Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1031 - Flawless


Hei Lou Lan was startled and furious.

Ying Wu Xie’s sudden declaration made her situation very passive.

Even though Hei Lou Lan did not know that Ying Wu Xie was one of Spectral Soul’s split souls, she had experienced the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, she was aware that Ying Wu Xie, Shadow Sect, and Spectral Soul were on the same side.

In the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Hei Lou Lan’s aunts, Blazing Heaven Demoness and Fairy Li Shan, had died one after the other.

These two people were the only two remaining family members that Hei Lou Lan cared about.

As Shadow Sect was the culprit for killing Blazing Heaven Demoness and Fairy Li Shan, Hei Lou Lan’s hatred was immense.

Ying Wu Xie knew this but disregarded it, he directly approached her and forced Hei Lou Lan to surrender.

If she did not, he would kill her!

Even though Ying Wu Xie was in Fang Yuan’s body and was a rank six immortal zombie, he had the rank seven Gu Immortal Shi Nu with him, who had high battle strength. Most crucially, he had a super Gu formation set up here.

It was able to prevent Heavenly Court from investigating the place, and could resist the attacks of the wild beasts living in Earth Abyss. Being able to protect Bo Qing’s remnant soul for so many years, this Gu formation was extraordinary.

This was Ying Wu Xie’s greatest assurance.

Even though Ying Wu Xie was only a split soul, he had inherited Spectral Soul Demon Venerable’s killing nature and firm personality.

Hei Lou Lan’s expression was dark, deep hatred was flickering in her eyes.

“Since Ying Wu Xie is fearlessly challenging me, he surely has made preparations and is fully confident. The other party’s capabilities are unfathomable, and they have a close relationship with Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. If I resist, I would likely end up dead. I can only endure this and find a good opportunity later…”

While having such thoughts, Hei Lou Lan snorted, speaking: “Your Shadow Sect killed two of my family members, you want me to join you, aren’t you afraid I will betray you?”

“Hehehe.” Ying Wu Xie’s laughter could be heard: “What is there to fear?”

Pausing for a while, he continued: “Firstly, I am strong while you are weak, there is nothing to fear. Secondly, I have information path methods to restrict you using an alliance agreement. Thirdly, I understand your personality. You have not taken revenge yet, Hei Cheng is still alive, are you satisfied with this ending? Even if you already had killed Hei Cheng, you would endure this for now and cultivate, finding a chance to take revenge in the future.”

Hei Lou Lan was silent.

Hearing that Ying Wu Xie was so aware of her personality, Hei Lou Lan’s heart sank.

Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated, Hei Lou Lan did not expect Ying Wu Xie to know so much about her. In contrast, she knew nearly nothing about him.

This was caused by Fang Yuan.

Back then, Old Man Yan Shi in Shadow Sect found out something wrong with Fang Yuan and used heavenly secret Gu to deduce matters about him.

As someone close to Fang Yuan, Hei Lou Lan was implicated, Shadow Sect collected information about her, deducing many details.

Ying Wu Xie originally did not know, but because of the Red Lotus true inheritance in the River of Time, he received the guidance of Spectral Soul’s will, he learned much about Hei Lou Lan.

Seeing Hei Lou Lan become silent, Ying Wu Xie showed great patience, he did not rush her.

There was only a hint of light in this simple room.

Hei Lou Lan’s entire body was nearly shrouded in darkness.

A long while later, she spoke: “You want to recruit me to deal with whom? If you want me to fight against Heavenly Court, you might as well kill me now.”

“Hahaha.” Ying Wu Xie laughed:” No need to probe me, Hei Lou Lan. I want to recruit you to deal with Fang Yuan!”

Bright light flashed in Hei Lou Lan’s eyes, her pitch became higher: “Oh, it seems Fang Yuan isn’t dead yet?”

“Not only did he survive, he has obtained great gains!” Hatred could not be concealed in Ying Wu Xie’s tone.

“You want to make use of me to harm Fang Yuan and take Hu Immortal blessed land for you?” Hei Lou Lan continued asking.

“Hmph.” Ying Wu Xie smiled coldly: “Fang Yuan’s Hu Immortal blessed land and Star Form blessed land should be empty already. The cultivation resources inside, including Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po valley, were all moved to Lang Ya blessed land.”

“Lang Ya blessed land?”

“Hehe, it is the place where you and Fairy Li Shan fought against Qin Bai Sheng, Hei Cheng, and Jiang Yu. Why? Fang Yuan didn’t tell you?” Ying Wu Xie asked.

Hei Lou Lan sank into silence.

Ying Wu Xie continued: “Lang Ya blessed land was the immortal aperture left behind by Long Hair Ancestor. It is a former grotto-heaven that had fallen to a blessed land. But its foundation is so abundant that it could be said to be the number one blessed land in the five regions. Imperial Court blessed land is already destroyed, no other blessed lands can match it.”

“Fang Yuan not only moved his resources into Lang Ya blessed land, he even joined Lang Ya Sect, betraying humans and becoming the lackey of hairy men.”

Hei Lou Lan heard this and her gaze flickered.

Ying Wu Xie seemed to know her thoughts, he continued speaking with a smile: “You guessed right. I have an insider in Lang Ya blessed land. I know everything that happens inside Lang Ya blessed land. Fang Yuan will not be running around for long, you can only survive by joining me.”

The sights of Yi Tian Mountain appeared in Hei Lou Lan’s mind again.

Spectral Soul’s gigantic body was deeply ingrained in her mind.

“Spectral Soul Demon Venerable…” Hei Lou Lan muttered internally, she gradually closed her eyes, saying solemnly: “The circumstances are not in my favor, I will join you. But I will remind you, even if you want me to deal with Fang Yuan, we still have an active alliance agreement.”

“Merely an alliance agreement, I can get rid of it for you easily.” Ying Wu Xie said confidently.

But Hei Lou Lan said: “Are you sure? Back then, when we made the alliance agreement, it was stated very clearly, if any side breaks the alliance agreement, the other party would not need to follow it anymore.”

Ying Wu Xie felt that this was turning troublesome: “Oh? So if I help you get rid of the alliance agreement, I will be helping Fang Yuan indirectly?”

Hei Lou Lan nodded: “Precisely.”

Fang Yuan had included this line back then because he was afraid of Fairy Li Shan secretly removing the alliance agreement. After all, she primarily cultivated information path, Fang Yuan had to guard against her.

But things changed too quickly, unexpected events happened in life.

Fairy Li Shan died, and Ying Wu Xie wanted to help Hei Lou Lan remove the alliance agreement.

“The essence of alliance agreements is the use of information path methods to leave information path dao marks on both the body and the soul. To remove the alliance agreement, I have to get rid of the information path dao marks.” Ying Wu Xie thought.

“It is very easy for me to get rid of Hei Lou Lan’s information path dao marks, using this super Gu formation and my Gu worms, I can accomplish it. But this way, I will be helping Fang Yuan too.”

Ying Wu Xie did not want that.

In his opinion, the best situation would be that Hei Lou Lan was free from the alliance agreement, while Fang Yuan was still restricted by it.

In this way, he could use Hei Lou Lan to deal with Fang Yuan, he would have a huge advantage.

“Actually, it is not impossible to achieve that. As long as I can find the corresponding information path dao marks and remove them first.”

On Hei Lou Lan’s body, there had to be one or multiple information path dao marks that represented the condition, ‘if one side breaks the alliance agreement, the other party did not need to follow it’.

And these information path dao marks had to be related to the other information path dao marks.

Ying Wu Xie only needed to remove these information path dao marks first, before removing the others to achieve the result that he wanted. In the future, he could use this alliance agreement to restrict Fang Yuan.

“But to do that, it is very difficult…” Ying Wu Xie was frowning more deeply.

Using an inappropriate analogy, the alliance agreement between Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan was like two interlinked bombs strapped onto them.

Whichever side broke the alliance agreement would cause their bomb to explode, and they would suffer a severe punishment.

Ying Wu Xie had the ability to remove Hei Lou Lan’s bomb now, but that would cause Fang Yuan’s bomb to deactivate as well.

This was not what Ying Wu Xie wanted.

But to get the result he wanted, he needed to get rid of Hei Lou Lan’s bomb while finding that crucial wire or multiple wires to remove first.

It was very difficult to do that.

Ying Wu Xie did not have the attainment level, and he did not have corresponding Immortal Gu either.

“Damn it… this Fang Yuan does things so flawlessly!” Ying Wu Xie felt stifled internally.

If it were before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, it would be easy for him to do this. He only needed to ask the other members of Shadow Sect to do it, there was even Spectral Soul’s main body!

But the situation now was different from the past.

After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Shadow Sect’s plan failed, they faced massive losses, only a small portion of their forces were left in the five regions.

Ying Wu Xie knew that even if he rebuilt Shadow Sect and combined all of the remaining forces, he could not reach its former level again.

“In this way, Hei Lou Lan’s value is greatly diminished. Should I kill her and turn her into a Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie, allowing me to obtain a life-and-death immortal aperture to revive?”

Ying Wu Xie had an idea.

But after considering it, he gave up on the idea.

“Reviving with a life-and-death immortal aperture has a huge flaw, if I am unlucky, the immortal aperture might explode. I might as well use normal immortal zombies to create a stable life-and-death immortal aperture.”

Thinking about the life-and-death immortal aperture, Ying Wu Xie naturally thought about sovereign immortal fetus Gu.

At once, he gritted his teeth, feeling his hatred towards Fang Yuan intensify.

After Shadow Sect created the life-and-death immortal aperture revival method, they had performed many experiments and found lots of problems with it. Next, they paid a huge price to modify it step by step. Eventually, even Spectral Soul’s main body joined in, using the essence of human path, transformation path, and heaven path to create the Immortal Gu recipe for sovereign immortal fetus Gu.

Fang Yuan snatched sovereign immortal fetus Gu and obtained the nine-five sovereign immortal aperture, he ascended to heaven in a single leap!

Shadow Sect’s countless years of effort and hard work had turned to nothing.

Such deep hatred could not be expressed in words.

“Forget it, I should let Hei Lou Lan off. I am too short on manpower now, Hei Lou Lan’s aptitude is great, she can be a very good lackey.”

“Fang Yuan! You will end up in my hands one day, by then, I will pull out all of your tendons, I will use every inch of flesh and skin on your body to refine the sovereign immortal fetus Gu again!!”


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