Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1087 - A Goat Explores Tai Qiu


Fang Yuan traveled day and night without rest.

When seeing thick cloud cover, he used blood torrent. Most of the time, he used sword escape Immortal Gu.

He passed several dangerous areas along the way, there were also lone Gu Immortals or super forces around. Fang Yuan did not dare to use Immortal Gu openly, he used mortal killer moves.

His strategy was correct, after the horned six-winged pegasus and wild Dragon Centipede, no other unexpected surprises occurred.

Heaven’s will needed time to lay out traps.

On the other hand, there was a limit for heaven’s will’s influence on other life forms.

Like the influence on the horned six-winged pegasus and wild Dragon Centipede, heaven’s will could not order either of them to attack Fang Yuan.

Heaven’s will’s influence was based off situational decisions.

Fang Yuan’s speed was very fast, heaven’s will could not create obstacles in time.

Heaven’s will could think and plot.

This was because of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.

According to the intel provided by Shadow Sect, before Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, heaven’s will was much easier to deal with. But after her, heaven’s will became much more ‘crafty’.

Thus, Fang Yuan was not purely flying straight ahead.

He curved and took detours, moving forward in arcs.

If he moved straight, his route would be easily deduced by heaven’s will, it would lay out dangers along the way and wait for Fang Yuan to fall in.

In fact, heaven’s will might even deduce that Fang Yuan’s true destination was Tai Qiu and set up arrangements there.

That would be dangerous!

Not only would Fang Yuan be unable to complete the sect mission, his life would be in danger.

However, with Fang Yuan’s fast advancement, heaven’s will could not stop him.

Of course, Fang Yuan would not purposely backtrack. If heaven’s will formed an arragement that was behind him, he would be going into a trap that he had already evaded, that would be stupid!

This way, his route was very far, the total length of his journey was extended multiple times.

However, in the end, Fang Yuan’s speed was still very fast.

Thus, three days after encountering the wild dragon centipede Immortal Gu, along the horizon, Tai Qiu entered Fang Yuan’s vision.

Tai Qiu was in sight!

A vast amount of ordinary grass formed a huge yellow plain.

Tai Qiu’s appearance was like a jade green tower standing tall in a thick forest. In this yellow plain, it was very eye-catching.

As Fang Yuan got closer, the green Tai Qiu expanded in the horizon, becoming bigger in Fang Yuan’s field of vision. It was like dye that was spreading rapidly on paper.

Eventually, Tai Qiu filled Fang Yuan’s vision completely.

A vast amount of giant grass covered this area, figures of beasts were roaming inside, tigers were roaring as wolves howled, there was a stream of continuous noise.

Far and wide, it was a grand scene of the wilderness!

At this moment, there was no point for Fang Yuan to hide it from heaven’s will.

His speed became slower, he stopped using Immortal Gu, directly entering Tai Qiu.

Compared to the giant grass, he was tiny. Compared to the entirety of Tai Qiu, he was like a fly that had entered a palace.

The lush giant grass blocked out the sky.

The entirety of Tai Qiu was concealing an unknown number of fierce beasts and mutated plants.

There was a commotion ahead, it seemed like a beast tide was about to form.

Fang Yuan smiled coldly, activating dark limit Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu Dark Limit!

It could conceal aura and hide from others to prevent deductions, it could also hide one from heaven’s will to a degree.

Change form Immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan turned into a coiling mountain goat, entering Tai Qiu.

The commotion ahead slowly faded.

“If heaven’s will could feel emotions, it must be shocked and furious now.” Fang Yuan smiled, before shaking his head and sighing: “Unfortunately, heaven’s will has no emotions…”

Dark limit Immortal Gu helped Fang Yuan greatly.

Back then, when Hei Lou Lan was still a mortal, she relied on this Immortal Gu to conceal her Great Strength True Martial Physique aura, thus surviving.

Why did the calamities and tribulations of the ten extreme physiques surpass ordinary people?

Because heaven’s will takes away surpluses while replenishing deficits, it did not want an existence like one of the ten extreme physique to upset the balance of the world.

Fang Yuan’s sovereign immortal aperture surpassed the ten extreme physiques. The power of his calamities and tribulations were much greater than the ten extreme physiques. Even dark limit Immortal Gu had limited effect.

Fang Yuan suddenly thought: “Fairy Jiang Yu was a member of Shadow Sect, to resist heaven’s will, Shadow Sect definitely had many tools such as dark limit Immortal Gu. If Ying Wu Xie can escape from this predicament and make use of Shadow Sect’s remnant forces, his future might be unhindered, he would have an easier time ahead.”

He had turned into a coiling mountain goat, this was a common desolate beast in Tai Qiu, even though he was in disguise, he blended in perfectly.

Unlike his Gu Immortal body, which was completely different and eye-catching in Tai Qiu.

Soon, he encountered a desolate beast.

A golden sand dark stallion.

This was a huge horse.

Its body was larger than the coiling mountain goat that Fang Yuan became. It has bulging muscles and strong bones, its skin was dark gold, it had six hooves that were dark and deep.

The golden sand dark stallion was eating grass.

Sensing the coiling mountain goat that Fang Yuan had turned into, the golden sand dark stallion raised its head, observing this ‘uninvited guest’.

Desolate beasts had their respective territories, the coiling mountain goat had invaded the golden sand dark stallion’s territory.

But the golden sand dark stallion did not eat meat, it also had a calm temperament, the coiling mountain goat was also a herbivore, the golden sand dark stallion subconsciously felt that the coiling mountain goat had no threat.

But it was still very alert.

It stared at Fang Yuan until he went far away from it, before lowering its head to eat grass again.

Fang Yuan chose to become a coiling mountain goat, he had considered it deeply.

Actually, in Northern Plains, there were lots of wolf desolate beasts, but if he became a desolate beast wolf, he would face an intense reaction from the golden sand dark stallion.

Getting past the golden sand dark stallion, Fang Yuan continued to move forward.

He had already memorized the map of Tai Qiu. Even in the case that he could not remember something, he had it copied in many information path Gu worms in his immortal aperture.

“The first location is in the southeast direction.” Fang Yuan looked around.

But the giant grass became taller and taller, the giant grass in the periphery were tall as trees, but as he went in, the giant grass became as tall as towers. The giant grass in the center of Tai Qiu were as tall as hills or mountains.

The coiling mountain goat’s body was not small, but as Fang Yuan went deeper, the surrounding giant grass became taller and thicker, the coiling mountain goat looked smaller and petite.

Along the way, Fang Yuan encountered many desolate beasts.

These desolate beasts were either in groups or alone. Most of them were herbivores, but there were some carnivores as well.

Fang Yuan made use of his mind, his intelligence far surpassed desolate beasts.

Thus, after some hurdles, he managed to get through them.

Baa baa baa…

The cries of goats entered Fang Yuan’s ears.

In the grass ahead, there was a huge group of coiling mountain goats.

Fang Yuan sighed in his mind: “It seems that I am deep into Tai Qiu already, this is the first large group of desolate beasts I’ve seen.”

This goat group had about a hundred of them together, some were eating grass, some were lying on the ground sunbathing, while some young ones were playing around.

Fang Yuan entered their field of vision.

The wild coiling mountain goats looked at him.

This was the first time they were seeing this unknown goat.

Fang Yuan moved carefully.

Even though he had change form Immortal Gu, there was a hidden threat. If one of the goats in this group had a wild investigative Immortal Gu, and could see through Fang Yuan’s concealment, it would be a disaster.

To play safe, Fang Yuan secretly activated attitude Gu.

Immediately, the goat group felt Fang Yuan’s ‘attitude’ and looked at him with warmer gazes.

Fang Yuan took a few steps forward, there were several young desolate beast coiling mountain goats that ran to him, observing him with huge curious eyes, two of them were running around Fang Yuan, jumping around.

Fang Yuan walked away from them safely, leaving the goat group.

The young coiling mountain goats moved with him for a while, as he got away from the goats, they were called back by their parents and returned.

Fang Yuan sighed as he felt some pity.

If he could bring two or three of these younglings with him, and raise them inside the sovereign immortal aperture, that would be great.

Regretfully, he did not have a chance to do so.

Leaving the territory of the coiling mountain goats, Fang Yuan was very close to the first location indicated on the map already.

He was not careless, he inspected himself.

“Dark limit Immortal Gu’s power of concealment is weakening, but it can still last for some time.” Fang Yuan had an accurate assessment.

After activating dark limit Immortal Gu once, it needed to rest for some time before Fang Yuan could use it again.

Its power was left behind in Fang Yuan, concealing his aura. But as time passed, or due to other forces, the concealment would weaken.

And depending on the target, the protection effect varied.

For example, it had been more effective on Hei Lou Lan when she was a mortal. If used on dark path Gu Immortals, the effect would be lower. If used on Gu Immortals of other paths, the effect would be even worse. Thankfully, Fang Yuan’s dao marks did not conflict, otherwise, the effect would be horrible.

In conclusion, Fang Yuan had to complete his mission while dark limit Immortal Gu’s power was still concealing him.

Otherwise, after the concealment fades, heaven’s will would focus on him, and the countless desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts would attack Fang Yuan together, the situation would be dire.

After a moment, Fang Yuan got close to the first location.

Before reaching, Fang Yuan already knew that the location had completely changed.

Because the map indicated that there was the corpse of an immemorial desolate beast, a qi grand lion, here.

What guarded the corpse was a group of qi grand lions, they were a mix of desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts.

But the hill-like corpse was gone. There were no qi grand lions either, Fang Yuan used his investigative killer moves and heard some faint wolf howls.

Fang Yuan’s heart sank.

“Desolate beast black blood wolves! And this scale… at least thirty of them.”

A group of desolate beast wolves.

Even though the size was not large, they are fierce carnivores.

The territory of wolves was larger.

Fang Yuan did not need to observe them from close by, he just needed to use mortal investigative methods and hearing to get a lot of information.

This was the intelligence of humans.

Within this group of desolate beast wolves, there might be wild Immortal Gu, but they could not be activated at will. Compared to Gu Immortals who controlled Immortal Gu, it was a different story.

Fang Yuan thought to himself: “The first location has changed. Be it the immemorial desolate beast level qi grand lion’s corpse, those desolate beasts, or the ancient desolate beast qi grand lions, they have all vanished for some reason. Three hundred thousand years later, a small group of black blood wolves are occupying this place.”

Fang Yuan did not hesitate, he gave up on this place.

He took a detour past the wolf group’s territory, heading to the second destination.


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