Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1066 - Everyone Collecting Immortal Materials


A blood deity was Fang Yuan’s long term plan.

Fang Zheng was the second step of this plan.

The first step of this plan was to refine blood deity Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan wanted to refine this Immortal Gu in his first life. He had even found trouble with Vicious Lightning Fiend for its remnant recipe.

Only after refining blood deity Immortal Gu and killing a blood related relative would he be able to create a blood deity.

Right now, Fang Yuan might have a blood deity Immortal Gu recipe, but it was only seventy percent complete. When he had been an immortal zombie, he did not have the resources and effort to spare in completing this Immortal Gu recipe. Now he had revived, but he could no longer step in the light of wisdom.

“Even if I can’t use the light of wisdom, with my grandmaster attainment in blood path and wisdom path, it is enough to deduce the rest of the blood deity Immortal Gu recipe. It is just that the time and effort used would be far more than using light of wisdom.”

“Even after refining blood deity Immortal Gu, for killing Fang Zheng and creating a blood deity, I still need to change his point of view first, at least, I need to make him not have hatred towards me. Because refining a hatred filled relative into a blood deity will create backlash to the owner, they are like a double-edged sword, harming the enemies but also able to harm myself as well if I let go of my guard.”

Actually, there were many ways to influence someone’s feelings towards other people in the world of Gu Masters. Wisdom path had countless methods, emotion path was even more specialized in this.

Fang Yuan had quite a lot of such methods. As long as he wanted to, he could just use one to make Fang Zheng docile and loyal to him.

But doing so meant influencing Fang Zheng through external power, altering his true emotions. And when he is killed and refined into a blood deity, the wisdom path dao marks used on him would be cleared completely, leaving behind only pure blood path dao marks.

At that time, Fang Zheng’s true emotions would return.

Fang Yuan could only slowly change Fang Zheng’s emotions and perspective, and he would be able to get a blood deity that met his standards.

Obviously, changing Fang Zheng’s perspective would be a very long process, and the completion of blood deity Immortal Gu’s recipe was also a far-off project, at least, Fang Yuan currently did not have the time to do this. Not to mention, after he perfected the blood deity Immortal Gu recipe, he still would have to prepare immortal materials to refine Blood Deity. However, the last point was much easier than other paths, blood path Gu worms had a characteristic – the cost of their refinement was quite low.

These many reasons determined that the refinement plan of Blood Deity could only be a long term goal.

But no matter how long it took, as long as he moved forward step by step, persevering and not giving up, he would finally succeed.

Fang Yuan was currently taking out some time from his busy schedule to train Fang Zheng, reaching his goal slowly.

A thousand mile journey starts from a step, droplets of water form into river.

After understanding Fang Zheng’s situation, Fang Yuan activated Gu worms to produce fake will which then flew out.

This fake will would fly to Fang Zheng’s mind, replenishing the fake will that had been consumed in his mind.

A few days passed, Fang Yuan became very skilled in processing interior rain. Lang Ya land spirit then gave him another set of immortal materials to familiarize and gain proficiency in the Gu refinement technique.

Fang Yuan’s attention was mainly placed on this aspect in preparation for refining change form Immortal Gu.

When he was free, he would pay attention to his sovereign immortal aperture, inspect the changes in his immortal aperture and managing it.

Gu Masters nourished their aperture, and the aperture produced primeval essence which was then used to activate Gu worms. But regardless of if it were Gu worms, Gu materials or primeval stones, Gu Masters relied on the outside world for these cultivation resources.

At Gu Immortal level, the immortal aperture could not only produce immortal essence, it could also produce countless resources and they would be extremely safe and reliable, unlike the resources from the outside world which would need the Gu Immortal to watch all the time to prevent others from stealing them.

To a Gu Immortal, the immortal aperture was the safest production base. If it was managed properly, it would be an extremely huge help to the Gu Immortal, and be a solid foundation for them to rely on. Because of having the same dao marks, it could produce the most suitable resources needed for the Gu Immortal and produce food for Immortal Gu. Trading the resources with the outside world could earn the Gu Immortal a lot of immortal essence stones. There was even a chance of the immortal aperture having a completely new wild Immortal Gu formed!

Fang Yuan inspected his immortal aperture.

His immortal aperture was divided into ten layers, with the layout like the five regions and nine heavens.

Why was there such a layout, was it intentionally created like that by Spectral Soul or was it naturally formed? Fang Yuan did not know. After all, he had no role in creating sovereign immortal fetus Gu, he was only a lucky fellow who seized the fruits of success at the last moment.

Fang Yuan had conveniently named the layers by referencing the five regions and nine heavens, with just an addition of the word ‘mini’ in front; like Mini Northern Plains, Mini Eastern Sea and so on.

After making several observations, Fang Yuan had gradually discovered some minor mysteries of the sovereign immortal aperture.

He discovered: the sovereign immortal aperture’s five regions and nine heavens were not only similar to the outside world in layout, their environments were also almost the same.

For instance, Mini Northern Plains had the terrain of a boundless flat grassland, the wind path dao marks in the immortal aperture were somewhat more numerous in this area.

Most of the fire path dao marks in the immortal aperture were located in Mini Western Desert. Mini Southern Border had more earth path dao marks and also some poison path dao marks as well.

After discovering this, Fang Yuan had distributed his accumulated cultivation resources accordingly.

He placed the eerie fire dragon pythons in Mini Western Desert.

Dragonfish in Mini Eastern Sea.

Regretful spiders in Mini Southern Border.

Arrow bamboo forest, star fragment grass and so on in Mini Blue Heaven.

As for Mini Northern Plains, there were large numbers of snow monsters in there. These monsters remained behind from the first earthly calamity, and they included large numbers of desolate beast snow monsters, and even ancient desolate beast level snow monsters.

Fang Yuan did not have the time or energy to deal with these snow monsters for the moment and so he left them aside. Anyway, Mini Northern Plains was empty, with no precious resources and was quite large, so these snow monsters could move about freely, after all, they were unlike ruin bats which could pierce through the aperture walls.

Air bubble fish, shark fin wolf, literature carps, desolate beast giant horned sheep, worldly sand gull, oil water, rockmen, blood zhi forest, mirror willow trees and so on were also arranged properly.

While Fang Yuan was training his Gu refinement skills, he was also taking out some time to look after these resources.

Arrow bamboo forest, star fragment grass and so on might have been moved into Mini Blue Heaven, but their Gu worm production had fallen terrifyingly. Meanwhile, eerie fire dragon pythons and dragonfish experienced minor decrease in their reproduction. Only regretful spiders had similar production rate to beforehand.

There was nothing to be done, the sovereign immortal aperture might have broad prospects and unlimited potential, but currently it had only gone through one earthly calamity.

Although it possessed dao marks of every path, but there were only about a hundred dao marks of the majority of the paths.

The growth of regretful spiders relied on wisdom path dao marks, dragonfish on food path and water path dao marks, while the living environment of eerie fire dragon pythons had more fire path dao marks. The production of star path mortal Gu in arrow bamboo forest and the star fragment grass fields depended on star path dao marks.

He had previously placed these resources in Hu Immortal blessed land or Star Form blessed land.

The former had passed six or seven earthly calamities and had a lot of dao marks, its fire path and water path dao marks passed the numbers in the sovereign immortal aperture. While Star Form blessed land itself focused on star path, the sovereign immortal aperture simply could not be compared to it on this aspect.

However, not all the paths in the sovereign immortal aperture had only around a hundred dao marks.

Qi path dao marks were far higher in number, this was because Fang Yuan had killed the qi path Gu Immortal Qi Zai in Southern Border’s Five Regional Mountain Range and obtained his accumulation of qi path dao marks.

However, qi path dao marks were still not the highest in number, the highest were snow path dao marks.

Fang Yuan had passed his first earthly calamity with difficulty, actually calling it an ‘earthly calamity’ was not appropriate, it was so terrifying that it far surpassed the ten great catastrophes.

Calamities and tribulations had a rule, that was the balance of fortune and disaster, the stronger the might of the calamities and tribulations, the more benefits the Gu Immortal could receive after passing them.

The benefits here were referring to dao marks.

Fang Yuan obtained huge numbers of dao marks from his first earthly calamity.

Among them, snow path dao marks were the highest in number, following afterwards were strength path and transformation path dao marks. The latter two paths’ dao marks were lower in quantity to qi path. After all, Fang Yuan’s qi path dao marks were the lifetime accumulation of the rank seven Gu Immortal Qi Zai, while the strength path and transformation path dao marks were obtained just from the first earthly calamity.

These dao marks were already beginning to influence Fang Yuan’s sovereign immortal aperture.

It was still not noticeable in the other four small regions, but in Mini Northern Plains, there was already a large patch of snowy plain and its boundary was still slowly expanding.

This environment was good enough for Fang Yuan to plant many kinds of cold resistant vegetation.

Like when Hu Immortal blessed land’s environment changed after experiencing a few earthly calamities, and Hu Immortal was able to plant blue degree grass, chestnut grass, six divine grass, milk tea flowers and so on.

One main principle of managing immortal apertures was to act according to the environment.

To refine Change Form, Fang Yuan was preparing with all his effort, and in Central Continent, Ying Wu Xie’s group was also not idling.

They had obtained the light of the immemorial era, and started gathering other immortal materials listed in the Gu recipe.

They were able to resolve a small portion of the items from their own inventories, but there were still many that required them to buy from the outside world or exchange with others.

Ying Wu Xie had inherited the remnant forces of Shadow Sect, and was the boss of Defy, so his first choice was to trade for the resources from the organization.

Negotiations, bargaining, and finally transactions.

Gu Immortals chased after profits and with the loose structure of Defy, it was not easy to transact immortal materials.

Ying Wu Xie and Hei Lou Lan almost ran their mouths dry while negotiating. Shi Nu and Tai Bai Yun Sheng were not adept at negotiations.

After great pains and effort, Ying Wu Xie was finally able to gather three portions of Gu refinement materials.

“Yu Mu Chun is already dead, I have no choice but to give up on the hairy man heaven and earth style and use human isolation style to refine Fixed Immortal Travel. This method’s success rate is quite low, just three portions of immortal materials are not enough.”

Ying Wu Xie did not stop purchasing the materials, moreover to refine the Gu, he and the other three immortals took the risk of returning to Earth Abyss.

Shadow Sect had arranged a super Gu formation in Earth Abyss which could provide huge help in Gu refinement.

When Ying Wu Xie barely gathered six complete portions of immortal materials through Defy, a mishap occurred.

A member of Defy, demonic Gu Immortal Gong Sun Liang, who had been hiding in Ming Tang valley, was ambushed and captured by Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortals! Gong Sun Liang sent a request for help to Defy, the whole of Defy had immediately fallen into a huge turbulence.

Gong Sun Liang, who had hidden himself very well, was actually captured. More importantly, Heavenly Court had personally made a move, this was truly shocking.

Most of the members of Defy were those that were suppressed or excluded by Central Continent’s ten great ancient sects, and had secretly allied for survival. Meanwhile, the ten great ancient sects were no more than subsidiaries of Heavenly Court.

Facing the colossal Heavenly Court, everyone in Defy was feeling insecure, and feared Gong Sun Liang revealing clues that would implicate them.

“Damned Heavenly Court!” Ying Wu Xie could only curse at this.

Because of this event, other members of Defy went into hiding, and no longer dared to communicate with him, let alone trading immortal materials.

Ying Wu Xie knew they not only feared Heavenly Court, more than that they were doubtful of him, this boss. After all, previously, Gong Sun Liang had lent his Immortal Gu to Ying Wu Xie, and he was the one who met with disaster while the Immortal Gu remained with Ying Wu Xie. Was it the greed for Immortal Gu that the boss intentionally did not save Gong Sun Liang? This suspicion had caused the power and prestige of the boss’ name to take a huge hit.

Gong Sun Liang was captured, cutting down Ying Wu Xie’s optimal source of gathering immortal materials.

With no choice, they could only take help of treasure yellow heaven.

This was the biggest market in the five regions.

But the service charge was high and the transactions were not secret, they could easily be tracked down by those that had the intention.

In short, the risk was high, if not for there being no other way, Ying Wu Xie would not have used this method.

“Gong Sun Liang is captured, Heavenly Court will sooner or later find out about this place. Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord is dead, but Fairy Zi Wei has awakened. I must refine Fixed Immortal Travel as soon as possible!”

Ying Wu Xie was feeling more and more hurried.

His circumstances were also worsening by the day.

Shadow Sect had emptied out almost all their treasuries to refine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, even using Zombie Alliance as immortal materials to refine into the ten extreme formation.

Shi Nu might be rank seven, but his immortal aperture was not managed properly.

Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng had advanced to Gu Immortal not long ago and had limited accumulations.

Although treasure yellow heaven had a superb collection of immortal materials, Ying Wu Xie suffered from poverty and had to spend his remaining wealth very carefully. He had to haggle over the smallest details, who would want to transact immortal materials with him?

Finally, by the time Ying Wu Xie was able to gather ten portions of Gu refinement materials through treasure yellow heaven, he had almost reached the point where he shed tears of bitterness, his expression one of misery.

A tiger without strength gets bullied by dogs.

If now was before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, there would be ten or twenty entire portions of rank six immortal materials which could be obtained from just a fraction of Shadow Sect’s treasury. Even if the materials were not in the treasury, with just one order, Zombie Alliance over the five regions would mobilize large numbers of immortal zombies to gather the immortal materials.

Why would he get into this state!

To gather the immortal materials, the current Ying Wu Xie and the rest had almost already emptied out their pockets.

“I must succeed in refining Fixed Immortal Travel! I must succeed!” Ying Wu Xie inwardly cried out.

His situation was filled with difficulties, while Fang Yuan was progressing smoothly.

Fang Yuan had already discussed with Lang Ya land spirit, even if the first Gu refinement did not succeed, they would still continue.

As for the immortal materials required for the second or the third time, Fang Yuan would have to bear all the costs.

He had ample money on hand, or rather, he had extremely ample money on hand .

The production of his major resources had decreased, but Fang Yuan’s earnings had instead multiplied by several times!

The reason?

The time path foundation in Fang Yuan’s sovereign immortal aperture was extremely abundant, the rate of time inside was as high as sixty times that of the outside world.

What did that imply?

One day in the outside world was two months inside the sovereign immortal aperture!

With such an increase in time, there would be more resources produced, completely making up for the reduction in the production rate.

However, only a part of these resources would be sold by Fang Yuan. When negotiating with Lang Ya land spirit, Fang Yuan had intentionally mortgaged Dang Hun Mountain. In any case, Fang Yuan was able to pay the debt.

But this, however, gave Lang Ya land spirit plenty of motivation.

Lang Ya land spirit was slightly worried that the Gu refinement would succeed in one go, wouldn’t that mean he would be unable to take the chance to obtain Dang Hun Mountain?


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