriages or small as ants, they weaved together into a huge ball, enveloping Fang Yuan and the other four rank eights.

Because there were gaps between characters, the round ball seemed to be connected with the outside world, it was not completely shut off.

Fang Yuan had a serious expression.

Inside the sovereign immortal aperture, his time path clone was bathed in the light of wisdom, he was trying to deduce the mysteries of this immortal battlefield.

But regarding information path, Fang Yuan was not skilled in it.

If this was a time path or refinement path immortal battlefield, Fang Yuan could use his time path and refinement path quasi-supreme attainment levels to deduce it immediately. But against information path, he lacked the attainment, he could only deduce it using the light of wisdom forcefully.

Undoubtedly, it was wise that Heavenly Court sent out information path Gu Immortal Zhou Xiong Xin to deal with Fang Yuan.

If this was any other Gu Immortal that Fang Yuan has met before, he would be prepared with specialized methods. But this was the first time Fang Yuan was seeing Zhou Xiong Xin.

Zhou Xiong Xin wore a white robe, he had a square face with an air of righteousness, his body was quite muscular.

Those who could become Heavenly Court members were elite experts among rank eights. Forget about the rest, just that rumor cage alone was incredibly profound, it could be activated rapidly and was the fastest immortal battlefield killer move that Fang Yuan had ever seen!

“Fang Yuan, since you are trapped, don’t think of leaving alive. You committed so much slaughter, so many innocent lives died in your hands! Now, you will experience the bad karma that you have created!” Zhou Xiong Xin said in a righteous tone, his aura burst out as he used two immortal killer moves.

Immortal killer move — Malicious Rumors!

Immortal killer move — Rumors Become Tigers!

Instantly, the silver characters in the cage started to shine in a dazzling light.

The dense light flowed like water, moving in the air as it gathered and swirled.

Next, from the silvery light, silver tigers emerged.

The tigers attacked as Fang Yuan shot out like lightning, facing them.

Strength path giant hand!

1Fang Yuan rushed to the silver tigers as he attacked, but the giant hand only lasted for a moment before it broke.

Fang Yuan’s brows rose, the silver tigers had great battle strength.

Immortal killer move — Spring Scissors!

The jade green scissors flew out with great agility, wherever it went, the scissors snipped as tiger heads fell, tigers were cut into halves and their corpses faded into silver light that flickered and scattered.

Spring scissors was unstoppable!

Zhou Xiong Xin’s eyes flashed with a different light, he thought: “It is different from our intel, after the battle for Red Lotus’ true inheritance, Fang Yuan’s spring scissors seems to be modified again, it has grown more powerful!”

Zhou Xiong Xin was an information path Gu Immortal, he could rapidly gather information about any change or unusualness.

“Spring scissors killer move had not been modified for hundreds of years in Xia Cha’s hands, but Fang Yuan could constantly modify it? Is Fang Yuan’s wisdom path attainment level really so high? Or maybe his time path attainment level is very high, after all, this is a rank eight killer move, it is not easy to modify!”

Zhou Xiong Xin was secretly shocked.

Even though he was still under the suppression of rumor cage, spring scissors killer move still slaughtered countless silver tigers like they were thin paper.

But Zhou Xiong Xin did not fluster.

“The battle is under my control, slowly, you will see my power, Fang Yuan.” Zhou Xiong Xin laughed to himself secretly.

A moment later, Fang Yuan frowned subtly.

“The silver tigers are endless, it is clearly one with this rumor cage battlefield, no matter how many I kill, they will regenerate!”

“And most importantly, these silver tigers are growing stronger!”


Normally, methods like these silver tigers are meant to expend the enemy’s reserves through advantage in numbers.

But these silver tigers were growing stronger at a rapid rate, it was far beyond normality.

Earlier, spring scissors killer move was unstoppable, but now, it seemed slow. Not only did the silver tigers grow stronger, they were much tougher and more agile now, they often managed to escape from spring scissors, causing it to miss its target.

At this time, the time path clone finally made some useful deductions.

Fang Yuan looked at Zhou Xiong Xin as he spoke: “So that’s it, this is the unification of information path and human path methods! You are using the grudge of the whole of Central Continent’s mortals to display this move? Similar to the people’s accusation killer move earlier.”

Zhou Xiong Xin’s eyebrows twitched, Fang Yuan actually discovered the profundity of this move so quickly it was truly shocking.

“Since you found out, there is no point hiding it. Indeed, this move was created by Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable, it uses the will of Central Continent’s people.”

“Fang Yuan, you slaughtered so many people, everyone is furious. One mortal might be weak, but what about countless mortals? Their collective power is beyond your imagination.”

“Thus, continue to struggle. You cannot defeat the unified will of every person, this is the bad karma that you gathered, this is simply just desserts!”

Fang Yuan was silent.

He started to attack rumor cage itself.

But before he found out the mysteries of this immortal battlefield, even if he used Luo Po seal, there would be little effect, he would be wasting rank eight immortal essence.

At the same time, somewhere in Central Continent.

“Fang Yuan is trapped, he is likely in a certain immortal formation or immortal battlefield. I can barely sense him anymore, our connection is about to be broken.” Shen Cong Sheng said.

He was an Eastern Sea rank eight Gu Immortal, the first supreme elder of super force Shen clan, he cultivated sound path.

When Fang Yuan went after Eastern Sea’s Dragon Palace, he had been hit by this investigative method unknowingly. Now, even though he was inside rumor cage, Shen Cong Sheng could still sense Fang Yuan’s whereabouts slightly.

“Brother Shen’s investigative methods are truly admirable.” At his side, Song Qi Yuan said with a deep sigh: “Back in the days, I was hit by your investigative methods, it was truly a nightmare.”

“Haha.” Shen Cong Sheng laughed loudly: “We were still young, to think that you managed to steal the inheritance secretly, causing us to end up with no gains despite our hard work.”

“It is expected that Fang Yuan would obstruct the Refinement Path Convention, he has deep enmity with Heavenly Court after all!”

“Indeed, even years ago, he was already fighting with Heavenly Court in treasure yellow heaven by exposing secrets of both sides.”

“Heavenly Court wants to repair Fate, even if he is an otherworldly demon, he would not want them to succeed. Heavenly Court would have too great of an advantage after all.”

The surrounding Gu Immortals also spoke, some had cold and indifferent expressions.

Taking a look, these were all rank eight Gu Immortals!

Song Qi Yuan, Qing Yue An, Shen Cong Sheng, Zhang Yin, Granny Rong, Shi Miao, and others, this was an unprecedented gathering!

“Alright, isn’t this situation good? Fang Yuan is also a problem, with him resisting and fighting Heavenly Court, we will have less issues here. Hmm… Dragon Palace is nearby, there is no mistake.” Shen Cong Sheng led the way as he moved ahead of the group.

It turned out that because Duke Long snatched the rank eight Immortal Gu House from these Eastern Sea rank eight Gu Immortals, they had lost their face.

1Thus, during this Refinement Path Convention, these people gathered secretly, they wanted to obtain Dragon Palace and salvage their reputation!


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